@perfect_blue said:
@ad1x2 said:
It probably has less to do with them actually leaning left, and more to do with them trying to cater to the large portion of their fanbase that leans left in order to avoid being boycotted out of future roles. Stacey Dash is one example of how fast fans will turn on you if you admit you are a Republican, and many other celebrities must have noticed.
Yes, the majority of the people in Hollywood probably aren't pretending and really do lean to the left for various reasons, but that doesn't mean every single celebrity that claims they are a liberal is actually a liberal.
It is a lot more nuanced than that with regards to Stacey Dash. She has said a lot of stupid stuff and got a FOX News speaking gig out of it, so obviously that will rile people up regardless of political leaning. People don't like celebrities being open with their political views and thinking they deserve a platform just because they are famous. Furthermore, there are plenty of celebrities that are Republicans and aren't hated by "the left", such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Downey Jr, and Clint Eastwood (bizarre RNC appearance notwithstanding).
As well as, liberal leaning celebrities are hated on as well, sometimes viciously so. Are we going to pretend like the harassment of Leslie Jones never happened? The victim complex the right has in America is so bewildering.
I agree that Stacey Dash has gone off the deep end with some of what she has said after she came out as a Republican. I unliked her Facebook page after almost every post that appeared on my wall from her was some right-wing story that you would mistake for posts on Hannity's Facebook page. While I respect every single person's right to support their candidates of choice, it gets annoying when people are trying to lecture me about who I should have voted for even if I agree with them. I felt that way when it was done with the direct approach, like with Dash's pro-Republican posts back then, and I felt that way today when it was done with the indirect approach, when both Supergirl and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. went into full resistance mode with their constant shots at the Trump Administration.
But Dash's more recent actions of being a token black GOP mouthpiece were not what I were talking about in the post you quoted. Almost immediately after she admitted that she was planning to vote for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election (after voting for President Obama in the 2008 election), she was scorned and insulted for her decision. Some of the things she was called for admitting that she wasn't going to vote for Obama from other black people were outright racist, to include being called a "house n*****" for voting Republican. When Fox News released her shortly after Trump took office, people went all out making fun of her, claiming that she was only there to be a black counterpoint to Obama and her services were no longer required now that we have a white president again that most of Hollywood already hates.
As for the other stars that are Republicans that aren't totally scorned, in some cases, they have enough clout or respect in Hollywood from how long they have been there to where they can still get roles, and they are usually far enough from the hardcore Republicans (minus Clint Eastwood) to still get some respect. That doesn't mean that they aren't hated on, Schwarzenegger got plenty of hate being a Republican governor, although it wasn't enough hate to prevent him from being elected twice. It didn't hurt that he stated Trump would be the first Republican presidential candidate he didn't vote for since becoming a citizen, and that Trump is probably way more despised now than President Bush ever was even after we invaded Iraq and his critics accused him of doing it to steal Iraq's oil.
As far as I know, Robert Downey, Jr. never outright came out as a Republican. From what I gathered from his previous statements, being in prison made him a little less liberal, but not totally in favor of the GOP. Not to mention he was in that celebrity PSA that came out last October encouraging people to vote, which had a few obvious knocks against Trump (despite not mentioning him by name) halfway through it. Someone with his star power could have easily stopped the PSA from going up if he didn't want people to think he supported Hillary Clinton based on the video, especially with him being on the thumbnail.
In terms of what happened to Leslie Jones, that was disgusting, but trolls are going to troll and hackers are going to hack. It is a fact of life that people will do whatever they can get away with, even if feelings are hurt or laws are broken in the process. Unfortunately, some of the trolls that came after her were probably doing it more as revenge for being part of the Ghostbusters remake, which in itself was totally destroyed by people that claimed the movie was only made to please SJWs and feminists, than for any political beliefs she had. Either way, it was unacceptable, especially with the racism that was involved, but that doesn't mean it is an action condoned by the right.
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