So we're all cautiously optimistic for Sega's new 2D Sonic game coming out in 2010 because it appears to be old school 2D game. What could possibly go wrong? Right?
Well as my profile says, it's my job to remind everyone that every new Sonic game that comes out will be awful and horribly depressing and make you start cutting yourself. You're welcome.
But let's play every Sega fan's favorite game HOW CAN SEGA F*&% THIS UP?" (loud gameshow music and flashing lights)
Welcome to "How Can Sega F*&% This Up?" I'm your host. Ok here's the rules. Ever since the Dreamcast died (today's the 10th anniversary of its fateful launch by the way.) Sega has managed to degrade into a third party hack and slowly waste away like Atari did now having to resort to making crappy lisenced games just to stay afloat. Oh sure, they'll publish something decent like Madworld now and then but even when it's good, it doesn't sell.
Let's look at past games Sega F$#%ed up.
How to F*^% up....
Samba D'Amigo: Impatiently pass on waiting for Wiimotion Plus and shove out a party game but make the higher difficulty songs impossible due to not tweaking the controls then blame Nintendo because it didn't work as well as your $80 Dreamcast peripheral.
Nights: Journey of Dreams: Originally make it for the 360/PS3 but change to the Wii at the last minute giving the devs only a year to revamp the game leaving the experience short and throw in some boring segments where you're forced to play as the kids.
Goldenaxe: Remove the co-op which was the best thing about the original. Ramp up the sex and gore and make a crummy God of War wannabe, then don't take time to polish anything
Sonic: Sorry it's only a half hour show folks.
So, is everyone ready to play? Great.
How could Sega F*&% up "Project Needlemouse?" Go!
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