[QUOTE="latte428"][QUOTE="pikastar"]Does anyone have any experience with the Wild ARMs series? One is comming out for the PSP called Wild ARMs XF. It looks really good but Ive never played a Wild ARMs game before. Just curious how good this series is and if their stories are usually entertaining. Anyone else thinking about getting this game?
Also has anyone downloaded the Wild Arms PS1 game off of the PS store or played the original on PS1? Is it worth playing?
I've played 3, 4, 5 and Alter Code F. Haven't played the older ones and I have pre-ordered XF. I like them.
They are turn based RPGs with good stories.
Did you want to know something more specific about Wild Arms?
Well Im kinda just trying to get a feel for what the games are like. Have you heard anything about how difficult XF will be? I havent played many srpgs. I been playing FFT on the PSP and Ive played Luminous Arc on the DS. Any idea if the difficulty will be more like FFT or more like Luminous Arc? Or somewhere in between?
The previous Wild Arms games were just turn based RPGs but the later ones (4 and 5) do require some strategy.
It looks like XF is just taking the strategy part a bit higher. The battles in 4 and 5 are fought on a smallish hex grid setup. Some hexs have environmental elements attached which change some of the character attacks. For example, there is a magic type attack called crush. If the character is in a non-elemental square, it just does normal damage. If the character moves to a hex with fire, the attack is now a fire attack. In 5 there are 3 elemental hexs in each battle and the elements change in each battle. Character with certain abilities can also change the elements.
The stories in WA are the main reason that I play. The main story is general the same the world (Filgaia) and the characters must try to save the dying world. That is not exactly original. It is the characters that make me want to play it. They are always well thought out and have very interesting stories. There is also usually several running jokes in the game.
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