@frank_castle said:
Show me where I once mentioned pizzagate?
Please, I'll wait...
And what can you refute in those O'Keefe CNN videos? Was that not CNN supervising producer John Bonifield calling the Trump/Russia story bullshit? Was that not Van Jones saying that Trump/Russia collusion was essentially a "big nothing burger"? Was that not CNN associate producer Jimmy Carr labeling American voters as "stupid as shit"? Were these guys just EXTREMELY good look-alikes?
Oh "Rasmussen" that most be russian! Right wing shill poll!!
1. Your fake news fake muslim protest troll thread. Pizza Gate guy himself, Mike Cernovich, started that lie and spread it. No need to wait, you don't research the original source of your very own citations.
2. O'Keefe's is a hoaxter. You made a troll thread using him as citation. His videos are all heavily edited quick cuts taken out of context:
That second link factually shows how many times he was debunked. Hint: It's almost always. His videos are heavily edited and not usable as proper citation for any legitimate News source. This has been objectively confirmed on several occasions.
Just look at how hard your fake news darling got shat on when trying to take on real news,
O’Keefe’s “pointless” “To Catch A Journalist” series was roundly mocked by experts. In a video series titled “To Catch a Journalist,” O’Keefe attempted to show journalists engaging in questionable or biased journalistic practices. Instead, a range of highly respected reporters and journalism experts immediately mocked his heavily edited videos. Even the Project Veritas website noted that the first video in the series had drawn criticism from “the media elite” and “a Pulitzer Prize winning professor from Columbia’s Journalism School.” The Washington Post’s Erik Wemple dismissed the first video as a “gotcha attempt” and “fishing expedition” against Huffington Post reporter Sam Stein. Reporter Jack Schafer wrote for Reuters, “The only thing O’Keefe has accomplished with this ‘To Catch a Journalist’ expose is to prove that Stein is a conventional journalist,” adding that the video “ends up making Stein look normal and O’Keefe slightly tetched.” The Poynter Institute’s Steve Myers discredited the second video in the series, noting it was “heavily edited”and pointing out that the video, which was supposed to target The New York Times, did not feature any Times employees or journalists at all. The Atlantic Wire concluded that O’Keefe “burns his own straw man” in the video. A Forbes reporter declared the series “a dumb idea,” condemning “the lameness of O’Keefe’s results,” “the dubiousness of his method,” and “the pointlessness of the enterprise itself.” In a later, also failed attempt, O’Keefe was reportedly filmed and then dismissed by an unfazed Columbia University journalism professor, who said O’Keefe also couldn’t figure out how to use the door to exit the professor’s office, writing, “Turns out they were pulling the door instead of pushing it.” As Gawker summarized: James O'Keefe has been lurking in journalism school hallways across the country in pursuit of his latest bombshell series "To Catch a Journalist." So far, he's blown the lid off the story that some college professors like Barack Obama and that sometimes journalists drink alcohol and use bad words.
Offer the full unedited videos and we can talk, and have unbiased objective data. (Spoiler: You won't.) Until then, please do not talk to me about this. Frankly, it is insulting to anything with the IQ above a pencil.
3. Rasmussen is not Russian, I never stated this. But It IS known for being right leaning.
Although I'll give you a pass on this, they have improved. But I surely wouldn't use just 1 poll source. Trump's approval is trash when looking at all the notable ones. This is a fact.
When you use O'Keefe and Cernovich as sources, you seem more nuttier than an Infowars fan. You make JimB seem legitimate. That's right, those two make Alex Jones seem credible. How do you want anyone here to take you seriously? This isn't Breitbart or Infowars, you can't just post anything from widely discredited laughing stock loon sources and not expect to get rekt.
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