@jeezers said:
@eoten: I agree they have no standards anymore. Why cant they be transparent about the shit.
If I'm going to take this seriously I want to know who the source is and what the context was.
If you want to convince me just show me the sauce. Until that happens this is all lala land bullshit.
@jeezers said:
@LJS9502_basic: Yeah but why so secretive just let it out if its true. You gotta see this for what it is an accusation without proof, not even a damn name of whos saying it lol how can you take that seriously...
Likely because Trump is extremely litigious.
Let's do an example:
Let's say you work at a waste disposal plant that handles toxic waste. One day you find out that a shipment went missing and it turns out the company you worked for has been dumping shit out in the river for a long time. Now, normally you'd be like "**** this, I'm going to the cops/media/etc" but your boss loves to sue the shit out of people, and he often wins or at best prolongs the lawsuit for so long he forces the other side to bankruptcy.
So you could let people know, but you and your family would be ruined, and it would not have the same impact because you'd just be another guy trying to smear this dude's "good name".
What to do....what to do.
Well, you could remain anonymous. Continue to work there, build evidence, and supply it to a non-partisan outlet like the media; after all, the media is often referred to as the "fourth estate". Ultimately enough evidence would be compiled that your boss and company would be held liable, and there is little to nothing he could do to retalliate against you.
This is why people are "secretive", or as I like to call it "Cautious".
OK, back to the real world: here you have Trump, with a line of people he has sued that could stretch to the moon and back. He has an army of lawyers, not to mention the entire US government at his behest, and you're supposed to, what? Give out your name and expect everything to go well?
"Hi, my name is Jeezer, and I'd like to tell you [the media] that Trump did something terrible"
Well no shit he has done something terrible. Got evidence? Yes? How much? Oh, not enough? Well too bad, you're name is in the paper and now you're fired and you will soon owe Trump a few million dollars that you don't have.
This is how whistleblowing works, because despite attempts at protection, it is simply not safe for whistleblowers, so these people need to protect themselves by remaining anonymous.
But let's simplify it: all things being equal, what is more likely: that all these reports are just a smear job fabricated by the media, or hundreds of veteran politicians, clerks, staff, cabinet members, and all manner of respected and experienced people are actually worried about the country they serve and want to do the right thing by alerting the public to it?
Likely the latter.
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