You know what's sad? The Wii. I love the Wii, the Wii would be my first choice for a new console. It'll have lots of games I like. I like the Wii mote, and Nunchucks. I don't care that it isnt the most expensive HD playing hunk of self cumbustable technology out on the market. I love it for it's innovation. However they need to SERIOUSLY get the ball rolling on thier games. I'm WAITING for a reason to go buy it, just waiting for one really good game to come out. It seems between the three system they each have problems.
Xbox360: Red Light of doom, less variety, and a extremely annoying controller
PS3: Suffers from lack of GREAT games with too many push backs, suffers from price drops;trust me there will be another; it's too expensive to really just splurge and buy, it needs more exclusives, it needs QUALITY games. Yes there are some comming out, however it is currently starving.
Wii: Suffers from low graphics, too many kid friendly titles (That's Nintendo for you), has very few first party games, needs more original games. (The Wii mote and other accessories add so much to build on, come on and innovate.)
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