Trump goes on insane Press Conference Tirade:

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#51 Nick3306
Member since 2007 • 3429 Posts

@thomasrl101 said:
@Nick3306 said:
@thomasrl101 said:
@Nick3306 said:
@thomasrl101 said:

He condemned what he called 'white supremacists' and the 'alt-left'. "There's blame on both sides". He's done exactly what you wanted. How are you in denial about this? It took me less than a minute to find him condemning both sides on Youtube.

If by condemned you mean he vaguely mentioned them and stuck to broad talking points and when asked to go further he refused to, then ya he did. But if you want to believe that he condemned them so hard that they came out and said they were happy with his comments then by all means keep telling yourself that, you just don't get to talk about mental gymnastics anymore then.

I see, so you don't actually have a problem with Trump failing to condemn the alt-right, you just have a problem with the severity of condemning. A bit of a petty point to get all indignant about to be honest. I just don't see the point in spending forty minutes condemning the Nazi's, as if no one knows that Nazi-ism is a bad thing, when you could use some of that time to make a point about the fascistic communists on the other side of the chaos, causing just as much damage and violence, yet are treated as if they are good guys by the media. But regardless of which side you think requires more time and intensity in condemning, he did condemn both sides because they both caused damage and injury. So I don't see a good reason to be so out-raged. He made a fair analysis.

The thing I have a problem with is how he clearly tried his hardest to not condemn them too much since he knows they are a large part of his voter base. One side plowed a car into a crowd of people and people like you are like "well I mean they both were violent, no need to focus more on the side that tried to kill as many people as they could."

You might have a point with the first sentence. But I don't think you can say that "this side wanted to kill as many people as they could". That's just wrong. Certain people in group A wanted to hurt as many of their ideological enemies as possible, but most people in group A didn't.

Ill agree that the example was bad due to me generalizing but it is worrisome that a few people not involved with the driver have already came out and said they were glad that she died. It may not be fair but lets also not forget what nazis stand for. Their ideals at the core are violent and the only history we have to go on is horrific. These people see that history, they see the holocaust and mass extermination, and yet they still CHOOSE to represent themselves as Nazis. That alone should be enough to worry people about if their nature is violent or not. Hell, companies rebrand all the time and their old name isnt linked to millions of deaths.

As a side note to the defense "Well they weren't all nazis or KKK members", that is fair but if you show up to a rally and there are Nazis there and you dont think for a second "Holy shit there are nazis and KKK members here, maybe i shouldn't be here" then you can't be surprised when you are labeled as a nazi or KKK supporter.

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#52  Edited By MirkoS77
Member since 2011 • 17983 Posts

@thomasrl101 said:

As far as I can tell, the counter-protesters in large-part consisted of a combination of fascists and communists. How can you possibly say that the alt-right side advocated an ideology whose historical atrocities are nigh unfathomable, while failing to even acknowledge the atrocities committed in the name of the Marxist ideology advocated by Antifa. "At least [they] are fascists against such hate". Are you really that historically blind? Or is over one-hundred million deaths over the twentieth century as a result of class hate completely fine as long as it's not the racist type of hate? There's no ideology in this clash that's clearly more diabolical than the other. Unless you want to just count the dead bodies. In which case, the Marxism that Antifa advocates is far worse.

And to say that you should assign more scorn to one side because it's violence that's predicated on what you perceive to be a nastier ideology, is just wrong-headed. The violence is the problem here, not the belief. Having your own belief doesn't harm others. Violence does harm others. There's a clear barrier.

No one has the perfect ideology, or set of moral and political ideas, or a perfect moral compass. This is why most people have agreed to let the ideas battle it out on the marketplace and condemn those that degenerate into violent behavior. Ideology and violence are not inseparable. You can be deeply ideological without degenerating into physical damage to people or property. Most ideologues don't go around beating people up because they still have that barrier that stops them from being so arrogant that they think their ideas are so right that they are morally correct in injuring people.

I didn't make the comparison not because I'm blind and/or ignorant of history, but for two reasons: 1) because I don't believe this movement at all aligns with the particular ideology you proclaim led to the murder of millions nor would it ever have a chance to effect such an outcome even if it did, and 2) it's a ludicrous comparison to make viewed in context of our history.

To the above bolded underlined: of course I'd never argue all those deaths are fine, but I would argue that they're irrelevant to the issue. Are you blind to America's history of racial subjugation? Of the KKK? Of all the horrors wrought in white superiority and racism's name? Something that in a historical timeframe America's barely emerging from and we're still fighting to rid ourselves of? We don't have the blood of Marxism and Communism on our hands, but we do have the blood of what those at this alt-Right rally stand for and are seeking to return and propagate. We are not that far removed from such a mar on our nation, and our core values remain under threat due to it. We can easily backslide.

In light of this, this is something that our president, for crying out loud, came out and drew a moral equivalence to. Is he insane?? Viewed in the context of American history and harboring the residue of an ideology that we are attempting to eradicate, what Trump did was incredibly immoral, disrespectful, irresponsible and downright dangerous......something stemming from an ignorance of our past, or (as I personally believe) his tendency towards this ideology. We already know that Trump's past is not absent tales of discrimination towards minorities. What he did constitutes a complete collapse of his leadership and moral authority....if he had any to begin with.

Both ideologies are nasty, but let's not pretend one isn't far more deserving of renunciation and scorn over the other due to how close to home it hits and how the unequivocal repudiation of it in the present will help lead to its marginalization in the future. That is the predominant concern, not to point fingers to both sides in some petulant blame game. The danger here is right on our doorstep because it is interwoven into our national history. There should be no allowance for moral ambiguity towards this problem or even the merest reticence in its addressment. I have no idea how anyone can possibly defend this man.

Finally, when I stated "Violence is intrinsic and inseparable from that which grants it impetus", I did so under the assumption the preface of my first sentence would cover it ("In this instance"), I didn't mean it as a generalized statement but one given the situation. Just to clarify. I agree with your final paragraph.

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#53 kaealy
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@thomasrl101 said:
@kaealy said:
@thomasrl101 said:
@horgen said:

Showing up with Nazi flags is pretty much begging for it.

Well unfortunately you just have to deal with people having radically different opinions to yours without resorting to violence. Regardless of how annoying their opinion is. That's part of what makes the west great.

As a European, Nazists aren't people that you are going to give leanway in the name of free speech and expect nothing bad to come out of it. People have made that mistake before, more than once.

Making certain ideas illegal is a bigger mistake than letting them compete on the market of ideas. Better to have the ideas seen and decimated than to push them to the sidelines. You should have more faith in people. The great majority of people aren't being persuaded by Nazi rhetoric. Setting the precedent that certain ideas aren't allowed may also back-fire on you because some other leader will come along decide that your opinions are also too extreme. And now that you've given the government the power to ban ideas, the new regime can use it against you.

Yeah, that surely works. Because Nazism and Communism hasn't gained foothold over the world throughout history and in recent times(Golden Dawn etc). To quote Kay from Men in Black "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it".

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#54  Edited By LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180239 Posts

@joshrmeyer said:

Has anyone even listened to those press conferences? He clearly said he didn't support neonazis, racist, white supremacists, etc. He was sticking up for the 1st amendment. I hate all those racist people too, but they had a permit to be there. They coordinated with police. They exercised their freedom of speech, even though it was disgusting. If you watch any of the footage you'll see people fighting with gear on, on both sides. Those racist scum didn't go there to start a fight, just to make a statement. Getting back to my point, Trump wasnt supporting that group, he was supporting their right and anyone else's right to Free speech. He condemned the violence that occurred from both sides. People need to just ignore the racist scum. This whole thing lead to 3 deaths and made the KKK get the press and attention they wanted. The city or whoever granted the permit should be at blame or held accountable also.

He called them fine people......................they came armed with guns......they weren't peaceful........he doesn't get to say he did the right thing and NEITHER do his brainwashed followers.

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#55 JoshRMeyer
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@LJS9502_basic: The "fine people" he was referring to were the people that were protesting the removal of the Robert E Lee statue. He explained that several times.

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#56 LJS9502_basic
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@joshrmeyer said:

@LJS9502_basic: The "fine people" he was referring to were the people that were protesting the removal of the Robert E Lee statue. He explained that several times.

With torches and racist chants. He's lying and so are you. I've seen that crowd. They were hate groups protesting.

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#57 JoshRMeyer
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@LJS9502_basic: Not everyone had torches. The majority did. You saw what the news wanted you to see. Trump is the president. I'm sure he got some decent Intel on who was there. I'm not supporting racist at all. But this whole thing has gotten out of hand. BLM to me are also racist, which were one of the groups on the other side. All lives matter. Period. Just one of the examples. There were hate throughout that City on both sides unfortunately. Hopefully cities learned from this, which it sounds like they have since several aren't granting permits to the white supremacists groups. Still can't figure out why they were allowed to have a permit in the first place.

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#58 LJS9502_basic
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@joshrmeyer said:

@LJS9502_basic: Not everyone had torches. The majority did. You saw what the news wanted you to see. Trump is the president. I'm sure he got some decent Intel on who was there. I'm not supporting racist at all. But this whole thing has gotten out of hand. BLM to me are also racist, which were one of the groups on the other side. All lives matter. Period. Just one of the examples. There were hate throughout that City on both sides unfortunately. Hopefully cities learned from this, which it sounds like they have since several aren't granting permits to the white supremacists groups. Still can't figure out why they were allowed to have a permit in the first place.

The entire rally was called unite the right. Pull your head out and stop looking for excuses.

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#59 deactivated-5b1e62582e305
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He's tripling down.

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#60 VFighter
Member since 2016 • 11031 Posts

Every week the left finds a way to make themselves look and sound crazier and dumber and wow they didn't disappoint this week at all. It's to the point I'm almost starting to believe they're just trolling us at this point as I can believe anybody can be complete lunatics, but the left does get points for creativity for their mental gymnastics in turning anything that happens into Trump being a Nazi/raciest.

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#61 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180239 Posts

@vfighter said:

Every week the left finds a way to make themselves look and sound crazier and dumber and wow they didn't disappoint this week at all. It's to the point I'm almost starting to believe they're just trolling us at this point as I can believe anybody can be complete lunatics, but the left does get points for creativity for their mental gymnastics in turning anything that happens into Trump being a Nazi/raciest.

The only crazy people are trump and his supporters...........

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#62 JoshRMeyer
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@LJS9502_basic: So what do you suggest people do when these protest occur?(Which they will as long as it's legal) Show up and fight? I'm not sticking up for either side. I'd love to have the 1st amendment modified to ban hate speech directed at a group of people. I made a thread about it.

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#63  Edited By LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180239 Posts

@joshrmeyer said:

@LJS9502_basic: So what do you suggest people do when these protest occur?(Which they will as long as it's legal) Show up and fight? I'm not sticking up for either side. I'd love to have the 1st amendment modified to ban hate speech directed at a group of people. I made a thread about it.

You are sticking up for a side when you excuse them.....apologize for mental gymnastics. They showed up with weapons....including guns....reciting hate and slogans from hate groups. Hell they killed and injured people They should STRONGLY be called out. Apparently it's asking too much for trump to do the right thing but that doesn't mean we as citizens cannot. Don't buy into the false equivalency. If you are from the an AMERICAN first and foremost and not a party member bent on excusing everything for the sake of "win" at the election. By the're not really winning if you cannot pass legislation.

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#64  Edited By Zaryia
Member since 2016 • 21607 Posts

@vfighter said:

Every week the left finds a way to make themselves look and sound crazier and dumber and wow they didn't disappoint this week at all. It's to the point I'm almost starting to believe they're just trolling us at this point as I can believe anybody can be complete lunatics, but the left does get points for creativity for their mental gymnastics in turning anything that happens into Trump being a Nazi/raciest.

The Left?

Boy, that's a lot of Lunatics.

Do you tire of being objectively wrong?

Can you find me videos of the "very fine people" on Friday night's rally?

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#65 horgen  Moderator
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@joshrmeyer said:

@LJS9502_basic: So what do you suggest people do when these protest occur?(Which they will as long as it's legal) Show up and fight? I'm not sticking up for either side. I'd love to have the 1st amendment modified to ban hate speech directed at a group of people. I made a thread about it.

You are sticking up for a side when you excuse them.....apologize for mental gymnastics. They showed up with weapons....including guns....reciting hate and slogans from hate groups. Hell they killed and injured people They should STRONGLY be called out. Apparently it's asking too much for trump to do the right thing but that doesn't mean we as citizens cannot. Don't buy into the false equivalency. If you are from the an AMERICAN first and foremost and not a party member bent on excusing everything for the sake of "win" at the election. By the're not really winning if you cannot pass legislation.

I guess his voter base is as perfect as he is. =/

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#66 JoshRMeyer
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@LJS9502_basic: An American would understand the first amendment, and the second since you mentioned the guns. Again, I truly despise racism. This isn't about that. It's about people wanting to decide who can speak their believes and who can't. Change the 1st and 2nd amendment like every other country and you wouldn't have this. No room for hate speech or carrying AKs down the street. It's rediculous that stuff is legal.

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#67  Edited By thomasrl101
Member since 2017 • 54 Posts

@perfect_blue said:

He's tripling down.

Condemning the destruction of monuments isn't the same as endorsing Nazi-ism. Why can't both sides be condemned?

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#68  Edited By thomasrl101
Member since 2017 • 54 Posts

@MirkoS77 said:
@thomasrl101 said:

As far as I can tell, the counter-protesters in large-part consisted of a combination of fascists and communists. How can you possibly say that the alt-right side advocated an ideology whose historical atrocities are nigh unfathomable, while failing to even acknowledge the atrocities committed in the name of the Marxist ideology advocated by Antifa. "At least [they] are fascists against such hate". Are you really that historically blind? Or is over one-hundred million deaths over the twentieth century as a result of class hate completely fine as long as it's not the racist type of hate? There's no ideology in this clash that's clearly more diabolical than the other. Unless you want to just count the dead bodies. In which case, the Marxism that Antifa advocates is far worse.

And to say that you should assign more scorn to one side because it's violence that's predicated on what you perceive to be a nastier ideology, is just wrong-headed. The violence is the problem here, not the belief. Having your own belief doesn't harm others. Violence does harm others. There's a clear barrier.

No one has the perfect ideology, or set of moral and political ideas, or a perfect moral compass. This is why most people have agreed to let the ideas battle it out on the marketplace and condemn those that degenerate into violent behavior. Ideology and violence are not inseparable. You can be deeply ideological without degenerating into physical damage to people or property. Most ideologues don't go around beating people up because they still have that barrier that stops them from being so arrogant that they think their ideas are so right that they are morally correct in injuring people.

I didn't make the comparison not because I'm blind and/or ignorant of history, but for two reasons: 1) because I don't believe this movement at all aligns with the particular ideology you proclaim led to the murder of millions nor would it ever have a chance to effect such an outcome even if it did, and 2) it's a ludicrous comparison to make viewed in context of our history.

To the above bolded underlined: of course I'd never argue all those deaths are fine, but I would argue that they're irrelevant to the issue. Are you blind to America's history of racial subjugation? Of the KKK? Of all the horrors wrought in white superiority and racism's name? Something that in a historical timeframe America's barely emerging from and we're still fighting to rid ourselves of? We don't have the blood of Marxism and Communism on our hands, but we do have the blood of what those at this alt-Right rally stand for and are seeking to return and propagate. We are not that far removed from such a mar on our nation, and our core values remain under threat due to it. We can easily backslide.

In light of this, this is something that our president, for crying out loud, came out and drew a moral equivalence to. Is he insane?? Viewed in the context of American history and harboring the residue of an ideology that we are attempting to eradicate, what Trump did was incredibly immoral, disrespectful, irresponsible and downright dangerous......something stemming from an ignorance of our past, or (as I personally believe) his tendency towards this ideology. We already know that Trump's past is not absent tales of discrimination towards minorities. What he did constitutes a complete collapse of his leadership and moral authority....if he had any to begin with.

Both ideologies are nasty, but let's not pretend one isn't far more deserving of renunciation and scorn over the other due to how close to home it hits and how the unequivocal repudiation of it in the present will help lead to its marginalization in the future. That is the predominant concern, not to point fingers to both sides in some petulant blame game. The danger here is right on our doorstep because it is interwoven into our national history. There should be no allowance for moral ambiguity towards this problem or even the merest reticence in its addressment. I have no idea how anyone can possibly defend this man.

Finally, when I stated "Violence is intrinsic and inseparable from that which grants it impetus", I did so under the assumption the preface of my first sentence would cover it ("In this instance"), I didn't mean it as a generalized statement but one given the situation. Just to clarify. I agree with your final paragraph.

I don't see how the alt-right side represents Nazi-ism, yet antifa doesn't represent Communism? Antifa frequently self-identifies as Communist.

Do you honestly believe that people are more in need of an inoculation from the ideas of the Nazis than the Communists? Surely racial hatred is frowned upon to a more severe degree as a result of America's poor history with the subject.

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#69 ronvalencia
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@zaryia said:


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#70 Dark_sageX
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@joshrmeyer: Finally one SANE person who actually pays attention. Everyone in this forum seems to be too busy hating Trump to listen to what he actually said, you would have to be really stupid to actually believe Trump endorses Nazis.

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#71 LJS9502_basic
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@Dark_sageX said:

@joshrmeyer: Finally one SANE person who actually pays attention. Everyone in this forum seems to be too busy hating Trump to listen to what he actually said, you would have to be really stupid to actually believe Trump endorses Nazis.

His words say otherwise. You'd have to be insane to ignore words your ears can hear.

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#72  Edited By JoshRMeyer
Member since 2015 • 12773 Posts

@Dark_sageX: Hating on Trump is the new cool thing to do it seems. People would rather hear the fake scripted talk most politicians use for some reason... Like we can't see through that. I'd much rather hear an honest president who speaks his mind like he did in this press conference. Yeah his twtter stuff is a bit much. Funny thing about all this is everyone knew Donald Trump's before he ran for president. This is his personality and he won the election by a landslide. I guess we're hearing the "other side" still complaining about every little thing he does or doesn't do, misreading words or only reading what they want. He's our president for the next 4 years so I wish people would try to support him rather than bash him. He does have good qualities that other presidents didn't have, and bad ones unfortunately.

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#74 JoshRMeyer
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@LJS9502_basic: : Where did he ever say he supports Nazis? He condemned them. Several times. The guys family has several Jews in it. You really think he supports Nazis? Or maybe he's being American and supporting the first amendment? I love how people think they can choose who gets to use the the first amendment and who doesn't. I don't support the beliefs of people that are different than mine but until or if the first amendment is changed, I do respect it. It's like people calling g those football players who sit during the national anthem unamerican. That IS American. That is their right to stand, sit, or whatever.

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#75 Dark_sageX
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@LJS9502_basic: He didn't endorse nazis and you have no proof, maybe you should actually pay attention to whats happening and instead of relying on your imagination.

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#76  Edited By Zaryia
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@ronvalencia said:
@zaryia said:


What's wrong with you?

What does this have to do with the all? Are you off your meds again?

P.S. What we do know is that they certainly interfered with the election. As shown by the DHS, Congress, FBI, CIA, NSA, and Senate. Not talking about the DNC hacks btw, although that it self is debatable - the agencies say the proof is classified.

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#77 LJS9502_basic
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@Dark_sageX said:

@LJS9502_basic: He didn't endorse nazis and you have no proof, maybe you should actually pay attention to whats happening and instead of relying on your imagination.

Right. I frequently hear people criticize nazi's with the label fine people.

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#78  Edited By KOD
Member since 2016 • 2754 Posts

@joshrmeyer said:

@LJS9502_basic: : Where did he ever say he supports Nazis? He condemned them. Several times. The guys family has several Jews in it. You really think he supports Nazis? Or maybe he's being American and supporting the first amendment? I love how people think they can choose who gets to use the the first amendment and who doesn't. I don't support the beliefs of people that are different than mine but until or if the first amendment is changed, I do respect it. It's like people calling g those football players who sit during the national anthem unamerican. That IS American. That is their right to stand, sit, or whatever.

1. Yes, i do. I don't think he will do it by name and i think he thinks he is truly touting different ideas. But his ideas are very fascist and totalitarian and he sympathizes and makes excuses for groups and people he should not.

2. Part of the first amendment is being criticized for saying and supporting what you choose to.

3. Except its not because no one is trying to remove his right to support who he wants, simply questioning it and then labeling it what it properly is.... which if you want to get into what is or is not anti-American, the groups he seems to support and excuses he seems to make, are the most anti-American thing we could find. And i say "groups" loosely simply because we all know he will come on TV and say he does not support a group of neonazi's, but tends to have many of the same ideas.

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#79 KOD
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@Dark_sageX said:

@LJS9502_basic: He didn't endorse nazis and you have no proof, maybe you should actually pay attention to whats happening and instead of relying on your imagination.

The nazi's are a pointless thing to mention if we don't consider their ideas. Without those ideas, youre simply saying a word.

As i said to someone else, while Trump may say he does not support "Nazi's" he definitely proposes a lot of the same ideas, is a fascist by nature and tries to make excuses for their ideology (not behavior of individuals but ideology) every chance he gets.

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#80  Edited By ronvalencia
Member since 2008 • 29612 Posts

@zaryia said:
@ronvalencia said:
@zaryia said:


What's wrong with you?

What does this have to do with the all? Are you off your meds again?

P.S. What we do know is that they certainly interfered with the election. As shown by the DHS, Congress, FBI, CIA, NSA, and Senate. Not talking about the DNC hacks btw, although that it self is debatable - the agencies say the proof is classified.

Your first video has Trump's fake news claims and MSM's fake news about Russia hackings on the DNC are being bashed by fellow Bernie supporter. Wiki leaks' DNC information wasn't from a Russian source. Some of Bernie camp has enough beef against HRC camp for an inside job.

Your claims "As shown by the DHS, Congress, FBI, CIA, NSA, and Senate" are based on what? Has NSA double checked DNC server? If it's based on mainstream media then it's flawed.

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#81 Dark_sageX
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@kod: and which ideas are those exactly? did he propose to construct concentration camps? did he propose invading europe? what ideas did he propose that convinced you that he was a nazi sympathizer? also do you know what a facist is? because if you did I seriously doubt you would be pointing such an accusation towards trump as opposed to SJWs.

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#82 LJS9502_basic
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@Dark_sageX said:

@kod: and which ideas are those exactly? did he propose to construct concentration camps? did he propose invading europe? what ideas did he propose that convinced you that he was a nazi sympathizer? also do you know what a facist is? because if you did I seriously doubt you would be pointing such an accusation towards trump as opposed to SJWs.

Seems you are unaware of the neo nazi agenda and goals......

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#83  Edited By Dark_sageX
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@LJS9502_basic: So in other words you have nothing. OK. Great talk. So KOD, you got something?

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#84  Edited By LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180239 Posts

@Dark_sageX said:

@LJS9502_basic: So in other words you have nothing. OK. Great talk. So KOD, you got something?

Why would I converse with someone that doesn't know what they are talking about?

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#85  Edited By KOD
Member since 2016 • 2754 Posts

@Dark_sageX said:

@LJS9502_basic: So in other words you have nothing. OK. Great talk. So KOD, you got something?


@kod: and which ideas are those exactly? did he propose to construct concentration camps? did he propose invading europe?

So when one mentions ideas in the way i did, it was to reference ideology, not specific actions.

What you would really go to would be the blaming of other races or groups for national/world problems. Nationalism. The promotion of national self sufficiency (i suggest you dive into this before responding btw). etc. Of course one of the biggest signs is a dictator, someone who feels they have the answer for everything, someone who tends to minimize the number of people around him and remove those who say something not in line with what they think, etc. etc. etc.

Trump has exhibited all of these things in spades and its why you failed to mention any of them. And im sure you have some silly response to each one, but in doing so you're simply failing to understand the problem because of a predetermined idea.

Of course im sure you take issue with the source of these articles, but hopefully you decide to read them instead and put your thinking cap on. And hopefully you know enough about dictators and totalitarian regimes to be able to see the rather unique similarities.

@kod: what ideas did he propose that convinced you that he was a nazi sympathizer?

I didnt say he was a nazi sympathizer.

I said he disavows nazi groups, while at the same time holding many of the same ideas as demonstrated above. Hes sympathetic of the actions, of the ideology, not the group.

His stance and the power he has is actually more dangerous than being a nazi sympathizer. The worst people in history tend to be those who think they are doing something for the right reasons, in this case he recognizes how bad the acts and ideology of the nazi's are, while also proclaiming to have a very similar ideology that he holds for the "right" reasons.

@kod: also do you know what a facist is? because if you did I seriously doubt you would be pointing such an accusation towards trump as opposed to SJWs.

No accusations made, simply notations of actions committed by or ideas presented by Trump. You can like that these actions and ideas fall into what is considered fascist, or you can dislike it. But they are facts. Even if you'd like to debate if they fall into the category of fascism, this does little to noting if we are to remove that title and simply look at these ideas applied throughout history.

Id also like to point out that we've seen an evolution of Trump supporters. First they said it was ridiculous that they or Trump supported the KKK/Neo-Nazis or similar ideologies. Theyve now embraced and excused these now known facts. To the point where we see fake (but well known) "libertarians" who supported Trump and are now making claims of why supporting fascism is a good idea because even they cannot escape the reality of his ideas.

Lastly, i have no idea what a "facist" is. Is it a member of a religious order like the Faceless men in Game of Thrones?

Anyway, i hope you come up with a decent response since i responded against my better judgement, as ive seen far too many of you guys and you seem to have next to zero grip on history, reality, terminology, ideologies and most of the time cannot even be bothered to write a coherent response.

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#86  Edited By Zaryia
Member since 2016 • 21607 Posts

@ronvalencia said:

Your first video has Trump's fake news claims and MSM's fake news about Russia hackings on the DNC are being bashed by fellow Bernie supporter. Wiki leaks' DNC information wasn't from a Russian source. Some of Bernie camp has enough beef against HRC camp for an inside job.

Your claims "As shown by the DHS, Congress, FBI, CIA, NSA, and Senate" are based on what? Has NSA double checked DNC server? If it's based on mainstream media then it's flawed.

1. Quote the fake news in the videos I linked. Thank you. (That word has lost meaning as you guys keep misusing it). Most Americans disprove of the Presidents handling of the Nazi/KKK marches. Many GOP members have bashed the President on this press breifing. Many CEOs have bashed the President over this, resulting in his advisory panel collapsing. It is a huge mess. He should have kept his mouth shut on Tuesday.

2. Russia hacking the DNC has nothing to do with this thread. You're trying to kill my thread with 100% off-topic shit posting.

3. The DHS, Congress, CIA, NSA, and Senate have directly said Russia attempted to interfere in the election - with zero doubt. The MSM has nothing to do with this.

P.S. Far Right media is far way less trusted and pushes out more false news.

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#87 Dark_sageX
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I will just simply go into the definition of the term instead of doing mental gymnastics, we don't want to lose the plot here:

"Nationalism: an extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries."

OK now thats been settled lets move on to the articles in which you believe shows Trump is a nationalist.

Source 1:

OK this is talking about Trump's Raise policy where he is basically filtering out the Trash immigrants from the hard working and upstanding ones that aren't gonna cheat their way in the country via greencard. Don't see how this is evidence of nationalism, he is not out right banning immigrants, he is just filtering them out. I don't think its too much or unreasonable to demand from immigrants to at least be able to speak English before migrating to the US, you would have to be insane to think otherwise.

Source 2:

Couldn't access the article because they demanded I either subscribe or deactivate my ad blocker, of which neither I will do, especially for washington post.

Source 3:

That article is the most unprofessionally written trash I have ever had to read, which repeated old stories that have already been debunked such as the Tax return and the "grab em by the pussy" controversy but being pushed as established Truth by the clearly bias author (who sources herself several times btw), its just accusations after accusations with the occasional comparison to juvenile insults. The article is just basically a trash talk peace with no actual substance to it, it does nothing to prove that Trump is a dictator nor a nationalist for that matter, its more akin to a blog written by an angry feminist...

Look I will keep this simple for you: None of Trump's ideas come even close to nazism.

- Trump proposed deporting illegal immigrants, Hitler didn't even allow LEGAL immigrants to leave, he had them captured and imprisoned.

- Trump wants immigrants to at least speak English before migrating to the US, nazis didn't care if your german was perfect, if you weren't white you were out and if you were Jewish you were dead,

- Nazis in Germany blocked and controlled media outlets to influence the population (because thats what fascist do), Trump didn't do ANY of that (the left however do it a lot and have been exposed numerous times, this whole charlottesville incident is just the latest example), heck Trump can even condemned the far right (who were ACTUAL neo-nazis) and you STILL accuse him of being a white supremacist.

- Hitler proposed invading other countries on the basis of them being the ruling class, Trump did no such thing (George Bush and Hilary Clinton on the other hand did, not based on them being the "better race" but they went there for the sole purpose of invading, and mind you Obama wasn't exactly adamant in stopping them)

You really have no basis for comparing his ideas to Nazis, you have simply been brainwashed by media propaganda and are letting emotions get the better of you.

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#88 LJS9502_basic
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@Dark_sageX: America First.........nationalist idea. /discussion.

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#89  Edited By Dark_sageX
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@LJS9502_basic: Welll yeah....he is the ef-ing president of the USA, of course america first.... will you be happy if he prioritizes Somalians over Americans or something? I swear you leftists are unbelievable,in your quest to look for something to use against anybody you don't like/agree with you say the stupidest things.

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#90 LJS9502_basic
Member since 2003 • 180239 Posts

@Dark_sageX said:

@LJS9502_basic: Welll yeah....he is the ef-ing president of the USA, of course america first.... will you be happy if he prioritizes Somalians over Americans or something? I swear you leftists are unbelievable,in your quest to look for something to use against anybody you don't like/agree with you say the stupidest things.

It's STILL a nationalistic ideology. You cannot have it both ways. Also our impact on the world should climate issues....which he ignores in the name of profit.

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#91 KOD
Member since 2016 • 2754 Posts

@Dark_sageX said:


I will just simply go into the definition of the term instead of doing mental gymnastics, we don't want to lose the plot here:

"Nationalism: an extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries."

OK now thats been settled lets move on to the articles in which you believe shows Trump is a nationalist.

Whats been settled? We know he is a nationalist.

@Dark_sageX said:


Source 1:

OK this is talking about Trump's Raise policy where he is basically filtering out the Trash immigrants from the hard working and upstanding ones that aren't gonna cheat their way in the country via greencard. Don't see how this is evidence of nationalism, he is not out right banning immigrants, he is just filtering them out. I don't think its too much or unreasonable to demand from immigrants to at least be able to speak English before migrating to the US, you would have to be insane to think otherwise.

Source 2:

Couldn't access the article because they demanded I either subscribe or deactivate my ad blocker, of which neither I will do, especially for washington post.

Source 3:

That article is the most unprofessionally written trash I have ever had to read, which repeated old stories that have already been debunked such as the Tax return and the "grab em by the pussy" controversy but being pushed as established Truth by the clearly bias author (who sources herself several times btw), its just accusations after accusations with the occasional comparison to juvenile insults. The article is just basically a trash talk peace with no actual substance to it, it does nothing to prove that Trump is a dictator nor a nationalist for that matter, its more akin to a blog written by an angry feminist...

The point of the articles was to get you to pay attention to the factual things mentioned, the things that you know he did/does, You making excuses for these things, does not alter what they nor change his behavior or beliefs.

@Dark_sageX said:


Look I will keep this simple for you: None of Trump's ideas come even close to nazism.

- Trump proposed deporting illegal immigrants, Hitler didn't even allow LEGAL immigrants to leave, he had them captured and imprisoned.

- Trump wants immigrants to at least speak English before migrating to the US, nazis didn't care if your german was perfect, if you weren't white you were out and if you were Jewish you were dead,

- Nazis in Germany blocked and controlled media outlets to influence the population (because thats what fascist do), Trump didn't do ANY of that (the left however do it a lot and have been exposed numerous times, this whole charlottesville incident is just the latest example), heck Trump can even condemned the far right (who were ACTUAL neo-nazis) and you STILL accuse him of being a white supremacist.

- Hitler proposed invading other countries on the basis of them being the ruling class, Trump did no such thing (George Bush and Hilary Clinton on the other hand did, not based on them being the "better race" but they went there for the sole purpose of invading, and mind you Obama wasn't exactly adamant in stopping them)

You really have no basis for comparing his ideas to Nazis, you have simply been brainwashed by media propaganda and are letting emotions get the better of you.

1, 2 and 3 can pretty much be combined. He uses nationalism and fear to get people to think these are great ideas, contrary to facts. He has also targeted specific groups, not simply "illegal immigrants". And has attempted to ban people from specific areas.

As for the media, yes he has decided to lump all media he dislikes together and say its fake news. He has limited media access, he has limited his encounters with the media, he typically refuses to answer real questions, etc.


Look, you seem to be confused here. The claim is not that he is exact to Hitler, the claim is that just like Hitler, he is a fascist who supports many of the same ideas. Without your little direct comparisons that are fake, you really have no where to go here.

He has attempted to remove first amendment rights from our media. He has limited access to America for certain groups. He admires dictators and totalitarianism. Again, the point of the articles was to get you to pay attention to the things we know for a fact he has done. You come up with excuses and make ridiculous comparisons to what Hitler did in order to excuse this. So... yah... stop doing that. Even if you want to view hitler as top fascist, that does not mean other people cannot take other actions that are also fascist. You asked me before if i knew what fascism is, but you need to ask yourself this because its clear you don't. Or you do and youre intentionally swapping fascist actions for Hitlers.

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#92 horgen  Moderator
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Godwin's law. Can we please stop let it happen everytime we discuss Trump?

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#93  Edited By KOD
Member since 2016 • 2754 Posts

@horgen said:

Godwin's law. Can we please stop let it happen everytime we discuss Trump?

I think Godwins law is only applicable when not discussing fascists right?

I mean, i agree people should not be bringing up Hitler all the time. But for many people (Trump supporters included) they cant seem to separate fascism and Hitler. And while Hitler is the best example of, he is not the only example nor the only "brand" of fascism.

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#94  Edited By Dark_sageX
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@kod: No, you THINK he is a nationalist. You told me to look up nationalism and I just did, and I also looked up your (clearly bias) articles and found nothing in there that indicated he was a nationalist (I did find lots of fallacious accusations that have been debunked though). All he did was propose pro-american policies, which he as a president was elected to do.

The fact that you couldn't explain in your own words why he is a nationalist should have made you question your beliefs. Again, tell me something that he actually did that shows he is a nationalist, not interpretations (by others), not what you think he was "hiding" behind his speeches, just simply tell me something he did, I have no interest in mental gymnastics.

The reason why I listed those comparisons was to give you an idea of how far Trump is from being anywhere similar to Hitler, which is a very very far gap. You can call him clumsy (which he is at times) you can call him ugly, heck you can call him fat, but you have no basis for accusing him of being a nationalist, a dictator, and while we are at it: a white supremacist, a racist, a homophobe, a sexist, an islamophobe (which is such a dumb term but whatever) or a fascist, speaking of which:

"Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce, that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe."

Looked up the term, yep, NOT TRUMP. And since we are in that subject of media suppression (which is fucking rich coming from a leftist who have proven time and time again that they fabricate stories against Trump for their own agenda) when did Trump attempt to suppress the media? and which media? CNN? Buzzfeed? The Washington Post? please do tell. He called them fake news because thats exactly what they are, FAKE NEWS, and other independent journalists have exposed them numerous times already, the mainstream media is deceiving everyone in front of your faces and you STILL think Trump is the bad guy, like I said, brainwashed.

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#95  Edited By KOD
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The point of me simply trying to get you to pay attention to his own words and actions, was to eliminate myself as a factor for you. So you could not come out and say that its a bad interpretation or im mincing words.

You're going to make any excuses you can in an attempt to avoid these facts but it is really something you need to stop and pay attention to.

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#96 Dark_sageX
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@vfighter said:

Every week the left finds a way to make themselves look and sound crazier and dumber and wow they didn't disappoint this week at all. It's to the point I'm almost starting to believe they're just trolling us at this point as I can believe anybody can be complete lunatics, but the left does get points for creativity for their mental gymnastics in turning anything that happens into Trump being a Nazi/raciest.

The only crazy people are trump and his supporters...........


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#97 Dark_sageX
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@kod:and I asked you to tell me what gave you the idea that he is a nationalist and I do quite clearly recall I have no interest in mental gymnastics, give the fact that you failed to do so for the fourth time I'm just going to leave this here:

@Dark_sageX said:

The fact that you couldn't explain in your own words why he is a nationalist should have made you question your beliefs.

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#98 horgen  Moderator
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@kod said:

I think Godwins law is only applicable when not discussing fascists right?

I mean, i agree people should not be bringing up Hitler all the time. But for many people (Trump supporters included) they cant seem to separate fascism and Hitler. And while Hitler is the best example of, he is not the only example nor the only "brand" of fascism.

In some ways that is true. But still. From Washington Post

The comparison is certainly overdrawn if we consider how the two men came to power. Unlike Hitler, Trump never tried to seize power by force; he has not spent a decade calling for violence against entire peoples and nations; and he does not speak of building an empire beyond America’s shores.

We can start there. Furthermore, Nazis used scapegoating(granted Trump does this, but not as well), media co-optation(impossible to do in US today), paramilitary organizations (I'll throw in a quote here)

While the SA controlled the streets, the Hitler Youth indoctrinated young generations, and the government required all young Germans to participate in labor activities (such as road-building for the autobahn) from 1935 onward.

As far as I am aware (and writer of the article), Americans are not fond of government run organizations. And last: Emergency laws. I am lazy and will throw in another quote here.

Emergency laws came about in Germany after the 1933 arson attack on the Reichstag (Germany’s parliament). Hitler used the threat of terrorism and foreign aggression to justify sweeping autocratic policies, including the 1933 Enabling Act (which let the government issue laws without the Reichstag). Similarly, the Reichstag Fire Decree in 1933 gave Hitler the power to suspend most Germans’ political and individual rights, effectively outlawing opposition parties.

Changing the U.S. Constitution to abolish elections and remove freedom of speech is hardly imaginable. The United States has an uninterrupted democratic history, while Hitler was able to tap into nostalgia for the times under the last German emperor.

So if someone is to use the comparison, they have to know where it comes short as well.

TL;DR: Trump have not or can not do what Hitler did to get power. US is fundamentally different.

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#99  Edited By Zaryia
Member since 2016 • 21607 Posts

@vfighter said:

Every week the left finds a way to make themselves look and sound crazier and dumber and wow they didn't disappoint this week at all. It's to the point I'm almost starting to believe they're just trolling us at this point as I can believe anybody can be complete lunatics, but the left does get points for creativity for their mental gymnastics in turning anything that happens into Trump being a Nazi/raciest.

I can't tell if this is satire or not - I never said Trump was a nazi or racist. Are you joking or are you actually this brainwashed?

You seem out of touch with reality, and facts:

1. A majority of America did not approve of the press briefings he made,

2. Many Republicans did not approve:

3. CEO's did not approve, resulting in a collapse of his panel.

4. White Supremacist groups praised Trumps Saturday and Tuesday press briefings.

I'm afraid you happen to be in the fringe group of blind support for Trump.

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#100 horgen  Moderator
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@zaryia: You can't find a Fox news article about any of that?