It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.
I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.
It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.
I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.
It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.
I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.
Hahaha, yea - I like VII, but it's definitely not in the top of my FF list. More towards the bottom...I'd say. :P
I thought V was pretty good though - mostly for its awesome job system.
Seriously? FFVII is definitely one of my favorites...only VI and IX are better, in my opinion. Great soundtrack, great characters, and I loved the materia feature.
Also, thank you all for reminding me to pick up Chrono Trigger again! I've played through that game halfway at least three times...then something more compelling always comes along. But I loved Chrono Cross so much that someday I need to see its predecessor in its full glory!
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Yeah, the bonuses are cool and useful. And I just noticed that it's the only way to boost your character's stats, when you level up, there's only the HP and MP that increase.
My favorite relics combos are Thief's Glove with Genji Glove (stealing and hitting twice by turn), Offerings with Genji Glove (doing 8 hits by turn :P Awesome combo) Gold Hairpin and the relic you get at the top of the fanatics tower, I forgot its name but you can use 2 magics by turn. (you can cast the same magic twice for the cost one normal cast)
Gilgamesh is a new boss in the advance version, it's the same Gilgamesh who is in FFV and FFXII.
¤¤Maybe some spoilers if you want to uncover everything by yourself¤¤
You can buy Excalipoor for 500,000 gils at the auction house, after you can bet it at the coloseum and Gilgamesh will show up.
I saw a giant Cactuar too in the desert below Maranda.
I wanted to go at Doma Castle, so I got on my airship and maybe 5 seconds after, DeathGaze appeared and I beat it easily, it's when you don't want to fight him that he appears.
Ipod -> I have FF Chronicles and you should not buy it, the loadings are so long. Maybe 10-15 seconds.
Thief's Glove + Genji Glove ROCKS! I started using that too and it works so well! Sometimes I wish you could equip more than two relics at a time though, you know? I would love to do a Thief's Glove + Thief's Bracer + Genji Glove combo! I love that Relic atop the Fanatics Tower! (I forgot its name too :P) Isn't there another relic like that but for attacking? So you attack twice in one turn? Oooh! I wonder if you could couple that with the Genji Glove...
Is the Cursed Shield still in the GBA version? I really did hate uncursing that stupid thing, but it was quite an awesome shield.
I am glad you beat DeathGaze! Congrats! :)
The other relic is Offering in SNES version and Master's Scroll in GBA's, with it, you can attack four times by turn, this why it's a good idea to equip Genji Glove with it. 8 attacks by turn.
The Cursed Shield is still in the GBA version and I uncursed it yesterday. And once the curse is removed, you can learn Ultima while it is equipped. So I took Ragnarok the sword and not the esper making the esper useless when you have the Paladin's shield, if you bet Ragnarok at the coloseum, you can win Lightbringer, the best sword in the game. It boosts all your stats except defense and magic defense , it has 100% of making critical hits and it can cast Holy. My Locke is a killing machine with Lightbringer and Valiant Knife equipped.
I just beat all the dragons and got Crusader, I beat Gilgamesh too, when you beat him, he gives you the esper Gilgamesh, I beat the giant Cactuar too and he becomes the esper Cactuar (Speed +2 awesome ^^).
Ipod -> I checked the loadings in CT and it's more like 6-8 seconds.
It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.Slightly_Emo
I hated the materia system in FFVII and I didn't like the fact that there were people with gun and stuff like that. But I loved FFV the job system is pretty cool but I ,unfortunately, never finished it.
It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.
I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.
It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.
I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.
I don't like FFVII either. The story isn't that good compared to VI's or X's.
The other relic is Offering in SNES version and Master's Scroll in GBA's, with it, you can attack four times by turn, this why it's a good idea to equip Genji Glove with it. 8 attacks by turn.
The Cursed Shield is still in the GBA version and I uncursed it yesterday. And once the curse is removed, you can learn Ultima while it is equipped. So I took Ragnarok the sword and not the esper making the esper useless when you have the Paladin's shield, if you bet Ragnarok at the coloseum, you can win Lightbringer, the best sword in the game. It boosts all your stats except defense and magic defense , it has 100% of making critical hits and it can cast Holy. My Locke is a killing machine with Lightbringer and Valiant Knife equipped.
I just beat all the dragons and got Crusader, I beat Gilgamesh too, when you beat him, he gives you the esper Gilgamesh, I beat the giant Cactuar too and he becomes the esper Cactuar (Speed +2 awesome ^^).
Ipod -> I checked the loadings in CT and it's more like 6-8 seconds.
Wow! You're a go-getter! :P I never got the Lightbringer when I played it on the SNES. It sounds amazing though!!! Or is that GBA-exclusive? All this difference in the versions is getting me confused! I should probably beat the GBA version then and put the confusion to rest!
I also took Ragnarok because I too uncursed the shield. It would be kind of pointless to get the Esper instead of the sword, you know?
So are you doing all this stuff before or after the last level? :)
[QUOTE="Slightly_Emo"]It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.Fingertrap
I hated the materia system in FFVII and I didn't like the fact that there were people with gun and stuff like that. But I loved FFV the job system is pretty cool but I ,unfortunately, never finished it.
I didn't like the materia system either. I thought it was such a hassle and it just didn't work very well. I really liked the way you learn abilities in IX (by equipping different armour/weapons/accessories).
I never finished V either, but the job system was amazing! Although when you get to the higher levels (I'm lookin' at you Red Mage) it starts to take a really long time to level up! I should probably go back and beat that game sometime. I think I was getting close!
Yeah I couldn't get into VII that much..or V, I thought the job system and music were cool but the characters and story were a bit bland.
I like VI and IV alot but X is my favourite.
Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Seriously? FFVII is definitely one of my favorites...only VI and IX are better, in my opinion. Great soundtrack, great characters, and I loved the materia feature.
Also, thank you all for reminding me to pick up Chrono Trigger again! I've played through that game halfway at least three times...then something more compelling always comes along. But I loved Chrono Cross so much that someday I need to see its predecessor in its full glory!
Mine too. I liked nearly everything about it. Don't be so suprised though that other people didnt like it. I learned that same thing a few years back. I think most people who didnt like it too much, liked VI better (that's how it was in my high school anyway). Kinda got me thinkin' VI must have beenreal amazing.
Um, by the way, I had Chrono Cross too, but, I never beat it...I got so caught up in defeating Glenn (with my entire party alive) that that actually became my only purpose in the game, and, I kinda lost track of what was going on...Do you know what happens in the end?
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Yea I know. I was thinking the same thing, my SNES better behave while I'm playing CT...
Still very early on in the game. I kept playing that one mini-game in the festival where you have to fight this robot cat and this really cute music plays. And then I spent my points on this other game where I had to pick if it was Wedge, Biggs or some other guy. Pretty fun!!
That is my plan. To get FFXII completely done and then devote all my time into Chrono Trigger. I know if I start Chrono Trigger without finishing XII up, I just won't be able to enjoy it as much. I still keep thinking about XII and how awesome it is...
Have you ever played VI before? I like that part - the beginning. You're using the magitek armour and stuff. Pretty cool. VI is definitely an amazing game. And pretty lengthy considering the time it was made!
Well...I hope you will enjoy VI until XII gets to you. I am sorry it's on backorder. :( That sucks
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]The other relic is Offering in SNES version and Master's Scroll in GBA's, with it, you can attack four times by turn, this why it's a good idea to equip Genji Glove with it. 8 attacks by turn.
The Cursed Shield is still in the GBA version and I uncursed it yesterday. And once the curse is removed, you can learn Ultima while it is equipped. So I took Ragnarok the sword and not the esper making the esper useless when you have the Paladin's shield, if you bet Ragnarok at the coloseum, you can win Lightbringer, the best sword in the game. It boosts all your stats except defense and magic defense , it has 100% of making critical hits and it can cast Holy. My Locke is a killing machine with Lightbringer and Valiant Knife equipped.
I just beat all the dragons and got Crusader, I beat Gilgamesh too, when you beat him, he gives you the esper Gilgamesh, I beat the giant Cactuar too and he becomes the esper Cactuar (Speed +2 awesome ^^).
Ipod -> I checked the loadings in CT and it's more like 6-8 seconds.queen_valentine
Wow! You're a go-getter! :P I never got the Lightbringer when I played it on the SNES. It sounds amazing though!!! Or is that GBA-exclusive? All this difference in the versions is getting me confused! I should probably beat the GBA version then and put the confusion to rest!
I also took Ragnarok because I too uncursed the shield. It would be kind of pointless to get the Esper instead of the sword, you know?
So are you doing all this stuff before or after the last level? :)
Well, on SNES, Lightbringer is called Illumina and I have something pretty cool to tell you :P. I finished the game today and when you're fighting against the final boss you can steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok :D So you can get another Lightbringer. It was impossible on SNES to keep these weapons because you couldn't save after beating Kefka but in the GBA version you can keep them.
Ragnarok the Esper is so useless, it doesn't give any bonus when you level up and its ability of changing monsters in items sucks. So you should always take the sword even if you can get another at the end. Oh, and I said that Lightbringer has 100% chance of making critical hits but it works like Rune Blade, it takes MP to make critical hits.
If the last level you're talking about is the Kefka's Tower well I did all this before. Kefka was so easy to kill :P The only dungeon that was on the SNES version that I still have to do is the one just north of Thamasa where you have to get pieces of coral and give them to a chest. I still have to do the Dragon's Den but I have to find where it is first. :)
[QUOTE="Slightly_Emo"]It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.Fingertrap
I hated the materia system in FFVII and I didn't like the fact that there were people with gun and stuff like that. But I loved FFV the job system is pretty cool but I ,unfortunately, never finished it.
I didn't like the materia system either. I thought it was such a hassle and it just didn't work very well. I really liked the way you learn abilities in IX (by equipping different armour/weapons/accessories).
I never finished V either, but the job system was amazing! Although when you get to the higher levels (I'm lookin' at you Red Mage) it starts to take a really long time to level up! I should probably go back and beat that game sometime. I think I was getting close!
Yeah the last level for the red mage takes like 999 AP. The mime has just one level and it takes 999 AP to get it. I started a game of FFV on Playsation but I'm stuck at Atomos and the loadings are too long so I stopped. Maybe I should have bought it on GBA.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]The other relic is Offering in SNES version and Master's Scroll in GBA's, with it, you can attack four times by turn, this why it's a good idea to equip Genji Glove with it. 8 attacks by turn.
The Cursed Shield is still in the GBA version and I uncursed it yesterday. And once the curse is removed, you can learn Ultima while it is equipped. So I took Ragnarok the sword and not the esper making the esper useless when you have the Paladin's shield, if you bet Ragnarok at the coloseum, you can win Lightbringer, the best sword in the game. It boosts all your stats except defense and magic defense , it has 100% of making critical hits and it can cast Holy. My Locke is a killing machine with Lightbringer and Valiant Knife equipped.
I just beat all the dragons and got Crusader, I beat Gilgamesh too, when you beat him, he gives you the esper Gilgamesh, I beat the giant Cactuar too and he becomes the esper Cactuar (Speed +2 awesome ^^).
Ipod -> I checked the loadings in CT and it's more like 6-8 seconds.Fingertrap
Wow! You're a go-getter! :P I never got the Lightbringer when I played it on the SNES. It sounds amazing though!!! Or is that GBA-exclusive? All this difference in the versions is getting me confused! I should probably beat the GBA version then and put the confusion to rest!
I also took Ragnarok because I too uncursed the shield. It would be kind of pointless to get the Esper instead of the sword, you know?
So are you doing all this stuff before or after the last level? :)
Well, on SNES, Lightbringer is called Illumina and I have something pretty cool to tell you :P. I finished the game today and when you're fighting against the final boss you can steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok :D So you can get another Lightbringer. It was impossible on SNES to keep these weapons because you couldn't save after beating Kefka but in the GBA version you can keep them.
Ragnarok the Esper is so useless, it doesn't give any bonus when you level up and its ability of changing monsters in items sucks. So you should always take the sword even if you can get another at the end. Oh, and I said that Lightbringer has 100% chance of making critical hits but it works like Rune Blade, it takes MP to make critical hits.
If the last level you're talking about is the Kefka's Tower well I did all this before. Kefka was so easy to kill :P The only dungeon that was on the SNES version that I still have to do is the one just north of Thamasa where you have to get pieces of coral and give them to a chest. I still have to do the Dragon's Den but I have to find where it is first. :)
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="Slightly_Emo"]It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.queen_valentine
I hated the materia system in FFVII and I didn't like the fact that there were people with gun and stuff like that. But I loved FFV the job system is pretty cool but I ,unfortunately, never finished it.
I didn't like the materia system either. I thought it was such a hassle and it just didn't work very well. I really liked the way you learn abilities in IX (by equipping different armour/weapons/accessories).
I never finished V either, but the job system was amazing! Although when you get to the higher levels (I'm lookin' at you Red Mage) it starts to take a really long time to level up! I should probably go back and beat that game sometime. I think I was getting close!
Yeah the last level for the red mage takes like 999 AP. The mime has just one level and it takes 999 AP to get it. I started a game of FFV on Playsation but I'm stuck at Atomos and the loadings are too long so I stopped. Maybe I should have bought it on GBA.
Hey! Congrats on finishing the game! Isn't the ending awesome? I loved it so much! It's quite long, but I really liked it.
So you can save at the end of the GBA version huh? That's always cool! Kefka was easy - it just took a while. Quite the lengthy fight, if I recall correctly.
Yea - that dungeon north of Thamasa sucks. It took me a long time and I don't even remember what you get when you finish it.
FFV on the GBA is WAY better than on the Playstation. I don't know what the extras are, since I haven't beaten it yet, but it's worth it just for the lack of load times. I'll probably pick this game up again once I beat Chrono Trigger and FFVI Advance.
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Yea I know. I was thinking the same thing, my SNES better behave while I'm playing CT...
Still very early on in the game. I kept playing that one mini-game in the festival where you have to fight this robot cat and this really cute music plays. And then I spent my points on this other game where I had to pick if it was Wedge, Biggs or some other guy. Pretty fun!!
That is my plan. To get FFXII completely done and then devote all my time into Chrono Trigger. I know if I start Chrono Trigger without finishing XII up, I just won't be able to enjoy it as much. I still keep thinking about XII and how awesome it is...
Have you ever played VI before? I like that part - the beginning. You're using the magitek armour and stuff. Pretty cool. VI is definitely an amazing game. And pretty lengthy considering the time it was made!
Well...I hope you will enjoy VI until XII gets to you. I am sorry it's on backorder. :( That sucks
Oh yeah, "They call me Gato. I have metal joints, Beat me up and earn...15 silver points"....whoa, after nearly 12 years I still remember that robot cat. I must love that game more than I know. I guess it's also cause I fought him alot too, trying to get points the easiest way I could. Oh! In that tent where you had to pick between Biggs and Wedge, they gave you cat food as a prize, right? Get that every now and thenthroughout the gameto feed the cat in your house. I wont say why, but, just TRUST ME on that ;). You got that guide yesterday right? Have fun finishing up XII :)
I've never played VI before. I know my cousin once had it, but, I knew nothing of rpgs when he did (was probably too interested in Megaman X,Sonic,or whatever rare anime sci-fi channel was playing). But, I've heardalot about it on t.v. and in high school. I did like the armor I was in. For an SNES game, it looked pretty good, and I thought CT only had cool effects like those. It's got my interest so far :). Thanks for the sympathy about XII. Backorders are annoying...
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Yea I know. I was thinking the same thing, my SNES better behave while I'm playing CT...
Still very early on in the game. I kept playing that one mini-game in the festival where you have to fight this robot cat and this really cute music plays. And then I spent my points on this other game where I had to pick if it was Wedge, Biggs or some other guy. Pretty fun!!
That is my plan. To get FFXII completely done and then devote all my time into Chrono Trigger. I know if I start Chrono Trigger without finishing XII up, I just won't be able to enjoy it as much. I still keep thinking about XII and how awesome it is...
Have you ever played VI before? I like that part - the beginning. You're using the magitek armour and stuff. Pretty cool. VI is definitely an amazing game. And pretty lengthy considering the time it was made!
Well...I hope you will enjoy VI until XII gets to you. I am sorry it's on backorder. :( That sucks
Oh yeah, "They call me Gato. I have metal joints, Beat me up and earn...15 silver points"....whoa, after nearly 12 years I still remember that robot cat. I must love that game more than I know. I guess it's also cause I fought him alot too, trying to get points the easiest way I could. Oh! In that tent where you had to pick between Biggs and Wedge, they gave you cat food as a prize, right? Get that every now and thenthroughout the gameto feed the cat in your house. I wont say why, but, just TRUST ME on that ;). You got that guide yesterday right? Have fun finishing up XII :)
I've never played VI before. I know my cousin once had it, but, I knew nothing of rpgs when he did (was probably too interested in Megaman X,Sonic,or whatever rare anime sci-fi channel was playing). But, I've heardalot about it on t.v. and in high school. I did like the armor I was in. For an SNES game, it looked pretty good, and I thought CT only had cool effects like those. It's got my interest so far :). Thanks for the sympathy about XII. Backorders are annoying...
Hahaha, yea! "Gato"! That's funny...I only played it a few days ago and I had already forgotten! :P I'll keep the catfood thing in mind...thanks for the tip!
Do yourself a favour and play through VI too. I believe it came out a year before Chrono Trigger, but it's funny 'cause both games have very similar effects. Anyway, FFVI is definitely one of the best FFs - the story is deep, character development superb, graphics are amazing (for its time...), soundtrack - probably the best out of any FF. It is just simply a work of art!
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Yea I know. I was thinking the same thing, my SNES better behave while I'm playing CT...
Still very early on in the game. I kept playing that one mini-game in the festival where you have to fight this robot cat and this really cute music plays. And then I spent my points on this other game where I had to pick if it was Wedge, Biggs or some other guy. Pretty fun!!
That is my plan. To get FFXII completely done and then devote all my time into Chrono Trigger. I know if I start Chrono Trigger without finishing XII up, I just won't be able to enjoy it as much. I still keep thinking about XII and how awesome it is...
Have you ever played VI before? I like that part - the beginning. You're using the magitek armour and stuff. Pretty cool. VI is definitely an amazing game. And pretty lengthy considering the time it was made!
Well...I hope you will enjoy VI until XII gets to you. I am sorry it's on backorder. :( That sucks
Oh yeah, "They call me Gato. I have metal joints, Beat me up and earn...15 silver points"....whoa, after nearly 12 years I still remember that robot cat. I must love that game more than I know. I guess it's also cause I fought him alot too, trying to get points the easiest way I could. Oh! In that tent where you had to pick between Biggs and Wedge, they gave you cat food as a prize, right? Get that every now and thenthroughout the gameto feed the cat in your house. I wont say why, but, just TRUST ME on that ;). You got that guide yesterday right? Have fun finishing up XII :)
I've never played VI before. I know my cousin once had it, but, I knew nothing of rpgs when he did (was probably too interested in Megaman X,Sonic,or whatever rare anime sci-fi channel was playing). But, I've heardalot about it on t.v. and in high school. I did like the armor I was in. For an SNES game, it looked pretty good, and I thought CT only had cool effects like those. It's got my interest so far :). Thanks for the sympathy about XII. Backorders are annoying...
Hahaha, yea! "Gato"! That's funny...I only played it a few days ago and I had already forgotten! :P I'll keep the catfood thing in mind...thanks for the tip!
Do yourself a favour and play through VI too. I believe it came out a year before Chrono Trigger, but it's funny 'cause both games have very similar effects. Anyway, FFVI is definitely one of the best FFs - the story is deep, character development superb, graphics are amazing (for its time...), soundtrack - probably the best out of any FF. It is just simply a work of art!
Don't worry. I'll definately play through VI to the end. I'm only 45 min into the game (Locke just saved Terra from a cave and I'm learning about battles), but, I'm already real interested in going far in the game. You're right, the game looks pretty great, and, I'm real suprised at how good the music is, epecially so early in the game. I also kinda like that my characters get profile intros in the game. The game just feels different from alot of other rpgs I've played and I like it :)
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Yea I know. I was thinking the same thing, my SNES better behave while I'm playing CT...
Still very early on in the game. I kept playing that one mini-game in the festival where you have to fight this robot cat and this really cute music plays. And then I spent my points on this other game where I had to pick if it was Wedge, Biggs or some other guy. Pretty fun!!
That is my plan. To get FFXII completely done and then devote all my time into Chrono Trigger. I know if I start Chrono Trigger without finishing XII up, I just won't be able to enjoy it as much. I still keep thinking about XII and how awesome it is...
Have you ever played VI before? I like that part - the beginning. You're using the magitek armour and stuff. Pretty cool. VI is definitely an amazing game. And pretty lengthy considering the time it was made!
Well...I hope you will enjoy VI until XII gets to you. I am sorry it's on backorder. :( That sucks
Oh yeah, "They call me Gato. I have metal joints, Beat me up and earn...15 silver points"....whoa, after nearly 12 years I still remember that robot cat. I must love that game more than I know. I guess it's also cause I fought him alot too, trying to get points the easiest way I could. Oh! In that tent where you had to pick between Biggs and Wedge, they gave you cat food as a prize, right? Get that every now and thenthroughout the gameto feed the cat in your house. I wont say why, but, just TRUST ME on that ;). You got that guide yesterday right? Have fun finishing up XII :)
I've never played VI before. I know my cousin once had it, but, I knew nothing of rpgs when he did (was probably too interested in Megaman X,Sonic,or whatever rare anime sci-fi channel was playing). But, I've heardalot about it on t.v. and in high school. I did like the armor I was in. For an SNES game, it looked pretty good, and I thought CT only had cool effects like those. It's got my interest so far :). Thanks for the sympathy about XII. Backorders are annoying...
Hahaha, yea! "Gato"! That's funny...I only played it a few days ago and I had already forgotten! :P I'll keep the catfood thing in mind...thanks for the tip!
Do yourself a favour and play through VI too. I believe it came out a year before Chrono Trigger, but it's funny 'cause both games have very similar effects. Anyway, FFVI is definitely one of the best FFs - the story is deep, character development superb, graphics are amazing (for its time...), soundtrack - probably the best out of any FF. It is just simply a work of art!
Don't worry. I'll definately play through VI to the end. I'm only 45 min into the game (Locke just saved Terra from a cave and I'm learning about battles), but, I'm already real interested in going far in the game. You're right, the game looks pretty great, and, I'm real suprised at how good the music is, epecially so early in the game. I also kinda like that my characters get profile intros in the game. The game just feels different from alot of other rpgs I've played and I like it :)
Oh yea! I know which part you're at! That's where all the Moogles come and help you out! I remember the first time I played that game I didn't know what a Moogle was (since any other FF I had previously played was IV - no Moogles.) and I was like, "whoa, where'd those little guys come from?" Hahahaha, little did I know the Moogle was such a FF staple...
I love the music in VI. Definitely one of my favourite soundtracks!!
I also like the character intros at the beginning. I think I like Locke's the best. Something about him being a "treasure hunter" and not a thief. :P Silly Locke!
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]The other relic is Offering in SNES version and Master's Scroll in GBA's, with it, you can attack four times by turn, this why it's a good idea to equip Genji Glove with it. 8 attacks by turn.
The Cursed Shield is still in the GBA version and I uncursed it yesterday. And once the curse is removed, you can learn Ultima while it is equipped. So I took Ragnarok the sword and not the esper making the esper useless when you have the Paladin's shield, if you bet Ragnarok at the coloseum, you can win Lightbringer, the best sword in the game. It boosts all your stats except defense and magic defense , it has 100% of making critical hits and it can cast Holy. My Locke is a killing machine with Lightbringer and Valiant Knife equipped.
I just beat all the dragons and got Crusader, I beat Gilgamesh too, when you beat him, he gives you the esper Gilgamesh, I beat the giant Cactuar too and he becomes the esper Cactuar (Speed +2 awesome ^^).
Ipod -> I checked the loadings in CT and it's more like 6-8 seconds.queen_valentine
Wow! You're a go-getter! :P I never got the Lightbringer when I played it on the SNES. It sounds amazing though!!! Or is that GBA-exclusive? All this difference in the versions is getting me confused! I should probably beat the GBA version then and put the confusion to rest!
I also took Ragnarok because I too uncursed the shield. It would be kind of pointless to get the Esper instead of the sword, you know?
So are you doing all this stuff before or after the last level? :)
Well, on SNES, Lightbringer is called Illumina and I have something pretty cool to tell you :P. I finished the game today and when you're fighting against the final boss you can steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok :D So you can get another Lightbringer. It was impossible on SNES to keep these weapons because you couldn't save after beating Kefka but in the GBA version you can keep them.
Ragnarok the Esper is so useless, it doesn't give any bonus when you level up and its ability of changing monsters in items sucks. So you should always take the sword even if you can get another at the end. Oh, and I said that Lightbringer has 100% chance of making critical hits but it works like Rune Blade, it takes MP to make critical hits.
If the last level you're talking about is the Kefka's Tower well I did all this before. Kefka was so easy to kill :P The only dungeon that was on the SNES version that I still have to do is the one just north of Thamasa where you have to get pieces of coral and give them to a chest. I still have to do the Dragon's Den but I have to find where it is first. :)
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="Slightly_Emo"]It's fair enough to not like FFX kinda like I.....don' V.I really want to get FFXII but i'm broke so I'll just wait until it comes down in price.
Also i want to get KH2 first.queen_valentine
I hated the materia system in FFVII and I didn't like the fact that there were people with gun and stuff like that. But I loved FFV the job system is pretty cool but I ,unfortunately, never finished it.
I didn't like the materia system either. I thought it was such a hassle and it just didn't work very well. I really liked the way you learn abilities in IX (by equipping different armour/weapons/accessories).
I never finished V either, but the job system was amazing! Although when you get to the higher levels (I'm lookin' at you Red Mage) it starts to take a really long time to level up! I should probably go back and beat that game sometime. I think I was getting close!
Yeah the last level for the red mage takes like 999 AP. The mime has just one level and it takes 999 AP to get it. I started a game of FFV on Playsation but I'm stuck at Atomos and the loadings are too long so I stopped. Maybe I should have bought it on GBA.
Hey! Congrats on finishing the game! Isn't the ending awesome? I loved it so much! It's quite long, but I really liked it.
So you can save at the end of the GBA version huh? That's always cool! Kefka was easy - it just took a while. Quite the lengthy fight, if I recall correctly.
Yea - that dungeon north of Thamasa sucks. It took me a long time and I don't even remember what you get when you finish it.
FFV on the GBA is WAY better than on the Playstation. I don't know what the extras are, since I haven't beaten it yet, but it's worth it just for the lack of load times. I'll probably pick this game up again once I beat Chrono Trigger and FFVI Advance.
Yeah, the ending is awesome, my favorite part is when Shadow stays in tower. When Celes is gonna fall and Locke goes to her rescue. He says something about he would never let her sown of something like, that was cool too.
I usually never do that cave but my brother told that it's just for a blue magic for Strago. The boss casts a magic called Grand Train in the SNES version and it's the only place where Strago can learn it.
Hey, I was searching for FFV on GBA saturday but didn't find it but I found Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories so I bought it. It's fun but not what I expected.
Yeah, the ending is awesome, my favorite part is when Shadow stays in tower. When Celes is gonna fall and Locke goes to her rescue. He says something about he would never let her sown of something like, that was cool too.
I usually never do that cave but my brother told that it's just for a blue magic for Strago. The boss casts a magic called Grand Train in the SNES version and it's the only place where Strago can learn it.
Hey, I was searching for FFV on GBA saturday but didn't find it but I found Kingdom Hearts : Chain of Memories so I bought it. It's fun but not what I expected.
I do love that part with Shadow. And the Celes/Locke one. I just love those two. Almost as much as Balthier and Fran. Hahahaha.
Is that all you get in that cave? I really don't remember. It's been so long. Seems like a really dumb reward for such a tough cave. Well, it's not really tough, just a pain in the ass, :P hahahaha
I'm sorry you couldn't find FFV Advance. :( Did you just look at stores or online too?
I've never been too into Kingdom Hearts. Chain of Memories that's the GBA one right?
This guy on my friends list hated FFVI's ending. He liked the game until the ending. He then said that the game was then a disapointmenIpodHero176
Seriously!? Did he say what he didn't like about it?
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"]This guy on my friends list hated FFVI's ending. He liked the game until the ending. He then said that the game was then a disapointmenqueen_valentine
Seriously!? Did he say what he didn't like about it?
He said he didn't like about the ending for Celes and Locke. There was more reasons, but I forgot them.
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Hahaha, yea I couldn't believe I got it for $40 either! I was pretty excited! It's in great condition too! I just wish my SNES would work most of the time. I have the "second edition" SNES (the smaller one.) And if I hit it on accident or give it a dirty look it just crashes.:evil: It's quite annoying! I hope it doesn't break on me. It'd be weird - I always take good care of my consoles!
On Friday, once I get paid, I am planning on buying the guide to FFXII. Once I complete everything that I want to in that game, then I'll start up Chrono Trigger again. The other day I made it past the part where Lucca sends you to another dimention (time?) on accident. You're chasing after Marle really. I made it to a forest and that's as far as I got. I don't want to start it having FFXII in the back of my mind.
heh heh heh, a dirty look, huh? Jeez, I just hope it doesnt act up on you while you're trying to find a save point ;).
I know where you're at in the game and it's still pretty much the beginning (I'll leave it up to you to know if it's another time or dimention ;)). Yeah, you're tryin' to catch up to Marle. Go ahead and get XII out of the way, so you can come back to Chrono Trigger and give it more attention. Unfortunately for me...I got an e-mail saying my XII is on backorder :evil:...I hope I dont have to wait forever for it. I was startin' to get real excited for it for the past few days. For now, I'll just go back to the FFVI I have on my laptop. I'm in the beginning and an esper just took out Biggs and Wedge (do they ever have good luck in a FF game?)
Yea I know. I was thinking the same thing, my SNES better behave while I'm playing CT...
Still very early on in the game. I kept playing that one mini-game in the festival where you have to fight this robot cat and this really cute music plays. And then I spent my points on this other game where I had to pick if it was Wedge, Biggs or some other guy. Pretty fun!!
That is my plan. To get FFXII completely done and then devote all my time into Chrono Trigger. I know if I start Chrono Trigger without finishing XII up, I just won't be able to enjoy it as much. I still keep thinking about XII and how awesome it is...
Have you ever played VI before? I like that part - the beginning. You're using the magitek armour and stuff. Pretty cool. VI is definitely an amazing game. And pretty lengthy considering the time it was made!
Well...I hope you will enjoy VI until XII gets to you. I am sorry it's on backorder. :( That sucks
Oh yeah, "They call me Gato. I have metal joints, Beat me up and earn...15 silver points"....whoa, after nearly 12 years I still remember that robot cat. I must love that game more than I know. I guess it's also cause I fought him alot too, trying to get points the easiest way I could. Oh! In that tent where you had to pick between Biggs and Wedge, they gave you cat food as a prize, right? Get that every now and thenthroughout the gameto feed the cat in your house. I wont say why, but, just TRUST ME on that ;). You got that guide yesterday right? Have fun finishing up XII :)
I've never played VI before. I know my cousin once had it, but, I knew nothing of rpgs when he did (was probably too interested in Megaman X,Sonic,or whatever rare anime sci-fi channel was playing). But, I've heardalot about it on t.v. and in high school. I did like the armor I was in. For an SNES game, it looked pretty good, and I thought CT only had cool effects like those. It's got my interest so far :). Thanks for the sympathy about XII. Backorders are annoying...
Hahaha, yea! "Gato"! That's funny...I only played it a few days ago and I had already forgotten! :P I'll keep the catfood thing in mind...thanks for the tip!
Do yourself a favour and play through VI too. I believe it came out a year before Chrono Trigger, but it's funny 'cause both games have very similar effects. Anyway, FFVI is definitely one of the best FFs - the story is deep, character development superb, graphics are amazing (for its time...), soundtrack - probably the best out of any FF. It is just simply a work of art!
Don't worry. I'll definately play through VI to the end. I'm only 45 min into the game (Locke just saved Terra from a cave and I'm learning about battles), but, I'm already real interested in going far in the game. You're right, the game looks pretty great, and, I'm real suprised at how good the music is, epecially so early in the game. I also kinda like that my characters get profile intros in the game. The game just feels different from alot of other rpgs I've played and I like it :)
Oh yea! I know which part you're at! That's where all the Moogles come and help you out! I remember the first time I played that game I didn't know what a Moogle was (since any other FF I had previously played was IV - no Moogles.) and I was like, "whoa, where'd those little guys come from?" Hahahaha, little did I know the Moogle was such a FF staple...
I love the music in VI. Definitely one of my favourite soundtracks!!
I also like the character intros at the beginning. I think I like Locke's the best. Something about him being a "treasure hunter" and not a thief. :P Silly Locke!
lol, yeah! He gets pretty defensive about it right from the beginning when this old man asks him if he's still been stealing. "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER." I can tell he's already gonna be a favorite of mine. Now I have Edgar and everyone saying he flirts with anythin' that moves. And seeing Kefka complain about the castle being located in a desert was kinda funny. I mean, I've never seen an enemy complain like that before. I guess I'm startin' to see why the cast is so likeable.
lol, yeah! He gets pretty defensive about it right from the beginning when this old man asks him if he's still been stealing. "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER." I can tell he's already gonna be a favorite of mine. Now I have Edgar and everyone saying he flirts with anythin' that moves. And seeing Kefka complain about the castle being located in a desert was kinda funny. I mean, I've never seen an enemy complain like that before. I guess I'm startin' to see why the cast is so likeable.
lol, yea I do like that part in the beginning with Locke! It's so funny!
Edgar rocks too. I love the tools that he uses. (Just wait till you get to Zozo and uncover the most amazing tool EVER.) He IS a flirt, that is probably why he is also one of my favs. :P
I love the part with Kefka! "Edgar! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere you pinhead! *Ahem* There is SAND on my boots!" Those poor soldiers. I love Kefka, greatest villain EVER.
I am glad you are enjoying FFVI so far!!
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]lol, yeah! He gets pretty defensive about it right from the beginning when this old man asks him if he's still been stealing. "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER." I can tell he's already gonna be a favorite of mine. Now I have Edgar and everyone saying he flirts with anythin' that moves. And seeing Kefka complain about the castle being located in a desert was kinda funny. I mean, I've never seen an enemy complain like that before. I guess I'm startin' to see why the cast is so likeable.
lol, yea I do like that part in the beginning with Locke! It's so funny!
Edgar rocks too. I love the tools that he uses. (Just wait till you get to Zozo and uncover the most amazing tool EVER.) He IS a flirt, that is probably why he is also one of my favs. :P
I love the part with Kefka! "Edgar! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere you pinhead! *Ahem* There is SAND on my boots!" Those poor soldiers. I love Kefka, greatest villain EVER.
I am glad you are enjoying FFVI so far!!
I'm at the final battle. I died on Tiger, because I didn't know who to attack. I liked when Kefka said "You guys sound like a self-help book" :lol: One of my favorite quotes. He was right though.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"]lol, yeah! He gets pretty defensive about it right from the beginning when this old man asks him if he's still been stealing. "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER." I can tell he's already gonna be a favorite of mine. Now I have Edgar and everyone saying he flirts with anythin' that moves. And seeing Kefka complain about the castle being located in a desert was kinda funny. I mean, I've never seen an enemy complain like that before. I guess I'm startin' to see why the cast is so likeable.
lol, yea I do like that part in the beginning with Locke! It's so funny!
Edgar rocks too. I love the tools that he uses. (Just wait till you get to Zozo and uncover the most amazing tool EVER.) He IS a flirt, that is probably why he is also one of my favs. :P
I love the part with Kefka! "Edgar! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere you pinhead! *Ahem* There is SAND on my boots!" Those poor soldiers. I love Kefka, greatest villain EVER.
I am glad you are enjoying FFVI so far!!
I'm at the final battle. I died on Tiger, because I didn't know who to attack. I liked when Kefka said "You guys sound like a self-help book" :lol: One of my favorite quotes. He was right though.
Hmm...Tiger. I am trying to remember what it looks like! But I think I know what you are talking about. I remember being confused at one point too during the final battle. Isn't it long?! I think FFVI was the beginning of final bosses having a million different forms! :lol:
I do love that quote! Oh Kefka, how I love your sense of humour. :P
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="queen_valentine"][QUOTE="Kenshin18"]lol, yeah! He gets pretty defensive about it right from the beginning when this old man asks him if he's still been stealing. "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER." I can tell he's already gonna be a favorite of mine. Now I have Edgar and everyone saying he flirts with anythin' that moves. And seeing Kefka complain about the castle being located in a desert was kinda funny. I mean, I've never seen an enemy complain like that before. I guess I'm startin' to see why the cast is so likeable.
lol, yea I do like that part in the beginning with Locke! It's so funny!
Edgar rocks too. I love the tools that he uses. (Just wait till you get to Zozo and uncover the most amazing tool EVER.) He IS a flirt, that is probably why he is also one of my favs. :P
I love the part with Kefka! "Edgar! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere you pinhead! *Ahem* There is SAND on my boots!" Those poor soldiers. I love Kefka, greatest villain EVER.
I am glad you are enjoying FFVI so far!!
I'm at the final battle. I died on Tiger, because I didn't know who to attack. I liked when Kefka said "You guys sound like a self-help book" :lol: One of my favorite quotes. He was right though.
Hmm...Tiger. I am trying to remember what it looks like! But I think I know what you are talking about. I remember being confused at one point too during the final battle. Isn't it long?! I think FFVI was the beginning of final bosses having a million different forms! :lol:
I do love that quote! Oh Kefka, how I love your sense of humour. :P
Yeah. You have to love kefka:D
Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)
Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)
He's on my friends list(like you and Queen). I already have Ultima Weapon(I got it in WoB I think).
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]lol, yeah! He gets pretty defensive about it right from the beginning when this old man asks him if he's still been stealing. "I'm a TREASURE HUNTER." I can tell he's already gonna be a favorite of mine. Now I have Edgar and everyone saying he flirts with anythin' that moves. And seeing Kefka complain about the castle being located in a desert was kinda funny. I mean, I've never seen an enemy complain like that before. I guess I'm startin' to see why the cast is so likeable.
lol, yea I do like that part in the beginning with Locke! It's so funny!
Edgar rocks too. I love the tools that he uses. (Just wait till you get to Zozo and uncover the most amazing tool EVER.) He IS a flirt, that is probably why he is also one of my favs. :P
I love the part with Kefka! "Edgar! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere you pinhead! *Ahem* There is SAND on my boots!" Those poor soldiers. I love Kefka, greatest villain EVER.
I am glad you are enjoying FFVI so far!!
Edgar's tools are comin' in handy now :). With his autocrossbow, I've been able to level up pretty fast. I'll keep an eye out for Zozo though, thanks :).
I really am liking that game more than I thought I would. Mostly because of the dialogue and the characters. I'm hoping it stays funny while it keeps the deep plot I've heard so much about. I'm even startin' to get curious if Kefka really will come off as cooler than Sephiroth by then end.
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)
He's on my friends list(like you and Queen). I already have Ultima Weapon(I got it in WoB I think).
Hey i wanna add you all to my friend list? there are so many cool people in this union :P specially ipod who always seems to have some interesting remark
I did it!
I beat FFVI Advance last night:D
I didn't even plan to beat it. I just wanted revenge for the first loss, and I beat her, then I beat the next person, then I beat Kefka, all in one play.
I cannot see how that guy hates the ending. I loved it!!
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)
He's on my friends list(like you and Queen). I already have Ultima Weapon(I got it in WoB I think).
Hey i wanna add you all to my friend list? there are so many cool people in this union :P specially ipod who always seems to have some interesting remark
Sure, send an add :)
Edgar's tools are comin' in handy now :). With his autocrossbow, I've been able to level up pretty fast. I'll keep an eye out for Zozo though, thanks :).
I really am liking that game more than I thought I would. Mostly because of the dialogue and the characters. I'm hoping it stays funny while it keeps the deep plot I've heard so much about. I'm even startin' to get curious if Kefka really will come off as cooler than Sephiroth by then end.
I loved the Autocrossbow! Even way later in the game I still used it when there were like 4+ baddies on the screen. It's such a useful tool!
I am so glad you like FFVI. It's such an amazing game. There is definitely a lot of quirky humour but, like you said, it's got such an amazing story. Some of the cutscenes are as high quality as any game that is out right now (or better).
And Kefka is definitely better than Sephiroth. :P Kefka's the best villain ever. He does some crazy crazy stuff.
Keep us posted!
I did it!
I beat FFVI Advance last night:D
I didn't even plan to beat it. I just wanted revenge for the first loss, and I beat her, then I beat the next person, then I beat Kefka, all in one play.
I cannot see how that guy hates the ending. I loved it!!
OMG, Ipod! CONGRATS!!!! :D That is so cool!! So I am taking it you liked the ending? :P What'd you think!!
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Edgar's tools are comin' in handy now :). With his autocrossbow, I've been able to level up pretty fast. I'll keep an eye out for Zozo though, thanks :).
I really am liking that game more than I thought I would. Mostly because of the dialogue and the characters. I'm hoping it stays funny while it keeps the deep plot I've heard so much about. I'm even startin' to get curious if Kefka really will come off as cooler than Sephiroth by then end.
I loved the Autocrossbow! Even way later in the game I still used it when there were like 4+ baddies on the screen. It's such a useful tool!
I am so glad you like FFVI. It's such an amazing game. There is definitely a lot of quirky humour but, like you said, it's got such an amazing story. Some of the cutscenes are as high quality as any game that is out right now (or better).
And Kefka is definitely better than Sephiroth. :P Kefka's the best villain ever. He does some crazy crazy stuff.
Keep us posted!
I did it!
I beat FFVI Advance last night:D
I didn't even plan to beat it. I just wanted revenge for the first loss, and I beat her, then I beat the next person, then I beat Kefka, all in one play.
I cannot see how that guy hates the ending. I loved it!!
OMG, Ipod! CONGRATS!!!! :D That is so cool!! So I am taking it you liked the ending? :P What'd you think!!
I liked the ending. I got everyone(including the secret characters), so I saw all the ending possible. I liked how Cyan was trying to learn about machines. I also liked Mog's ending. "Don't mess up the fur, kupo!":lol:
I though Shadows was very good, but it leaves a lot to the player. Did he [spoiler] jump from the cliff and survive, or did he die? [/spoiler]
Yea, when I beat it, I had all the characters too. Best way to watch the ending! :)
I don't remember much, since it's been a while since I beat it. I just remember it being long.
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)IpodHero176
He's on my friends list(like you and Queen). I already have Ultima Weapon(I got it in WoB I think).
Yeah, but there is 2 Ultima Weapon in the game, one in WoB and one at the end just after Tiger and all. It's very useful to have both.
Hey i wanna add you all to my friend list ? there are so many cool people in this union :P specially ipod who always seems to have interesting remarkfenian_lostsoul
You can add me if you want. Yeah, Ipod is cool :D
Oh, Ipod, about Shadow, did you see all his dreams ? Maybe it could answer your question. When he stays in the tower, he says something about his friend Balam or Baram and I know the dreams are about him and Shadow but I don't remember them very well.
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)Fingertrap
He's on my friends list(like you and Queen). I already have Ultima Weapon(I got it in WoB I think).
Yeah, but there is 2 Ultima Weapon in the game, one in WoB and one at the end just after Tiger and all. It's very useful to have both.
Hey i wanna add you all to my friend list ? there are so many cool people in this union :P specially ipod who always seems to have interesting remarkfenian_lostsoul
You can add me if you want. Yeah, Ipod is cool :D
Oh, Ipod, about Shadow, did you see all his dreams ? Maybe it could answer your question. When he stays in the tower, he says something about his friend Balam or Baram and I know the dreams are about him and Shadow but I don't remember them very well.
I saw all of his dreams. I want to know if he(Shadow) survived the jump from the tower.
[QUOTE="Fingertrap"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Fingertrap"]Queen -> For FFV I checked only at stores.
Ipod -> How can that guy hate FFVI's ending ?! I don't know him and I don't like him. Oh, and after you beat Tiger and all there will be 2 other things to beat and don't forget to steal Ultima Weapon and Ragnarok !!! If you keep casting Ultima, it will be a piece of cake.
Kenshin, Queen -> That's why Locke is my favorite character :P He's funny :)IpodHero176
He's on my friends list(like you and Queen). I already have Ultima Weapon(I got it in WoB I think).
Yeah, but there is 2 Ultima Weapon in the game, one in WoB and one at the end just after Tiger and all. It's very useful to have both.
Hey i wanna add you all to my friend list ? there are so many cool people in this union :P specially ipod who always seems to have interesting remarkfenian_lostsoul
You can add me if you want. Yeah, Ipod is cool :D
Oh, Ipod, about Shadow, did you see all his dreams ? Maybe it could answer your question. When he stays in the tower, he says something about his friend Balam or Baram and I know the dreams are about him and Shadow but I don't remember them very well.
I saw all of his dreams. I want to know if he(Shadow) survived the jump from the tower.
I think he dies.
I know that in one dream, he lefts Baram behind and Baram get caught by the bad guys. After that, Baram becomes Kefka. I think Shadow stays in the tower to die with his best friend and it could be a way to forgive himself for letting Baram be caught.
Oh, could you tell me how to do the Spoiler thing you do.
Guess what everyone!!!!
I'm curremtly playing at this moment, Chrono Trigger!!!!!!!!
I downloaded the emulator and rom for the game and I'm now playing it as we speak!!!!!:D !!!!!!
I'm loving it so far:D
Guess what everyone!!!!
I'm curremtly playing at this moment, Chrono Trigger!!!!!!!!
I downloaded the emulator and rom for the game and I'm now playing it as we speak!!!!!:D !!!!!!
I'm loving it so far:D
Nice!!!! :) Now we are both playing it at the same time!
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"]Guess what everyone!!!!
I'm curremtly playing at this moment, Chrono Trigger!!!!!!!!
I downloaded the emulator and rom for the game and I'm now playing it as we speak!!!!!:D !!!!!!
I'm loving it so far:D
Nice!!!! :) Now we are both playing it at the same time!
Cool!! Where are you now?
I'm still learning things about the configuring it to my comp(like when I went into the cathedrial, it was pitch-black, ane I eventually learned that I needed to put the transparancy on. I also moved the controls so it could be easier for me to hit), but it's very fun.
[QUOTE="queen_valentine"]Nice!!!! :) Now we are both playing it at the same time!
Cool!! Where are you now?
I'm still learning things about the configuring it to my comp(like when I went into the cathedrial, it was pitch-black, ane I eventually learned that I needed to put the transparancy on. I also moved the controls so it could be easier for me to hit), but it's very fun.
Well, I haven't played too much, since I am still finishing up things in FF12. But I did make it past the festival (Gato rocks), and through the time warp (I guess?) and I'm in a forest now.
You haven't played Chrono Trigger before either right? This is so cool! Being able to play a game alongside a friend who hasn't played it before! :)
[QUOTE="Kenshin18"]Edgar's tools are comin' in handy now :). With his autocrossbow, I've been able to level up pretty fast. I'll keep an eye out for Zozo though, thanks :).
I really am liking that game more than I thought I would. Mostly because of the dialogue and the characters. I'm hoping it stays funny while it keeps the deep plot I've heard so much about. I'm even startin' to get curious if Kefka really will come off as cooler than Sephiroth by then end.
I loved the Autocrossbow! Even way later in the game I still used it when there were like 4+ baddies on the screen. It's such a useful tool!
I am so glad you like FFVI. It's such an amazing game. There is definitely a lot of quirky humour but, like you said, it's got such an amazing story. Some of the cutscenes are as high quality as any game that is out right now (or better).
And Kefka is definitely better than Sephiroth. :P Kefka's the best villain ever. He does some crazy crazy stuff.
Keep us posted!
Whoa, I wouldnt think that the autocrossbow would last so long.
heh heh, we'll see just how crazy Kefka can get. Sephiroth did some messed up stuff (I didn't cry over Aeris, but, stabbing her like that was cold...) Im in South Figaro tryin' to see if some guy named "Shadow" will join me yet (it's like every potential party member is cool) and how I'm supposed to give some old guy cider.
How are things in Chrono Trigger? Have you gotten a chance to play it yet some more, or, are you still collecting in XII?
Guess what everyone!!!!
I'm curremtly playing at this moment, Chrono Trigger!!!!!!!!
I downloaded the emulator and rom for the game and I'm now playing it as we speak!!!!!:D !!!!!!
I'm loving it so far:D
heh, awesome! You're gonna love that game alot, trust me.
Whoa, I wouldnt think that the autocrossbow would last so long.
heh heh, we'll see just how crazy Kefka can get. Sephiroth did some messed up stuff (I didn't cry over Aeris, but, stabbing her like that was cold...) Im in South Figaro tryin' to see if some guy named "Shadow" will join me yet (it's like every potential party member is cool) and how I'm supposed to give some old guy cider.
How are things in Chrono Trigger? Have you gotten a chance to play it yet some more, or, are you still collecting in XII?
Oh yea! Once you have a tool, you have it forever! (Well, unless you sell it...)
I almost cried when Aeris was stabbed. I just couldn't believe it, you know? It was just so ruthless!
Oh man, I wish I could say stuff about Shadow and stuff but I don't want to spoil anything for you! I will just keep quiet... :P
This your first time in South Figaro then, right?
Mmm...I haven't played Chrono Trigger since last time. I actually haven't been gaming too much. I played a little bit of FFVI Advanced the other night and I just got Pokemon Diamond for my birthday so I've been playing a little bit of that too.
I have the next two days off so I think I will put in some gaming time then! :)
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