He condemned what he called 'white supremacists' and the 'alt-left'. "There's blame on both sides". He's done exactly what you wanted. How are you in denial about this? It took me less than a minute to find him condemning both sides on Youtube.
If by condemned you mean he vaguely mentioned them and stuck to broad talking points and when asked to go further he refused to, then ya he did. But if you want to believe that he condemned them so hard that they came out and said they were happy with his comments then by all means keep telling yourself that, you just don't get to talk about mental gymnastics anymore then.
I see, so you don't actually have a problem with Trump failing to condemn the alt-right, you just have a problem with the severity of condemning. A bit of a petty point to get all indignant about to be honest. I just don't see the point in spending forty minutes condemning the Nazi's, as if no one knows that Nazi-ism is a bad thing, when you could use some of that time to make a point about the fascistic communists on the other side of the chaos, causing just as much damage and violence, yet are treated as if they are good guys by the media. But regardless of which side you think requires more time and intensity in condemning, he did condemn both sides because they both caused damage and injury. So I don't see a good reason to be so out-raged. He made a fair analysis.
The thing I have a problem with is how he clearly tried his hardest to not condemn them too much since he knows they are a large part of his voter base. One side plowed a car into a crowd of people and people like you are like "well I mean they both were violent, no need to focus more on the side that tried to kill as many people as they could."
You might have a point with the first sentence. But I don't think you can say that "this side wanted to kill as many people as they could". That's just wrong. Certain people in group A wanted to hurt as many of their ideological enemies as possible, but most people in group A didn't.
Ill agree that the example was bad due to me generalizing but it is worrisome that a few people not involved with the driver have already came out and said they were glad that she died. It may not be fair but lets also not forget what nazis stand for. Their ideals at the core are violent and the only history we have to go on is horrific. These people see that history, they see the holocaust and mass extermination, and yet they still CHOOSE to represent themselves as Nazis. That alone should be enough to worry people about if their nature is violent or not. Hell, companies rebrand all the time and their old name isnt linked to millions of deaths.
As a side note to the defense "Well they weren't all nazis or KKK members", that is fair but if you show up to a rally and there are Nazis there and you dont think for a second "Holy shit there are nazis and KKK members here, maybe i shouldn't be here" then you can't be surprised when you are labeled as a nazi or KKK supporter.
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