Kenshin - I moved our continuing discussion here!
(Here's the original post)
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="JKoBnZ"]Is it worth playing or should I just play X?Kenshin18
I think I might be the only person to say this but - don't play X. I didn't think it was a very good game.
Heh, wow. Was it because of Tidus' attitude? Or more?
A few things - Tidus, yes would definitely be one of my #1 answers. Besides him though, I just couldn't take the pace of the game - it was so incredibly slow. The cutscenes were also painfully slow - someone would say something, and then five seconds later, the other person would respond. All I wanted to do was just play the game, but I was always interrupted by some cutscene that would take a million years to get through. When I was actually in a dungeon doing something - yea, it was pretty fun. But out of the entire time that I actually played the game, I felt like only a small fraction of it was real gameplay.
I also couldn't stand the voice acting.
Ok, I'm done ranting now. :P
LOL.Looks like X was more than just adisappointment for you. I'll admit,the gamedid go too slow. I remember gettin' impatient and selling it eventually because of that (I picked it up again acouple ofyears later. Just didnt like the idea of not ending it).And sometimes Tidus sounded a lil' too whinyor cheesy, but, I thought he was ok when it came to him sounding serious. But, at least XII has somecool voice work :)
hahahhaha yea - I guess I was just expecting more of a typical FF game with X. (Same with VIII - I was thoroughly disappointed with that one as well.)
XII has some excellent voice work - especially Balthier and Fran (...or that may be because they're my two favourite characters :)) I'd have to say Vaan has the worst out of the whole bunch, but it's not as bad as Tidus's.
Same here...VIII bugged me alot(somethin' about Squall bein' such a @#^%at times,enemies leveling up with me -I mean, some creatures should not be able to keep up and take a serious blow anymore when I get stronger-, and there were times when it just felt like a sci-fiteen soap operato me, and...nevermind). At least for me Zell, Irvine, and Laguna made the game funny and a lil' more interesting (also some of the outfits looked cool). I mean, it wasnt TOO bad, but, it could have been better...Then again, I sold it twice, and never beat it. For all I know, after the romantic space scenethe game could have gotten better.
Balthier's voice is awesome in XII. I liked how most of the cast sounded so confident and fitting for the setting. I guess I wasnt suprised by how typical Vaan sounded, but, it was cool, given how he looks.
Haha - yea, we have like the same opinions about VIII. do I even begin with Squall. He was all aloof in the beginning and then drastically changes in the blink of an eye. I was like, "...what...just happened?". Yes, the space scene was awful - and no, it doesn't get better. :P I did like Zell and Laguna and Irvine a lot - I agree, they are the comedic relief, and Selphie too. I did like her. I also agree with you - it was very "sci-fiteen soap opera". Sometimes I feel like that game had an identity crisis of sorts, lol.
Which is too bad 'cause I did love the beginning of the game. :( Why VIII, why!? :P
Yea, XII's cast does sound confident. I thought the accents were fitting and suited the character's personalities well.
And speaking of XII (and this is a bit off topic...) but I was walking around Nabudis for the first time last night and the game started lagging a lot. I am not sure if this was b/c I had left my PS2 on while I was at work because I couldn't find a save point in that stupid crystal level...or what. But there was some serious lag going on and I did not like it! Anyone else have that issue at Nabudis? Or any other place in XII for that matter?
heh heh, I know! I mean, it was as if in the13 seconds it took me to swap disc 2 to disc 3, Squall magically grew a "pair." Thanks forlettin' me how the game ends up. I guess I don't have to go back to it again after all :). I do kinda miss Irvine and all his passes at Selphie (not to mention his "gentlemans" magazines),Zell's attitude (he really knew how to make things fun), andwaitin' for my team to pass out so I could see Laguna. What you said reminded me of something too: the intro and the firstcouple of hoursreally led me to think I was in for somethin' great...*tch* whatever.
Sorry, I can't really help you out with your problem in XII. I'm only 9 hours in so farand a good deal of that time was spent on guild quests...I'd like to think it was just your PS2 being too hot from keepin' it on all day though. That's some pretty cool dedication though, to keep it on 'cause you can't find a save point ;)
Hahahha, yea - Irvine and Selphie were funny. I had forgotten about Zell's magazines...hahahaha. I think my favourite Laguna/Kiros/Ward sequence was the first one you run into. I love the scene where they jump off the waterfall - that was so funny!
I figured it was 'cause I left my PS2 on for about 8+ hours...I kinda felt bad, but there was NO WAY I was doing that dumb crystal level again. lol
lol, that scene really takes me back. It's kinda likehate to love reminiscing about that game. I always feel like going back to it 'cause it can be pretty easy to like those guys all over again. But then, I know I'll get frustrated once the good parts go away.
Anyway, next time, just keep a fan close-by to your system if you can. I remember doing that to my PS2 when I needed to keep it on forStar Ocean(some trophy I needed to get by staying in battle for x number of hours). The game isnt slowin' down anymore is it?
Lately, I've had the urge to play FF8 again...I think it's 'cause of the beginning. Maybe I'll start it and play through disc 1. :)
I don't think I've played XII since Tuesday (that's when it was going mega-lag). I think I will try it tonight and tell you if anything happens!
Same here a 'lil. I want to go all the way through to the group's first mission (the one where it ends up with that giant robot chasing you), or, maybe further 'till I get to see Laguna.
How'd your XII come out? It should be ok now ;)
Yea...I am starting to forget exactly what happens in what order but I like the first encounter with Laguna. The Timber Owls mission is cool - with the trains (although that one guy that gets stomach cramps is so freakin annoying), I can't really remember what happens after that...but some other parts that I did like were Fisherman's Horizon, getting random GFs, Galbadia (I think)..hmm....I think those were the highlights for me.
You know what's funny - I haven't tried XII yet!! I always do this - play in mega bursts and then stop for a while. Which is why I always lose momentum and forget all of the story. Hahahaha, I should definitely play some today!!!
Oh yeah! I remember the train mission. lol, I forgot about the guy with the cramps though. Fisherman's Horizon was another cool place for me. I dont know if it was 'cause of that real, calm music to that area, how it looked, or what, but, I can't forget that place. There was also some point in the game where your whole party is in some park, or orphanage, and you find out they all knew each other as kids. I just wish I could remember more of that scene, it was probably cool.
Heh heh heh, you really haven't picked it up at all? That sorta thing happens to me too. Usually after finally beating a point in the game where it felt more like work than fun. Or, in the small chance a boss will royally piss me off, and I need a break to think of how to beat 'em.
Well, I played XII yesterday. And it lagged at the Zertinan Caverns and Golmore Jungle. I don't get it! It didn't slow down as bad as it did in Nabudis, but it was still noticeable. I really hope my PS2 isn't breaking down. I have too many games I wanna play on it still!!!
I had like 6 hunts I wanted to do but I only got one done. I just wasn't really in the mood for hunting. Hahahaha.
OH! Also! Speaking of hunts - who's killed the Lindwyrm?? I am trying to find it in the Tchita Uplands [the Highlands] but it just will not appear! I don't understand what I could be doing wrong?
Oh...Sorry to see that the game is still acting up a 'lil. Heh, Im guessing the slowdown brought down your mood a 'lil to continue those hunts. As for the slowdown, um...*scratches head*it could be that the lens of your PS2 is just a little dirty, or, maybe it'sthe game. If you have RE4, play Mercinaries Mode and see if you get alot ofslowdown, and/or, longer than normal load times (or any other huge game). I mean, even though it's almost 7 years old, I still enjoy my PS2 too. So, I hope that helps you out a 'lil.
Yea! Well the crazy thing is that my PS2's not even that old 'cause I got the slimline one. So it shouldn't even be giving me a problem in the first place. I'll check the lens and my game. I don't have RE4 (I got it on the GCN), but I'll try...Soul Calibur? I don't have a whole lot of PS2 games so I'll just try all of 'em, lol.
I think I'll try more FFXII when I get home from work today.
Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
But I'm going to shorten it up a bit! :)
Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
Yea...I think I will run a small fan by my PS2 next time it starts lagging like that. It was setting on carpet and then I moved it onto my TV stand. I'll try some other games. I'm actually playing FFXII right now...just finishing up the hunts.
You really should get FFXII. I agree - the hunts is probably one of the best parts of the games. I think it's probably one of the best sidequests ever. It's so cool how you can see all the Clan's member's impression of you change over time and as you get better and better.
I'm playing FF6 Advance. I'm training my team up for Kefka(the main team I use is a little overleveled, but the others aren't).IpodHero176
Oh! So you're almost done! That's so exciting! FF6 has one of the best endings I've ever seen out of any FFs! Who is your main team? I always found it hard to keep all 12 characters balanced. I was just at the Floating Continent and I decided to teach everyone all the magic that I had in Espers so far. It took me way too long. :P But now I'm all caught up as far as magic goes.
How are you liking the game now that you are almost done?
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"]I'm playing FF6 Advance. I'm training my team up for Kefka(the main team I use is a little overleveled, but the others aren't).queen_valentine
Oh! So you're almost done! That's so exciting! FF6 has one of the best endings I've ever seen out of any FFs! Who is your main team? I always found it hard to keep all 12 characters balanced. I was just at the Floating Continent and I decided to teach everyone all the magic that I had in Espers so far. It took me way too long. :P But now I'm all caught up as far as magic goes.
How are you liking the game now that you are almost done?
My team is Celes, Sabin, Edgar, and Mog(Mog rocks).
I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.
I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
But I'm going to shorten it up a bit! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
Yea...I think I will run a small fan by my PS2 next time it starts lagging like that. It was setting on carpet and then I moved it onto my TV stand. I'll try some other games. I'm actually playing FFXII right now...just finishing up the hunts.
You really should get FFXII. I agree - the hunts is probably one of the best parts of the games. I think it's probably one of the best sidequests ever. It's so cool how you can see all the Clan's member's impression of you change over time and as you get better and better.
heh, I know!Out of the 10 hours I played, about 6 of them were on hunts, then goin' back to the guild to see what they had to say about how I was doin'. It's weird 'cause I wasnt expecting to get THAT hooked on them. I just did it to get some items and level up on the way. I saw you made a post a while back that you had about 90 or so hours, I bet a huge chunk of that is on hunts, right?
Actually, I found the collectors edition at for 30 bucks, so, I was thinkin' of pickin' it up sometime soon for the summer. Sorta like another last "go" at my PS2 (RE4 was supposed to be the last great one, but, it just made me want to keep out thePS2 longer)before I jump to the PS3.
Oh yeah, it's cool how you moved this to somewhere else. We should've thought of that sooner. Nice goin', Valentine ;)
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"]I'm playing FF6 Advance. I'm training my team up for Kefka(the main team I use is a little overleveled, but the others aren't).IpodHero176
Oh! So you're almost done! That's so exciting! FF6 has one of the best endings I've ever seen out of any FFs! Who is your main team? I always found it hard to keep all 12 characters balanced. I was just at the Floating Continent and I decided to teach everyone all the magic that I had in Espers so far. It took me way too long. :P But now I'm all caught up as far as magic goes.
How are you liking the game now that you are almost done?
My team is Celes, Sabin, Edgar, and Mog(Mog rocks).
Yea Mog is amazing! Although I think I only got all his dances once. Not on the GBA version though, I am not sure which one I am missing!
I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.
Yea! I do the same thing with Locke - the Thief Glove/Genji Glove combo! I absolutely love the Genji Glove. My team usually always consisted of: Sabin (Blitz FTW), Edgar (tools!), Celes (duh), and Locke (steal!). Hahahaha, sometimes I would switch in Mog or Cyan for Locke. But Sabin and Edgar always stayed in the group - the tools (especially the chainsaw) and Blitz are so powerful!
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]But I'm going to shorten it up a bit! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
Yea...I think I will run a small fan by my PS2 next time it starts lagging like that. It was setting on carpet and then I moved it onto my TV stand. I'll try some other games. I'm actually playing FFXII right now...just finishing up the hunts.
You really should get FFXII. I agree - the hunts is probably one of the best parts of the games. I think it's probably one of the best sidequests ever. It's so cool how you can see all the Clan's member's impression of you change over time and as you get better and better.
heh, I know!Out of the 10 hours I played, about 6 of them were on hunts, then goin' back to the guild to see what they had to say about how I was doin'. It's weird 'cause I wasnt expecting to get THAT hooked on them. I just did it to get some items and level up on the way. I saw you made a post a while back that you had about 90 or so hours, I bet a huge chunk of that is on hunts, right?
Actually, I found the collectors edition at for 30 bucks, so, I was thinkin' of pickin' it up sometime soon for the summer. Sorta like another last "go" at my PS2 (RE4 was supposed to be the last great one, but, it just made me want to keep out thePS2 longer)before I jump to the PS3.
Oh yeah, it's cool how you moved this to somewhere else. We should've thought of that sooner. Nice goin', Valentine ;)
Yea...I've logged about 96 hours or so in XII. I can't believe it really. I don't think I've ever put that much time into an FF before. (Well...maybe VIII - I got almost everything in that game. I would have to check.) And I'm not even done with the game yet! I think I've got about 6 hunts left until I have them all done, and then of course - finish the game. I have a lot of work to do! Hahahaha.
I never played RE4 on the PS2. I wanted to though because of that Ada Sidequest thing they included in that version. I did love that game - one of my favs!
You should definitely pick up FFXII. It's such a great game!! I know a lot of people were disappointed with the story - maybe because it was all politics and no relationships between the characters - but I thought it was cool. And gambits are probably the coolest thing ever. :P
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"]I'm playing FF6 Advance. I'm training my team up for Kefka(the main team I use is a little overleveled, but the others aren't).queen_valentine
Oh! So you're almost done! That's so exciting! FF6 has one of the best endings I've ever seen out of any FFs! Who is your main team? I always found it hard to keep all 12 characters balanced. I was just at the Floating Continent and I decided to teach everyone all the magic that I had in Espers so far. It took me way too long. :P But now I'm all caught up as far as magic goes.
How are you liking the game now that you are almost done?
My team is Celes, Sabin, Edgar, and Mog(Mog rocks).
Yea Mog is amazing! Although I think I only got all his dances once. Not on the GBA version though, I am not sure which one I am missing!
I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.
Yea! I do the same thing with Locke - the Thief Glove/Genji Glove combo! I absolutely love the Genji Glove. My team usually always consisted of: Sabin (Blitz FTW), Edgar (tools!), Celes (duh), and Locke (steal!). Hahahaha, sometimes I would switch in Mog or Cyan for Locke. But Sabin and Edgar always stayed in the group - the tools (especially the chainsaw) and Blitz are so powerful!
I might try that thing with Locke.
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]But I'm going to shorten it up a bit! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
Yea...I think I will run a small fan by my PS2 next time it starts lagging like that. It was setting on carpet and then I moved it onto my TV stand. I'll try some other games. I'm actually playing FFXII right now...just finishing up the hunts.
You really should get FFXII. I agree - the hunts is probably one of the best parts of the games. I think it's probably one of the best sidequests ever. It's so cool how you can see all the Clan's member's impression of you change over time and as you get better and better.
heh, I know!Out of the 10 hours I played, about 6 of them were on hunts, then goin' back to the guild to see what they had to say about how I was doin'. It's weird 'cause I wasnt expecting to get THAT hooked on them. I just did it to get some items and level up on the way. I saw you made a post a while back that you had about 90 or so hours, I bet a huge chunk of that is on hunts, right?
Actually, I found the collectors edition at for 30 bucks, so, I was thinkin' of pickin' it up sometime soon for the summer. Sorta like another last "go" at my PS2 (RE4 was supposed to be the last great one, but, it just made me want to keep out thePS2 longer)before I jump to the PS3.
Oh yeah, it's cool how you moved this to somewhere else. We should've thought of that sooner. Nice goin', Valentine ;)
Yea...I've logged about 96 hours or so in XII. I can't believe it really. I don't think I've ever put that much time into an FF before. (Well...maybe VIII - I got almost everything in that game. I would have to check.) And I'm not even done with the game yet! I think I've got about 6 hunts left until I have them all done, and then of course - finish the game. I have a lot of work to do! Hahahaha.
I never played RE4 on the PS2. I wanted to though because of that Ada Sidequest thing they included in that version. I did love that game - one of my favs!
You should definitely pick up FFXII. It's such a great game!! I know a lot of people were disappointed with the story - maybe because it was all politics and no relationships between the characters - but I thought it was cool. And gambits are probably the coolest thing ever. :P
Ada's sidequest was pretty cool for the 5+ hours it lasted. You dont fully learn her true reasons for why she is there (just enough tomake your own guesses), but, she's alot of fun to play as, her action cutscenes were always cool, and she always had something "smart" to say.
I also heard alotthat there wasnt much relationship building in the game. I guess I understand that though. Ashe's husband was killed, so, I cant see her falling for anyone in the game. Vaan and Panelo are already close friends, so, I would think if anything, any dialogue with them would becoolfrom the start of the game. Besides, the drama around politics can be interesting enough if it's done right :). And I did like the gambit system, especially how specific you can get with it.
I'm really considering picking it up for myself. It may be a while before I get a PS3, and, I've been interested in XII for a while. I'm almost never interested in traditional fantasy settings, but, XII's looks pretty cool.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Yea...I've logged about 96 hours or so in XII. I can't believe it really. I don't think I've ever put that much time into an FF before. (Well...maybe VIII - I got almost everything in that game. I would have to check.) And I'm not even done with the game yet! I think I've got about 6 hunts left until I have them all done, and then of course - finish the game. I have a lot of work to do! Hahahaha.
I never played RE4 on the PS2. I wanted to though because of that Ada Sidequest thing they included in that version. I did love that game - one of my favs!
You should definitely pick up FFXII. It's such a great game!! I know a lot of people were disappointed with the story - maybe because it was all politics and no relationships between the characters - but I thought it was cool. And gambits are probably the coolest thing ever. :P
Ada's sidequest was pretty cool for the 5+ hours it lasted. You dont fully learn her true reasons for why she is there (just enough tomake your own guesses), but, she's alot of fun to play as, her action cutscenes were always cool, and she always had something "smart" to say.
I also heard alotthat there wasnt much relationship building in the game. I guess I understand that though. Ashe's husband was killed, so, I cant see her falling for anyone in the game. Vaan and Panelo are already close friends, so, I would think if anything, any dialogue with them would becoolfrom the start of the game. Besides, the drama around politics can be interesting enough if it's done right :). And I did like the gambit system, especially how specific you can get with it.
I'm really considering picking it up for myself. It may be a while before I get a PS3, and, I've been interested in XII for a while. I'm almost never interested in traditional fantasy settings, but, XII's looks pretty cool.
Yeah, the setting is amazingly detailed and graphically awesome. I had problems with the story for exactly those reasons...not only did the characters not have very interesting relationships with each other (I keep forgetting that Vaan and Penelo are friends), but they didn't seem to have any personal flaws to liven them up, and most of the characters had no clear goals, either. But that didn't stop me from playing for 115 hours (so far). The gambits are extremely cool (even though I sometimes wonder why my characters act like robots), and I've had more fun fighting in this game than any other FF game, mostly due to the Hunts.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]But I'm going to shorten it up a bit! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
Yea...I think I will run a small fan by my PS2 next time it starts lagging like that. It was setting on carpet and then I moved it onto my TV stand. I'll try some other games. I'm actually playing FFXII right now...just finishing up the hunts.
You really should get FFXII. I agree - the hunts is probably one of the best parts of the games. I think it's probably one of the best sidequests ever. It's so cool how you can see all the Clan's member's impression of you change over time and as you get better and better.
heh, I know!Out of the 10 hours I played, about 6 of them were on hunts, then goin' back to the guild to see what they had to say about how I was doin'. It's weird 'cause I wasnt expecting to get THAT hooked on them. I just did it to get some items and level up on the way. I saw you made a post a while back that you had about 90 or so hours, I bet a huge chunk of that is on hunts, right?
Actually, I found the collectors edition at for 30 bucks, so, I was thinkin' of pickin' it up sometime soon for the summer. Sorta like another last "go" at my PS2 (RE4 was supposed to be the last great one, but, it just made me want to keep out thePS2 longer)before I jump to the PS3.
Oh yeah, it's cool how you moved this to somewhere else. We should've thought of that sooner. Nice goin', Valentine ;)
Yea...I've logged about 96 hours or so in XII. I can't believe it really. I don't think I've ever put that much time into an FF before. (Well...maybe VIII - I got almost everything in that game. I would have to check.) And I'm not even done with the game yet! I think I've got about 6 hunts left until I have them all done, and then of course - finish the game. I have a lot of work to do! Hahahaha.
I never played RE4 on the PS2. I wanted to though because of that Ada Sidequest thing they included in that version. I did love that game - one of my favs!
You should definitely pick up FFXII. It's such a great game!! I know a lot of people were disappointed with the story - maybe because it was all politics and no relationships between the characters - but I thought it was cool. And gambits are probably the coolest thing ever. :P
Ada's sidequest was pretty cool for the 5+ hours it lasted. You dont fully learn her true reasons for why she is there (just enough tomake your own guesses), but, she's alot of fun to play as, her action cutscenes were always cool, and she always had something "smart" to say.
I also heard alotthat there wasnt much relationship building in the game. I guess I understand that though. Ashe's husband was killed, so, I cant see her falling for anyone in the game. Vaan and Panelo are already close friends, so, I would think if anything, any dialogue with them would becoolfrom the start of the game. Besides, the drama around politics can be interesting enough if it's done right :). And I did like the gambit system, especially how specific you can get with it.
I'm really considering picking it up for myself. It may be a while before I get a PS3, and, I've been interested in XII for a while. I'm almost never interested in traditional fantasy settings, but, XII's looks pretty cool.
Gambits are probably one of the most amazing thing ever. I really wish there could be more than 12 per character. I have all of mine used up and there's still more stuff that I could think of to add! Oh well! I guess that's when you have to prioritize! :P
I agree with sandybadlands - the setting is very impressive. You see a lot of variation within all the cities and outdoor environments. There's a lot to do too in this game. I think one of the main reasons why I've put in so many hours is solely because of the hunts! (Although...I'm a bit over my head now...Rank VII kicked my ass. Back to the storyline!) It's quite a rewarding feeling.
My PS2's still lagging. I think I know the reason. It's kind of a dumb one. I have a guest in my party right now - I don't think the PS2 can handle five party characters in heavily populated dungeons where there's lots going on. I was in Sochen Cave Palace and it slowed down a ridiculous amount. Oh well! At least now I know why! :P
I agree with sandybadlands - the setting is very impressive. You see a lot of variation within all the cities and outdoor environments. There's a lot to do too in this game. I think one of the main reasons why I've put in so many hours is solely because of the hunts! (Although...I'm a bit over my head now...Rank VII kicked my ass. Back to the storyline!) It's quite a rewarding feeling.
Haha...I'm no match for Rank VII either....
My PS2's still lagging. I think I know the reason. It's kind of a dumb one. I have a guest in my party right now - I don't think the PS2 can handle five party characters in heavily populated dungeons where there's lots going on. I was in Sochen Cave Palace and it slowed down a ridiculous amount. Oh well! At least now I know why! :P
Oh yeah, that happened to me when I brought a guest to the Necrohol of Nabudis. But yours sounds worse....
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]I agree with sandybadlands - the setting is very impressive. You see a lot of variation within all the cities and outdoor environments. There's a lot to do too in this game. I think one of the main reasons why I've put in so many hours is solely because of the hunts! (Although...I'm a bit over my head now...Rank VII kicked my ass. Back to the storyline!) It's quite a rewarding feeling.
Haha...I'm no match for Rank VII either....
My PS2's still lagging. I think I know the reason. It's kind of a dumb one. I have a guest in my party right now - I don't think the PS2 can handle five party characters in heavily populated dungeons where there's lots going on. I was in Sochen Cave Palace and it slowed down a ridiculous amount. Oh well! At least now I know why! :P
Oh yeah, that happened to me when I brought a guest to the Necrohol of Nabudis. But yours sounds worse....
Yea, it happened to me at Nabudis too! Although it was much worse at Sochen. Last time I bring a guest anywhere.
Well...actually, no.
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Yea...I've logged about 96 hours or so in XII. I can't believe it really. I don't think I've ever put that much time into an FF before. (Well...maybe VIII - I got almost everything in that game. I would have to check.) And I'm not even done with the game yet! I think I've got about 6 hunts left until I have them all done, and then of course - finish the game. I have a lot of work to do! Hahahaha.
I never played RE4 on the PS2. I wanted to though because of that Ada Sidequest thing they included in that version. I did love that game - one of my favs!
You should definitely pick up FFXII. It's such a great game!! I know a lot of people were disappointed with the story - maybe because it was all politics and no relationships between the characters - but I thought it was cool. And gambits are probably the coolest thing ever. :P
Ada's sidequest was pretty cool for the 5+ hours it lasted. You dont fully learn her true reasons for why she is there (just enough tomake your own guesses), but, she's alot of fun to play as, her action cutscenes were always cool, and she always had something "smart" to say.
I also heard alotthat there wasnt much relationship building in the game. I guess I understand that though. Ashe's husband was killed, so, I cant see her falling for anyone in the game. Vaan and Panelo are already close friends, so, I would think if anything, any dialogue with them would becoolfrom the start of the game. Besides, the drama around politics can be interesting enough if it's done right :). And I did like the gambit system, especially how specific you can get with it.
I'm really considering picking it up for myself. It may be a while before I get a PS3, and, I've been interested in XII for a while. I'm almost never interested in traditional fantasy settings, but, XII's looks pretty cool.
Yeah, the setting is amazingly detailed and graphically awesome. I had problems with the story for exactly those reasons...not only did the characters not have very interesting relationships with each other (I keep forgetting that Vaan and Penelo are friends), but they didn't seem to have any personal flaws to liven them up, and most of the characters had no clear goals, either. But that didn't stop me from playing for 115 hours (so far). The gambits are extremely cool (even though I sometimes wonder why my characters act like robots), and I've had more fun fighting in this game than any other FF game, mostly due to the Hunts.
Oh, the characters didnt really have any personal goals? I mean, I read that they all share the same purpose in the game overall, but, I sorta thought along the way they'd be able to put to rest any personal issues. Well...I guess if the game shows/tells the backstory to the cast, then, I'd be ok. Im sure Basch has a bunch of inner demons that shape who he is as well...I guess I'll just wait and see how that goes though.
I thought the fighting was pretty good too. I waslittle skeptical about it (like a huge chunk of other people), but, it only tooka minute of the demo to convince me that it worked great :). And I also like that all enemies dont drop money.
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]But I'm going to shorten it up a bit! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Oh, alright. I guess you're right then about it not bein' too old. But, since those models dont have a fan inside, next time try turning on an a.c. if you can, or, aputa small fan near by;). Soul Calibur should work too. I'd try to look for framerate jumps when the characters are performing katas. heh heh, but, tryin' out all gamesshould help out as well. I dont really have XII, so, I couldnt tell you if I've had the same problems (I've only borrowed my cousin's for a longweekend, man that game had me hooked though, those hunts are addictive :) ). If you do get to try it out, hopefully it'll work out fine this time.
Yea...I think I will run a small fan by my PS2 next time it starts lagging like that. It was setting on carpet and then I moved it onto my TV stand. I'll try some other games. I'm actually playing FFXII right now...just finishing up the hunts.
You really should get FFXII. I agree - the hunts is probably one of the best parts of the games. I think it's probably one of the best sidequests ever. It's so cool how you can see all the Clan's member's impression of you change over time and as you get better and better.
heh, I know!Out of the 10 hours I played, about 6 of them were on hunts, then goin' back to the guild to see what they had to say about how I was doin'. It's weird 'cause I wasnt expecting to get THAT hooked on them. I just did it to get some items and level up on the way. I saw you made a post a while back that you had about 90 or so hours, I bet a huge chunk of that is on hunts, right?
Actually, I found the collectors edition at for 30 bucks, so, I was thinkin' of pickin' it up sometime soon for the summer. Sorta like another last "go" at my PS2 (RE4 was supposed to be the last great one, but, it just made me want to keep out thePS2 longer)before I jump to the PS3.
Oh yeah, it's cool how you moved this to somewhere else. We should've thought of that sooner. Nice goin', Valentine ;)
Yea...I've logged about 96 hours or so in XII. I can't believe it really. I don't think I've ever put that much time into an FF before. (Well...maybe VIII - I got almost everything in that game. I would have to check.) And I'm not even done with the game yet! I think I've got about 6 hunts left until I have them all done, and then of course - finish the game. I have a lot of work to do! Hahahaha.
I never played RE4 on the PS2. I wanted to though because of that Ada Sidequest thing they included in that version. I did love that game - one of my favs!
You should definitely pick up FFXII. It's such a great game!! I know a lot of people were disappointed with the story - maybe because it was all politics and no relationships between the characters - but I thought it was cool. And gambits are probably the coolest thing ever. :P
Ada's sidequest was pretty cool for the 5+ hours it lasted. You dont fully learn her true reasons for why she is there (just enough tomake your own guesses), but, she's alot of fun to play as, her action cutscenes were always cool, and she always had something "smart" to say.
I also heard alotthat there wasnt much relationship building in the game. I guess I understand that though. Ashe's husband was killed, so, I cant see her falling for anyone in the game. Vaan and Panelo are already close friends, so, I would think if anything, any dialogue with them would becoolfrom the start of the game. Besides, the drama around politics can be interesting enough if it's done right :). And I did like the gambit system, especially how specific you can get with it.
I'm really considering picking it up for myself. It may be a while before I get a PS3, and, I've been interested in XII for a while. I'm almost never interested in traditional fantasy settings, but, XII's looks pretty cool.
Gambits are probably one of the most amazing thing ever. I really wish there could be more than 12 per character. I have all of mine used up and there's still more stuff that I could think of to add! Oh well! I guess that's when you have to prioritize! :P
I agree with sandybadlands - the setting is very impressive. You see a lot of variation within all the cities and outdoor environments. There's a lot to do too in this game. I think one of the main reasons why I've put in so many hours is solely because of the hunts! (Although...I'm a bit over my head now...Rank VII kicked my ass. Back to the storyline!) It's quite a rewarding feeling.
My PS2's still lagging. I think I know the reason. It's kind of a dumb one. I have a guest in my party right now - I don't think the PS2 can handle five party characters in heavily populated dungeons where there's lots going on. I was in Sochen Cave Palace and it slowed down a ridiculous amount. Oh well! At least now I know why! :P
lol, I wouldnt have guessed that that would be the reason for the lag. Heh, it feels like such a simple reason too. There was this snowy area I saw a while back that really caught my attention. And the town you start in feels real huge! I mean, I felt like I was a tourist or somethin' 'cause I had to keep checking my map, but I liked it. And those hunts felt so addictive. After every plot moving point in the game, I just felt like going on a few hunts before continuing (thinking each time I finished one "Just one more...")
I'm starting to get the feeling that if I buy this, I'm not going to want to end it...
Oh, the characters didnt really have any personal goals? I mean, I read that they all share the same purpose in the game overall, but, I sorta thought along the way they'd be able to put to rest any personal issues. Well...I guess if the game shows/tells the backstory to the cast, then, I'd be ok. Im sure Basch has a bunch of inner demons that shape who he is as well...I guess I'll just wait and see how that goes though.
I thought the fighting was pretty good too. I waslittle skeptical about it (like a huge chunk of other people), but, it only tooka minute of the demo to convince me that it worked great :). And I also like that all enemies dont drop money.
Yeah, it's a nice touch that only humanoids drop money. I always wondered what a bat would be doing with 175 gil.
I've heard that the last part of the game contains some backstory, but after 120 hours, I don't feel like I have much to go on. Wait and see, I guess....
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Gambits are probably one of the most amazing thing ever. I really wish there could be more than 12 per character. I have all of mine used up and there's still more stuff that I could think of to add! Oh well! I guess that's when you have to prioritize! :P
I agree with sandybadlands - the setting is very impressive. You see a lot of variation within all the cities and outdoor environments. There's a lot to do too in this game. I think one of the main reasons why I've put in so many hours is solely because of the hunts! (Although...I'm a bit over my head now...Rank VII kicked my ass. Back to the storyline!) It's quite a rewarding feeling.
My PS2's still lagging. I think I know the reason. It's kind of a dumb one. I have a guest in my party right now - I don't think the PS2 can handle five party characters in heavily populated dungeons where there's lots going on. I was in Sochen Cave Palace and it slowed down a ridiculous amount. Oh well! At least now I know why! :P
lol, I wouldnt have guessed that that would be the reason for the lag. Heh, it feels like such a simple reason too. There was this snowy area I saw a while back that really caught my attention. And the town you start in feels real huge! I mean, I felt like I was a tourist or somethin' 'cause I had to keep checking my map, but I liked it. And those hunts felt so addictive. After every plot moving point in the game, I just felt like going on a few hunts before continuing (thinking each time I finished one "Just one more...")
I'm starting to get the feeling that if I buy this, I'm not going to want to end it...
Yea...hahahaha, me either. But it's the only logical thing I can think of.
Rabanastre (the first city) is HUGE. I remember always having to check my map too. I just love Rabanastre so much.
I didn't like the idea of the battle system being different when I first heard about it. The demo sold me on it however!
Just please get FFXII. You won't regret it!! :) I promise!
Yeah, it's a nice touch that only humanoids drop money. I always wondered what a bat would be doing with 175 gil.
I've heard that the last part of the game contains some backstory, but after 120 hours, I don't feel like I have much to go on. Wait and see, I guess....
Hahahaha, yea - I remember in Oblivion, every once in a while I would fight a rat or something and when I would search its body, I saw that it was carrying money, or a spoon. I'm like "what in the world does a rat need a spoon for?" Hahahha.
The last part of the game has backstory huh? It's funny 'cause after playing this game on and off for so long I don't even remember much of the story anymore. I'm so involved with the hunts that that is what matters most to me at the moment. I am so close to being done! But there are two hunts that I know I'll have a hard time finding - the Lindwyrm and Fafnir. Due toweather - I just have the worst luck with that! :P And the fact that I am no match to Rank VII hunts, it seems that I am just going to have to continue with the storyline and head on over to Ridorana. Oh well! Although I am thinking of finishing up Nabudis and exploring the Deadlands - I haven't been there yet!
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.IpodHero176
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
Yeah, I know but I just got Locke an hour ago anyway. With my team killing every monsters easily and the other with the moogle's charm so no encounters.
Oh, I changed Cyan for Celes. Celes doing 2500 of damage with blizzara and Cyan doing only 1200.
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.Fingertrap
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
Yeah, I know but I just got Locke an hour ago anyway. With my team killing every monsters easily and the other with the moogle's charm so no encounters.
Oh, I changed Cyan for Celes. Celes doing 2500 of damage with blizzara and Cyan doing only 1200.
That's 'cause Celes is a magics powerhouse!!! :D :D :D
I loooove that Moogle charm. Used it through the whole Fanatics tower.
I liked Cyan for his SwordTech thing but Celes and Terra are just so good with magic, you know? Especially if you pair both of them with earrings. But Edgar and Sabin will always be my favs for the Tools and Blitz. Have you gotten Bum Rush yet? (I don't know if that is what it's called in the GBA version. It's Sabin's last blitz.) Absolutely best move in the game! :)
Wow, that's a big guarentee. I hope you're right about that, Valentine :).I'll try to pick it up as soon as I can, ok? It'll be cool to pick up where I left off. I was about to get on my first airship if I remember it right.Kenshin18
:D Yay! Of course I'm right! :P
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.queen_valentine
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
Yeah, I know but I just got Locke an hour ago anyway. With my team killing every monsters easily and the other with the moogle's charm so no encounters.
Oh, I changed Cyan for Celes. Celes doing 2500 of damage with blizzara and Cyan doing only 1200.
That's 'cause Celes is a magics powerhouse!!! :D :D :D
I loooove that Moogle charm. Used it through the whole Fanatics tower.
I liked Cyan for his SwordTech thing but Celes and Terra are just so good with magic, you know? Especially if you pair both of them with earrings. But Edgar and Sabin will always be my favs for the Tools and Blitz. Have you gotten Bum Rush yet? (I don't know if that is what it's called in the GBA version. It's Sabin's last blitz.) Absolutely best move in the game! :)
Hahaha, I always do the Fanatics Tower with the charm too :D
I leveled my Locke a lot while he was having Tritoch (Vali-something) so now he's better in magic than my Celes because of the +2 Magic bonus :P
I prefer to equip Hero's Ring instead of Earring, it boosts the physical attack and the magic attack.
Yeah, I have Bum Rush, it's always the first thing I do when I get the airship.
Oh, I just tried to kill Gilgamesh but he kicked my ass :P And I passed 1 hour flying to beat DeathGaze but he never showed up, I hate that monster.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.Fingertrap
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
Yeah, I know but I just got Locke an hour ago anyway. With my team killing every monsters easily and the other with the moogle's charm so no encounters.
Oh, I changed Cyan for Celes. Celes doing 2500 of damage with blizzara and Cyan doing only 1200.
That's 'cause Celes is a magics powerhouse!!! :D :D :D
I loooove that Moogle charm. Used it through the whole Fanatics tower.
I liked Cyan for his SwordTech thing but Celes and Terra are just so good with magic, you know? Especially if you pair both of them with earrings. But Edgar and Sabin will always be my favs for the Tools and Blitz. Have you gotten Bum Rush yet? (I don't know if that is what it's called in the GBA version. It's Sabin's last blitz.) Absolutely best move in the game! :)
Hahaha, I always do the Fanatics Tower with the charm too :D
I leveled my Locke a lot while he was having Tritoch (Vali-something) so now he's better in magic than my Celes because of the +2 Magic bonus :P
I prefer to equip Hero's Ring instead of Earring, it boosts the physical attack and the magic attack.
Yeah, I have Bum Rush, it's always the first thing I do when I get the airship.
Oh, I just tried to kill Gilgamesh but he kicked my ass :P And I passed 1 hour flying to beat DeathGaze but he never showed up, I hate that monster.
Tritoch was an awesome Esper! Loved it! I always thought that the status bonuses from the Espers is such a cool thing too! What a great way to customize your characters, you know?
Ah yea! I had forgotten about the Hero's Ring! I always used to equip Earrings (two) on both Celes and Terra, and then do an assortment of Alarm Earrings/Genji Gloves/Peace Rings/Knight's Code/Moogle Charm (when necessary) on everyone else!
Bum Rush = AMAZING. that a new name from the GBA version? See...I just got the World of Ruin in the GBA version, I beat it on the SNES but all the names and stuff are different so I don't remember Gilgamesh...was he still called Gilgamesh in the SNES version?
Hee hee, I used to always run into DeathGaze! I don't think I could fly anywhere without running into him! Which was quite unfortunate really because early on I wasn't powerful enough to fight him you know? :P
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Slightly_Emo"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Slightly_Emo"]I think they're was one in Final Fantasy II called Richard or something...but he couldn't even jump and that's just sad...
I didn't play a whole lot of FFII - I just didn't like it. But a dragoon that can't jump? He shouldn't even be called a dragoon :lol:
Yeah I didn't really get into FFII either, and you right he shouldn't be a dragoon.
Do you have a Favourite FF?
FFVI! Best game ever! :D
Yeah Final Fantasy 6 is one of my Favourites.
I would have to say(some might kill me for this)Final Fantasy X would be my fave.
Also by Best game ever you mean your absolute favourite Game of all time?
Alot of people have trouble deciding their Favourite game but mine is Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals. (I Highly reccomend you check it out if you haven't already.)
Back to SE, Least Favourite FF Game?
Also if my constant messaging is annoying speak up and I'll bug someone else.
Yes - Final Fantasy VI is my favourite game of all time! :) It's really quite an amazing game. For a while it was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but then I started re-playing VI on my DS reminded me again how awesome this game is, and so poor Ocarina got pushed to second place.
My least favourite would have to be Final Fantasy X.... *hides*
I have never played a Lufia game...I think I will look it up!
I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
Whoa, congradulations on that. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in the mail...Chrono Trigger is GREAT though :)
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
Whoa, congradulations on that. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in the mail...Chrono Trigger is GREAT though :)
Thanks!! :) I am so glad you ordered it! Just make sure to keep playing it. It's easy to stop but it's definitely worth it!
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
Whoa, congradulations on that. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in the mail...Chrono Trigger is GREAT though :)
Thanks!! :) I am so glad you ordered it! Just make sure to keep playing it. It's easy to stop but it's definitely worth it!
I want to get Chrono Trigger, but I don't know which one to get. I have a PS2, so I'm leaning towards the FF Chronicles, but I hear that it has bad loading times. I had a SNES, but my parents destroyed it when I was little(they acidentally dropped a glass of water directly into where the cartidge should go:cry: Man I wish i still had it) and I don't know if I should get CT for the SNES and a new SNES, because that costs a lot(CT alone goes for around $100), or get it on FF Chronicles for $30 and suffer through the loading times.
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.queen_valentine
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
Yeah, I know but I just got Locke an hour ago anyway. With my team killing every monsters easily and the other with the moogle's charm so no encounters.
Oh, I changed Cyan for Celes. Celes doing 2500 of damage with blizzara and Cyan doing only 1200.
That's 'cause Celes is a magics powerhouse!!! :D :D :D
I loooove that Moogle charm. Used it through the whole Fanatics tower.
I liked Cyan for his SwordTech thing but Celes and Terra are just so good with magic, you know? Especially if you pair both of them with earrings. But Edgar and Sabin will always be my favs for the Tools and Blitz. Have you gotten Bum Rush yet? (I don't know if that is what it's called in the GBA version. It's Sabin's last blitz.) Absolutely best move in the game! :)
Hahaha, I always do the Fanatics Tower with the charm too :D
I leveled my Locke a lot while he was having Tritoch (Vali-something) so now he's better in magic than my Celes because of the +2 Magic bonus :P
I prefer to equip Hero's Ring instead of Earring, it boosts the physical attack and the magic attack.
Yeah, I have Bum Rush, it's always the first thing I do when I get the airship.
Oh, I just tried to kill Gilgamesh but he kicked my ass :P And I passed 1 hour flying to beat DeathGaze but he never showed up, I hate that monster.
Tritoch was an awesome Esper! Loved it! I always thought that the status bonuses from the Espers is such a cool thing too! What a great way to customize your characters, you know?
Ah yea! I had forgotten about the Hero's Ring! I always used to equip Earrings (two) on both Celes and Terra, and then do an assortment of Alarm Earrings/Genji Gloves/Peace Rings/Knight's Code/Moogle Charm (when necessary) on everyone else!
Bum Rush = AMAZING. that a new name from the GBA version? See...I just got the World of Ruin in the GBA version, I beat it on the SNES but all the names and stuff are different so I don't remember Gilgamesh...was he still called Gilgamesh in the SNES version?
Hee hee, I used to always run into DeathGaze! I don't think I could fly anywhere without running into him! Which was quite unfortunate really because early on I wasn't powerful enough to fight him you know? :P
Yeah, the bonuses are cool and useful. And I just noticed that it's the only way to boost your character's stats, when you level up, there's only the HP and MP that increase.
My favorite relics combos are Thief's Glove with Genji Glove (stealing and hitting twice by turn), Offerings with Genji Glove (doing 8 hits by turn :P Awesome combo) Gold Hairpin and the relic you get at the top of the fanatics tower, I forgot its name but you can use 2 magics by turn. (you can cast the same magic twice for the cost one normal cast)
Gilgamesh is a new boss in the advance version, it's the same Gilgamesh who is in FFV and FFXII.
¤¤Maybe some spoilers if you want to uncover everything by yourself¤¤
You can buy Excalipoor for 500,000 gils at the auction house, after you can bet it at the coloseum and Gilgamesh will show up.
I saw a giant Cactuar too in the desert below Maranda.
I wanted to go at Doma Castle, so I got on my airship and maybe 5 seconds after, DeathGaze appeared and I beat it easily, it's when you don't want to fight him that he appears.
Ipod -> I have FF Chronicles and you should not buy it, the loadings are so long. Maybe 10-15 seconds.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]I think I should restart to play. I stopped because I didn't want to do the cave in which Locke is.
I always take Locke, Terra, Edgar and Cyan as my team. I equip Thief Glove and Genji Glove to Locke, like that, he can steal two times in one turn. I'm taking Terra because of Morph, she becomes so powerful when morphed. Edgar because of his tools and Cyan because I like him, he's not powerful in magic but has a boosted strength.Fingertrap
You know, you can skip getting Locke and take on kefka. I got everyone(ant the 2 secret characters too).
Yeah, I know but I just got Locke an hour ago anyway. With my team killing every monsters easily and the other with the moogle's charm so no encounters.
Oh, I changed Cyan for Celes. Celes doing 2500 of damage with blizzara and Cyan doing only 1200.
That's 'cause Celes is a magics powerhouse!!! :D :D :D
I loooove that Moogle charm. Used it through the whole Fanatics tower.
I liked Cyan for his SwordTech thing but Celes and Terra are just so good with magic, you know? Especially if you pair both of them with earrings. But Edgar and Sabin will always be my favs for the Tools and Blitz. Have you gotten Bum Rush yet? (I don't know if that is what it's called in the GBA version. It's Sabin's last blitz.) Absolutely best move in the game! :)
Hahaha, I always do the Fanatics Tower with the charm too :D
I leveled my Locke a lot while he was having Tritoch (Vali-something) so now he's better in magic than my Celes because of the +2 Magic bonus :P
I prefer to equip Hero's Ring instead of Earring, it boosts the physical attack and the magic attack.
Yeah, I have Bum Rush, it's always the first thing I do when I get the airship.
Oh, I just tried to kill Gilgamesh but he kicked my ass :P And I passed 1 hour flying to beat DeathGaze but he never showed up, I hate that monster.
Tritoch was an awesome Esper! Loved it! I always thought that the status bonuses from the Espers is such a cool thing too! What a great way to customize your characters, you know?
Ah yea! I had forgotten about the Hero's Ring! I always used to equip Earrings (two) on both Celes and Terra, and then do an assortment of Alarm Earrings/Genji Gloves/Peace Rings/Knight's Code/Moogle Charm (when necessary) on everyone else!
Bum Rush = AMAZING. that a new name from the GBA version? See...I just got the World of Ruin in the GBA version, I beat it on the SNES but all the names and stuff are different so I don't remember Gilgamesh...was he still called Gilgamesh in the SNES version?
Hee hee, I used to always run into DeathGaze! I don't think I could fly anywhere without running into him! Which was quite unfortunate really because early on I wasn't powerful enough to fight him you know? :P
Yeah, the bonuses are cool and useful. And I just noticed that it's the only way to boost your character's stats, when you level up, there's only the HP and MP that increase.
My favorite relics combos are Thief's Glove with Genji Glove (stealing and hitting twice by turn), Offerings with Genji Glove (doing 8 hits by turn :P Awesome combo) Gold Hairpin and the relic you get at the top of the fanatics tower, I forgot its name but you can use 2 magics by turn. (you can cast the same magic twice for the cost one normal cast)
Gilgamesh is a new boss in the advance version, it's the same Gilgamesh who is in FFV and FFXII.
¤¤Maybe some spoilers if you want to uncover everything by yourself¤¤
You can buy Excalipoor for 500,000 gils at the auction house, after you can bet it at the coloseum and Gilgamesh will show up.
I saw a giant Cactuar too in the desert below Maranda.
I wanted to go at Doma Castle, so I got on my airship and maybe 5 seconds after, DeathGaze appeared and I beat it easily, it's when you don't want to fight him that he appears.
Ipod -> I have FF Chronicles and you should not buy it, the loadings are so long. Maybe 10-15 seconds.
Really?! Iheard it was 3-5 seconds long.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
Whoa, congradulations on that. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in the mail...Chrono Trigger is GREAT though :)
Thanks!! :) I am so glad you ordered it! Just make sure to keep playing it. It's easy to stop but it's definitely worth it!
I want to get Chrono Trigger, but I don't know which one to get. I have a PS2, so I'm leaning towards the FF Chronicles, but I hear that it has bad loading times. I had a SNES, but my parents destroyed it when I was little(they acidentally dropped a glass of water directly into where the cartidge should go:cry: Man I wish i still had it) and I don't know if I should get CT for the SNES and a new SNES, because that costs a lot(CT alone goes for around $100), or get it on FF Chronicles for $30 and suffer through the loading times.
I've owned both versions of it. At first, the load times did feel long, but, in retrospect, I was far too used to playing the game on SNES and downloaded ROM formats. The load times are about...4-5 seconds for battles on Playstation. Just try to think of it as a Playstation rpg, and not as something that will run exactly like the SNES, and it's cool. Also the soundtrack sounds about a little bit different on the Playstation, but, again, keep in mind that it is the Playstation trying to emulate an old game. The Playstation version has more endings as well, so, you're better off with that one.
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
Whoa, congradulations on that. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in the mail...Chrono Trigger is GREAT though :)
Thanks!! :) I am so glad you ordered it! Just make sure to keep playing it. It's easy to stop but it's definitely worth it!
Dont worry, I plan on seeing it through to the end. I'm glad I picked it up too. It's been in the back of my mind for a while. If you've never played Chrono Trigger before, trust me, you'll love it :).
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]I finally beat Final Fantasy XII! :D
Now I think I will buy the guide and finish up the stuff I missed.
And then...I'm going to move onto Chrono Trigger. :)
Whoa, congradulations on that. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in the mail...Chrono Trigger is GREAT though :)
Thanks!! :) I am so glad you ordered it! Just make sure to keep playing it. It's easy to stop but it's definitely worth it!
I want to get Chrono Trigger, but I don't know which one to get. I have a PS2, so I'm leaning towards the FF Chronicles, but I hear that it has bad loading times. I had a SNES, but my parents destroyed it when I was little(they acidentally dropped a glass of water directly into where the cartidge should go:cry: Man I wish i still had it) and I don't know if I should get CT for the SNES and a new SNES, because that costs a lot(CT alone goes for around $100), or get it on FF Chronicles for $30 and suffer through the loading times.
I've owned both versions of it. At first, the load times did feel long, but, in retrospect, I was far too used to playing the game on SNES and downloaded ROM formats. The load times are about...4-5 seconds for battles on Playstation. Just try to think of it as a Playstation rpg, and not as something that will run exactly like the SNES, and it's cool. Also the soundtrack sounds about a little bit different on the Playstation, but, again, keep in mind that it is the Playstation trying to emulate an old game. The Playstation version has more endings as well, so, you're better off with that one.
I don't mind the loading times at's cool I'd recommend picking it up. Oh, and not to mention that the PSX verson has Animated Sequences! (It's worth the $30...unless you're a devoted game collector and buy the REALLY RARE original SNES verson for about $100):P
Uh...Yeah.. sorry Celes (I can call you that right?) I got a little carried away.
lol - it's OK! Don't apologize! I think our convo was left somewhere back on Page 4 of this thread. I think all I said was that FFVI was my fav game of all time! (Although...I don't know FFXII might be better...). And that my least fav is probably...X. *hides*!
I want to get Chrono Trigger, but I don't know which one to get. I have a PS2, so I'm leaning towards the FF Chronicles, but I hear that it has bad loading times. I had a SNES, but my parents destroyed it when I was little(they acidentally dropped a glass of water directly into where the cartidge should go:cry: Man I wish i still had it) and I don't know if I should get CT for the SNES and a new SNES, because that costs a lot(CT alone goes for around $100), or get it on FF Chronicles for $30 and suffer through the loading times.
I think either way, you will end up dishing out some cash. When I played FF Anthology and FF Chronicles I just couldn't take the load times so when I was thinking about getting Chrono Trigger I went out and got the SNES version. I got it off of eBay for $40 and it works perfectly fine! I am not sure how much FF Chronicles is going for now though, and it also depends how much you could find an SNES for too.
Yeah, the bonuses are cool and useful. And I just noticed that it's the only way to boost your character's stats, when you level up, there's only the HP and MP that increase.
My favorite relics combos are Thief's Glove with Genji Glove (stealing and hitting twice by turn), Offerings with Genji Glove (doing 8 hits by turn :P Awesome combo) Gold Hairpin and the relic you get at the top of the fanatics tower, I forgot its name but you can use 2 magics by turn. (you can cast the same magic twice for the cost one normal cast)
Gilgamesh is a new boss in the advance version, it's the same Gilgamesh who is in FFV and FFXII.
¤¤Maybe some spoilers if you want to uncover everything by yourself¤¤
You can buy Excalipoor for 500,000 gils at the auction house, after you can bet it at the coloseum and Gilgamesh will show up.
I saw a giant Cactuar too in the desert below Maranda.
I wanted to go at Doma Castle, so I got on my airship and maybe 5 seconds after, DeathGaze appeared and I beat it easily, it's when you don't want to fight him that he appears.
Ipod -> I have FF Chronicles and you should not buy it, the loadings are so long. Maybe 10-15 seconds.
Thief's Glove + Genji Glove ROCKS! I started using that too and it works so well! Sometimes I wish you could equip more than two relics at a time though, you know? I would love to do a Thief's Glove + Thief's Bracer + Genji Glove combo! I love that Relic atop the Fanatics Tower! (I forgot its name too :P) Isn't there another relic like that but for attacking? So you attack twice in one turn? Oooh! I wonder if you could couple that with the Genji Glove...
Is the Cursed Shield still in the GBA version? I really did hate uncursing that stupid thing, but it was quite an awesome shield.
I am glad you beat DeathGaze! Congrats! :)
Dont worry, I plan on seeing it through to the end. I'm glad I picked it up too. It's been in the back of my mind for a while. If you've never played Chrono Trigger before, trust me, you'll love it :).
Yay! That's good! I really hope you enjoy it. :)
I have never played Chrono Trigger before (I know, it's crazy.) Yesterday I played it for a little bit when I had some friends over. But I have this weird thing that when I start a new game that's so massive (and bound to be epic), when I first start it and I'm playing through the first parts, I have to play it by myself! It's weird I know, but that's me! :P I'll keep updating as I play more of CT! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Dont worry, I plan on seeing it through to the end. I'm glad I picked it up too. It's been in the back of my mind for a while. If you've never played Chrono Trigger before, trust me, you'll love it :).
Yay! That's good! I really hope you enjoy it. :)
I have never played Chrono Trigger before (I know, it's crazy.) Yesterday I played it for a little bit when I had some friends over. But I have this weird thing that when I start a new game that's so massive (and bound to be epic), when I first start it and I'm playing through the first parts, I have to play it by myself! It's weird I know, but that's me! :P I'll keep updating as I play more of CT! :)
Wow, really?? Chrono Trigger was my first rpg an one of the main reasonsI became a fan of Square. All I can say is you're in for a great time (and, yeah, it is going to be epic ;) ). I saw earlier you have the SNES version. Kinda suprising you found it for so cheap (I had toconvince my mom it was worth the 80bucks when it was new back in 95, thankfully it was easy since she already knew it was great). I thought both versions were cool though in their own way.
Oh, and playing the beginning by yourself isnt weird at all ;). I always start off great rpgs when everyone is sleeping or I'm home alone. I can't let any outside interference of any kind distract me from the "newness," or bring me out of the mood I get in.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Dont worry, I plan on seeing it through to the end. I'm glad I picked it up too. It's been in the back of my mind for a while. If you've never played Chrono Trigger before, trust me, you'll love it :).
Yay! That's good! I really hope you enjoy it. :)
I have never played Chrono Trigger before (I know, it's crazy.) Yesterday I played it for a little bit when I had some friends over. But I have this weird thing that when I start a new game that's so massive (and bound to be epic), when I first start it and I'm playing through the first parts, I have to play it by myself! It's weird I know, but that's me! :P I'll keep updating as I play more of CT! :)
Wow, really?? Chrono Trigger was my first rpg an one of the main reasonsI became a fan of Square. All I can say is you're in for a great time (and, yeah, it is going to be epic ;) ). I saw earlier you have the SNES version. Kinda suprising you found it for so cheap (I had toconvince my mom it was worth the 80bucks when it was new back in 95, thankfully it was easy since she already knew it was great). I thought both versions were cool though in their own way.
Oh, and playing the beginning by yourself isnt weird at all ;). I always start off great rpgs when everyone is sleeping or I'm home alone. I can't let any outside interference of any kind distract me from the "newness," or bring me out of the mood I get in.
Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
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