These screens are from Crisis Core. Just nostalgia or the confirmation of what everybody ever dreamed of?
Your thoughts?
These screens are from Crisis Core. Just nostalgia or the confirmation of what everybody ever dreamed of?
Your thoughts?
Oh dear god! THE WORLDS COMMIN TO AN END!!!!! And we all seen it comming...Andraxal
Well, I have no doubt it will come eventually (the game! XD ), but now the question is - is this just a teaser, or really a "preview" of what's to come? Anyway, it looks great to me!
Hmmm. You never know. They can make time any time they wish, no pun intended. They've got PLENTY of $$ to spend, you're silly! Hahahaha. You got a point there, but they have a large cast of staff. I mean if they SERIOUSLY sat down and started to create it I doubt it would take 5 years to make since it's already been made. Really if they're not completely remaking it, how hard is it to add new graphics, scenes, and perhaps a few more additions to the battle system? I mean really. Not trying to sound rude or snobby though. Andraxal
As for them being able to make it anytime they want, you are correct. Just last week (I believe), in an interview with Nomura, he didn't say they were making it, but he did point out that Crisis Core wasn't intended to be made, but in the end, it took only two hours to decide to make it. So, with FFVII remake, he let it clear that it is possible to all of a sudden them decide to finally make it.
Right now, I think it is only teaser, but with that nostalgia and that message that "it is gonna come, don't worry". XD
But I don't see it right now. I'm thinking it either will be the second last game of the compilation, or either the last. I'm more inclined into thinking it will the the first option. Remake of FFVII, then a proper sequel. At least, that's what I'd love to see, anyway.
Hmm. You have a point. I hope they never do compilations again, too annoying, too long. However this game should be the final one in the compilation, and since it's a remake it should offer at least 15-20more hours of gameplay, brand new scenes, and hopefully rated M for mature so we can see the death scene. And I didn't spoil that for anyone, at least those who haven't lived in caves the past 15years!
Hmm. You have a point. I hope they never do compilations again, too annoying, too long. However this game should be the final one in the compilation, and since it's a remake it should offer at least 15-20more hours of gameplay, brand new scenes, and hopefully rated M for mature so we can see the death scene. And I didn't spoil that for anyone, at least those who haven't lived in caves the past 15years!
It would most likely be M if they remade it with voice actors and such, remember Barret and Cid's potty mouths? How much bleeping and censors there were whenever Cid opened his mouth? :lol: Unless they really censor the voice actors.....
I think it'll eventually happen too, this is just a teaser to raise more rumors and such. If SE was smart and if they were to continue on their remake streak, then they would remake this for the PS3. FFVII Remake on PS3=a hellova lotta money.
Sorry.. but I'm one of the people who does not want a FFVII remake. Wasn't everyone saying just a few days ago how much they want to see a brand new rpg introduced? FFVII was fantastic in the first place, change is not always for the best. crushgoil
Heck yeah I'd wanna see a brand new RPG introduced, I'd likea VII remake, but not over a new title.
If they remake VII, they'd better go all the way and remake up to IX!!! FFIX with PS3 graphics!!! *feints*
Sorry.. but I'm one of the people who does not want a FFVII remake. Wasn't everyone saying just a few days ago how much they want to see a brand new rpg introduced? FFVII was fantastic in the first place, change is not always for the best. crushgoil
Like I mentioned on the Crisis Core thread, if I were to chose another FFVII compilation game, it would be a proper sequel, not the remake. That at least would be something fresh though not new (chracters, background, etc)...
And I obviously hope they make more new titles!
I think it's just saying that Crisis Core takes place before Final Fantasy and that if you want to see the rest of the story that you'll need to play ffvii directly after. I think it's still going to be a long time until SE has enough time and $$ to remake vii. They said it'd take at least 5 years with almost all their staff, and personally I don't want them to drop every other series just to remake a game that all of us have already played. crushgoil
I haven't played it!:cry: I came back into gaming well after it came out and missed out. I can't afford it now!:cry: The cheapest I've found it is $125 bucks and that for a new/sealed game. And I'm not paying over 50 bucks for a used one. So, the remake is great news for me.:D I'm sure I'm not alone. Plus, the new generation of Final Fantasy gamers, will be wanting this game as well. So I'm hoping this is a telling tip of the future.
[QUOTE="crushgoil"]Sorry.. but I'm one of the people who does not want a FFVII remake. Wasn't everyone saying just a few days ago how much they want to see a brand new rpg introduced? FFVII was fantastic in the first place, change is not always for the best. kryu88
Heck yeah I'd wanna see a brand new RPG introduced, I'd likea VII remake, but not over a new title.
If they remake VII, they'd better go all the way and remake up to IX!!! FFIX with PS3 graphics!!! *feints*
Hmmmm. I don't know. I REALLY loved FFIX's kinda medevil anime look, it'd be hard to capture its esscence if it was made into a game with such good graphics like that.
Also to Zhen: Why would you pay 100$ for some pictures like that? O_o
[QUOTE="kryu88"][QUOTE="crushgoil"]Sorry.. but I'm one of the people who does not want a FFVII remake. Wasn't everyone saying just a few days ago how much they want to see a brand new rpg introduced? FFVII was fantastic in the first place, change is not always for the best. Andraxal
Heck yeah I'd wanna see a brand new RPG introduced, I'd likea VII remake, but not over a new title.
If they remake VII, they'd better go all the way and remake up to IX!!! FFIX with PS3 graphics!!! *feints*
Hmmmm. I don't know. I REALLY loved FFIX's kinda medevil anime look, it'd be hard to capture its esscence if it was made into a game with such good graphics like that.
Also to Zhen: Why would you pay 100$ for some pictures like that? O_o
It's all about what the last picture tells :D "To be continued on Final Fantasy VII" :D :D I hope that it's the remake that comes next already :D
[QUOTE="crushgoil"]Sorry.. but I'm one of the people who does not want a FFVII remake. Wasn't everyone saying just a few days ago how much they want to see a brand new rpg introduced? FFVII was fantastic in the first place, change is not always for the best. kryu88
Heck yeah I'd wanna see a brand new RPG introduced, I'd likea VII remake, but not over a new title.
If they remake VII, they'd better go all the way and remake up to IX!!! FFIX with PS3 graphics!!! *feints*
That would be awesome, good thing that dreaming is free :P
Hmm ,I really want to get cc now, but i wouldn't understand too much :P. The wait is killing me xD
I would also like to see VII remade. I heard so much about the story and I know what happens but (probably gonna catch hell for this one) I never finished the game, I have it sitting on my shelf and only played a couple hours into the first disc and that's it. It's on my list of games that I've started but need to finish along with FF IX. But back to the topic Square would make awesome cash flow if the remade VII but like others have said I wouldn't want them to put the remake in front of a new RPG's to come out. those pictures are absolutely the coolest thing EVER! I think I almost fainted.
But I think they just have that at the end because well...the story does indeed continue in FFVII. They're just saying, "Hey! Crisis Core. It's before FFVII."
Whether that means a remake or not, those pictures don't ensure that.
However, what if they're already working on it? Right now, as we speak? It wouldn't surprise me if they're keeping the most anticipated remake ever under wraps and no one outside of SE knows about it.
I really REALLY want a PSP now, by the way. :P
Oh, and uh....Cloud's lookin' real good in that picture, hahahaha. :P
hahaha Wow that has to be the most exciting picture i have seen since the first pictures of Advent Children.
Im sure Most VII fans would want a Remake........... But its true that they would have a huge task on their hands......ITs not so simple as to just make a graphic redo........... that will be following the paths of numerous remakes that get way lower acceptance rates then they deserve. A proper sequal is desirable over a remake but odds are a remake is ..........almost certain. The problem with a straight graphic / audio remake is that in comparison to whats out VII is somewhat inferior in story buildup and battle system. The battle system is old and if they graphically remade the game it makes sense to redo the battle system as well, plus after Advent Children.......... it would be silly for the remake to have cloud slashing once every thirty seconds. And the story doens't really have the polt twists and what nut of story telling that RPG's have now. Odds are they are going to add small things to the story line that were absent in the ps version. In anycase a straight graphical is not what they should be doing, and because of that T__T will take a very long time............................. Oh well at least i can enjoy my japanese Crisis core when i get it in the mail.......... can anyone translate for me ????
Yeah I agree with you. And it wouldn't also just be to add all those things, they'd have to re-program EVERYTHING. And you know it'll take a while - especially since it'll be on the PS3. And FFVII is a loooong game too, so it's definitely no small task.
Does nobody realize these pis are from the Tech Demo??Hyuugas-Shadow
Im not being nitpicky of course :? lol
Does nobody realize these pis are from the Tech Demo??Hyuugas-Shadow
That's exactly what I thought. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt to market Crisis Core. I remember posting something about Square "leaking" such rumours (or just blatantly initiating them in this case) to market games in another thread recently and this just proves me right.
Oh dear god! THE WORLDS COMMIN TO AN END!!!!! And we all seen it comming...Andraxal
Who else didn't see it coming?:roll:
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Oh dear god! THE WORLDS COMMIN TO AN END!!!!! And we all seen it comming...S_Jake
Who else didn't see it coming?:roll:
What, because of Global Warming? :?:P
No apparently.... online rumors were correct. FFVII spawned a terrorist organization of Jenova's Witnesses that have been magnetically trying to pull a Meteor To Crash into Washington DC. The Metero Would wipe out all life as we know it. In secret the US Government Has Tried Hitting the Meteor with a Rocket filled with Huge Plutonium Crystals. However that seems to have failed. So we are all doomed i tell you. =__=
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Oh dear god! THE WORLDS COMMIN TO AN END!!!!! And we all seen it comming...S_Jake
Who else didn't see it coming?:roll:
What, because of Global Warming? :?:P
No because of this. Global Warming is second.
[QUOTE="S_Jake"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Oh dear god! THE WORLDS COMMIN TO AN END!!!!! And we all seen it comming...starnerd67
Who else didn't see it coming?:roll:
What, because of Global Warming? :?:P
No apparently.... online rumors were correct. FFVII spawned a terrorist organization of Jenova's Witnesses that have been magnetically trying to pull a Meteor To Crash into Washington DC. The Metero Would wipe out all life as we know it. In secret the US Government Has Tried Hitting the Meteor with a Rocket filled with Huge Plutonium Crystals. However that seems to have failed. So we are all doomed i tell you. =__=
[QUOTE="S_Jake"][QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Oh dear god! THE WORLDS COMMIN TO AN END!!!!! And we all seen it comming...starnerd67
Who else didn't see it coming?:roll:
What, because of Global Warming? :?:P
No apparently.... online rumors were correct. FFVII spawned a terrorist organization of Jenova's Witnesses that have been magnetically trying to pull a Meteor To Crash into Washington DC. The Metero Would wipe out all life as we know it. In secret the US Government Has Tried Hitting the Meteor with a Rocket filled with Huge Plutonium Crystals. However that seems to have failed. So we are all doomed i tell you. =__=
Ahhahahahaha!!!! :D Well since we started talkin' about the end of the world, first I think Japan will take over the world with rapid mouth foaming FFVII fans. Ahahaha, they've already got an army!! :D Anyway, did you know that FFVII actually HAS influenced many crimes and murders? Did you guys hear about the russians/Czechs I beleive they were? There was also a case a long time ago in the US too. Andraxal
I heard of that(a little).
Ahhahahahaha!!!! :D Well since we started talkin' about the end of the world, first I think Japan will take over the world with rapid mouth foaming FFVII fans. Ahahaha, they've already got an army!! :D Anyway, did you know that FFVII actually HAS influenced many crimes and murders? Did you guys hear about the russians/Czechs I beleive they were? There was also a case a long time ago in the US too. Andraxal
The perpetrators didn't have spiky blond hair and carry over-sized swords, did they?
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]Ahhahahahaha!!!! :D Well since we started talkin' about the end of the world, first I think Japan will take over the world with rapid mouth foaming FFVII fans. Ahahaha, they've already got an army!! :D Anyway, did you know that FFVII actually HAS influenced many crimes and murders? Did you guys hear about the russians/Czechs I beleive they were? There was also a case a long time ago in the US too. IpodHero176
I heard of that(a little).
I haven't, what happened??
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]Ahhahahahaha!!!! :D Well since we started talkin' about the end of the world, first I think Japan will take over the world with rapid mouth foaming FFVII fans. Ahahaha, they've already got an army!! :D Anyway, did you know that FFVII actually HAS influenced many crimes and murders? Did you guys hear about the russians/Czechs I beleive they were? There was also a case a long time ago in the US too. S_Jake
The perpetrators didn't have spiky blond hair and carry over-sized swords, did they?
[QUOTE="S_Jake"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Ahhahahahaha!!!! :D Well since we started talkin' about the end of the world, first I think Japan will take over the world with rapid mouth foaming FFVII fans. Ahahaha, they've already got an army!! :D Anyway, did you know that FFVII actually HAS influenced many crimes and murders? Did you guys hear about the russians/Czechs I beleive they were? There was also a case a long time ago in the US too. IpodHero176
The perpetrators didn't have spiky blond hair and carry over-sized swords, did they?
Now THAT is sad =__=
[QUOTE="IpodHero176"][QUOTE="S_Jake"][QUOTE="Andraxal"]Ahhahahahaha!!!! :D Well since we started talkin' about the end of the world, first I think Japan will take over the world with rapid mouth foaming FFVII fans. Ahahaha, they've already got an army!! :D Anyway, did you know that FFVII actually HAS influenced many crimes and murders? Did you guys hear about the russians/Czechs I beleive they were? There was also a case a long time ago in the US too. starnerd67
The perpetrators didn't have spiky blond hair and carry over-sized swords, did they?
Now THAT is sad =__=
Yes it is:lol:
Sarcasm duely noted. However lets get back to the topic at hand. So we all know they'll probably release it, I know it can't be towards Xmas time because they're already releasing another game for Xmas time. So perhaps it might come out late next year if it is announced fairly soon! I hope to hear about it at the TGS. Also what kind of new content would you like added?
Sarcasm duely noted. However lets get back to the topic at hand. So we all know they'll probably release it, I know it can't be towards Xmas time because they're already releasing another game for Xmas time. So perhaps it might come out late next year if it is announced fairly soon! I hope to hear about it at the TGS. Also what kind of new content would you like added?
I think that we're getting seriously carried away here: There hasn't even been an announcement of a FFVII remake yet. Square has been teasing us for years about one by either dropping hints or spreading rumours, which just happen to coincide with the next FFVII spin-off game that they're releasing. I know that you can never say never, but this smells very muck like a cheap publicity stunt to me. *sigh*
If it were to be remade, I'd like to see the game "finished": That is things like Cait Sith having all his Limit Breaks (rather than just two) and that area in Junon late on that's blocked by the dog (please say you know where I mean) actually accessible. Other than that, I always wanted to be able to fight another player's party, though I don't know how such a feature could be implemented given the way that damage is dealt (it would obviously have to be dramatically reduced).
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]Sarcasm duely noted. However lets get back to the topic at hand. So we all know they'll probably release it, I know it can't be towards Xmas time because they're already releasing another game for Xmas time. So perhaps it might come out late next year if it is announced fairly soon! I hope to hear about it at the TGS. Also what kind of new content would you like added?
I think that we're getting seriously carried away here: There hasn't even been an announcement of a FFVII remake yet. Square has been teasing us for years about one by either dropping hints or spreading rumours, which just happen to coincide with the next FFVII spin-off game that they're releasing. I know that you can never say never, but this smells very muck like a cheap publicity stunt to me. *sigh*
If it were to be remade, I'd like to see the game "finished": That is things like Cait Sith having all his Limit Breaks (rather than just two) and that area in Junon late on that's blocked by the dog (please say you know where I mean) actually accessible. Other than that, I always wanted to be able to fight another player's party, though I don't know how such a feature could be implemented given the way that damage is dealt (it would obviously have to be dramatically reduced).
It can be that you are a Turk and you fight another player online.
[QUOTE="Andraxal"]Sarcasm duely noted. However lets get back to the topic at hand. So we all know they'll probably release it, I know it can't be towards Xmas time because they're already releasing another game for Xmas time. So perhaps it might come out late next year if it is announced fairly soon! I hope to hear about it at the TGS. Also what kind of new content would you like added?
I think that we're getting seriously carried away here: There hasn't even been an announcement of a FFVII remake yet. Square has been teasing us for years about one by either dropping hints or spreading rumours, which just happen to coincide with the next FFVII spin-off game that they're releasing. I know that you can never say never, but this smells very muck like a cheap publicity stunt to me. *sigh*
If it were to be remade, I'd like to see the game "finished": That is things like Cait Sith having all his Limit Breaks (rather than just two) and that area in Junon late on that's blocked by the dog (please say you know where I mean) actually accessible. Other than that, I always wanted to be able to fight another player's party, though I don't know how such a feature could be implemented given the way that damage is dealt (it would obviously have to be dramatically reduced).
haha, thanks there. I think I had brought up that point elsewhere...although I don't remember where. :)
But yeah - I agree too! I'd also like to see the game "finished" if remade. I just think if they are going to remake it, it's going to take a long time and we won't see it for a long while. And that is probably why SE gave themselves that 20-year span for the FFVII compilation, because it might end with the remake of FFVII and they know they won't be able to get to it for a while now? I don't know, just rambling I guess :lol:
Sarcasm duely noted. However lets get back to the topic at hand. So we all know they'll probably release it, I know it can't be towards Xmas time because they're already releasing another game for Xmas time. So perhaps it might come out late next year if it is announced fairly soon! I hope to hear about it at the TGS. Also what kind of new content would you like added?
The sooner they release it the longer we'll have to wait for FFXIII and Versus XIII and I definately want those to be released first (I'd like the next Kingdom Hearts game to come out first too). There are too many good games I'm waiting for that in my opinion are so much more important than another remake.
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