Hi guys.
I figured the character list needed to be updated badly. Since I can't edit the first post I've reposted everything from it here and added the others upto now that weren't listed, so this is the current updated list. Until the the first post is changed, check here.
What it is: A system in which each member of this union (Square Enix Experience) is individually assigned to a Square Enix character to be representing it. One Square Enix character per member, and it can include even Summons (Shiva, Ifrit, etc) or Smiles (Blue, Silver, etc), for example, but not limited to. Any kind of character from a SE game.
How to have a character assigned: At first, you will chose a character from any Square Enix game you'd like to be representing. For instance, if you like Seifer from FFVIII, you can chose him and from now on, you will be Square Enix Experience's "official" Seifer. Post here on this topic your character choice!
Other considerations: This system is a first come, first serve based one, so that we prevent discrimination and etc. However, if it has been 3 months since the member with a given character does not post at the union, his/her character will be available again for choosing by other members. That way we prevent active members from getting upset because the member with a cool nick is not here anymore but still assigned to that given character.
Another important thing is, make sure you chose wisely, because we cannot be changing it all the time (especially because we'll be making the specific signature tags for EACH member). So please chose your character and stick with it.
Also, the member who choses a SE character will automatically give the union members permission to be called by that character name. For example, if I chose to represent Terra, I automatically give everyone here at the union permission to call me by Terra instead of michelle_moraes, if you wish (or it is easier to spell) of course. That will also help to make union members be unique and also be easier identified by those characters we all love. Again, you don't have to call the members by their character names, but if you want to, you will have permission to do so.
Signatures: They will be made upon request of course, since they will bear the user's Gamespot nickname and Square Enix Experience's nickname, plus their official rank at the union (recruit, officer, etc). When you request your character, make sure you especify that you want a signature made for you.
Signature Example:
Please DO NOT modify those signs; in the event you move from one rank to another at the union, I'll make sure you have a proper signature modified to your rank.
(These cannot be requested anymore as they already have an "owner")
Adrammelech (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Serpentauras
Aeris (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by michelle_moraes
Auron (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by plague_gerka
Balthier (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Mar044
Barret (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by cloudff7tm
Basch (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Whaagba
Butz (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Noiretsu
Cactuar/Chocobo (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Pichonsote *****
Cecil (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by IpodHero176
Celes (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Queen_Valentine
Cid Highwind (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by CJ2121
Cloud (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by ZeroWingCATS
Crono (from Chrono Trigger) - Taken by Sprigain
Fran (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Effkay
Garnet (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Sweet_ride
Kadaj (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Zeldafan177
Kairi (from Kingdom Hearts) - Taken by Flowerpedal
Kefka (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Girluntold
Laguna (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Orave
Leviathan (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Rensjebb
Lightning (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Rpgmadboy
Locke (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Fingertrap
Lucca (from Chrono Trigger) - Taken by Superfighter86
Lulu (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Deathspalehorse
Magus (from Chrono Trigger) - Taken by Cronaroth
Musashi (from Brave Fencer Musashi) - Taken by Jaster_DCX
Neku (from It's a Wonderful World) - Taken by Xamleth
Pierce Carradine (from Parasite Eye) - Taken by Plg2307
Quistis (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by SymonDezyn
Redxiii (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Lifeseeker-ph
Reno (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Kenshin18
Riku (from Kingdom Hearts) - Taken by Kyoku-ryu1986
Rikku (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by emo_rocker_89
Seifer (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Langrisser2005
Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by GustavFears
Seymour (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Khenshu
Sora (from Kingdom Hearts) - Taken by Nears_puzzle
Squall (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by TheManWithAPS
Steiner (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Erobb
Tidus (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by greatfluffy
Tifa (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Rizhall456
Vincent (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by lilgamer05
Vivi (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by SteveCof
Xemnas (from Kingdom Hearts) - Taken by Nelrazzaz
Yojimbo (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Pharoah103090
Yuna (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by crushgoil
Zack (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by xX_Evasive
Zexion (from Kingdom Hearts) - Taken by Rikudude
Zidane (from Final Fantasy) - Taken by Colgateam
***** Pichonsote has yet to choose which character they want so for the time being both characters are taken, but I'll give it a week or two before I'll let one open for grabs. If there is no decision by a month, then both will be up. Thanks.
OFFICIAL LIST - Last Updated on July 30th, 2007
Gamespot's user nickname | Square Enix character representing | Union rank
michelle_moraes | Aeris | Admin
crushgoil | Yuna | Moderator
Mar044 | Balthier | Officer
Cronaroth | Magus | Recruit
IpodHero176 | Cecil | Moderator
Effkay | Fran | Recruit
Fingertrap | Locke | Recruit
GustavFears | Sephiroth | Recruit
ZeroWingCATS | Cloud | Recruit
plague_gerka| Auron | Recruit
kairnz | Rozas | Recruit
Danmaccarthy2 | Ashley Riot | Recruit
lilgamer05 | Vincent | Recruit
Nears_puzzle | Sora | Recruit
greatfluffy | Tidus | Recruit
TheManWithAPS | Squall | Recruit
xX_Evasive | Zack | Recruit
SymonDezyn | Quistis | Recruit
cloudff7tm | Barret | Recruit
SteveCof | Vivi | Recruit
Khenshu | Seymour | Recruit
Sprigain | Crono | Recruit
CJ2121 | Cid Highwind | Recruit
Serpentaurus | Adrammelech | Recruit
Colgateam | Zidane | Recruit
Queen_Valentine | Celes | Officer
Zeldafan177 | Kadaj | Recruit
Pharoah103090 | Yojimbo | Recruit
Rensjebb | Leviathan | Recruit
Rpgmadboy | Lightning | Recruit
Plg2307 | Pierce Carradine | Recruit
Flowerpedal | Kairi | Recruit
Orave | Laguna | Recruit
Langrisser2005 | Seifer | Recruit
Xamleth | Neku | Recruit
Jaster_DCX | Musashi | Recruit
Rizhall456 | Tifa | Recruit
Kenshin18 | Reno | Recruit
Whaagba | Basch | Recruit
Superfighter86 | Lucca | Recruit
Kyoku-ryu1986 | Riku | Recruit
Sweet_ride | Garnet | Recruit
Girluntold | Kefka | Recruit
Rikudude | Zexion | Recruit
Lifeseeker-ph | Redxiii | Recruit
Deathspalehorse | Lulu | Recruit
Noiretsu | Butz | Recruit
Erobb | Steiner | Recruit
Nelrazzaz | Xemnas | Recruit
Pichonsote | Cactuar | Recruit
Pichonsote | Cactuar | Recruit
sandybadlands | Beatrix | Recruit
BensonOriely | Mog | Recruit
coldness6 | Diablos | Recruit
JKoBnZ | Weiss | Recruit
master207 | Moogle | Recruit
pugsy44 | Cait Sith | Recruit
Fenian_lostsoul | Genesis | Recruit
RPGamer23 | Ramza | Recruit
Slightly_Emo | Kain | Recruit
SM0K3Y214365870 | Eiko | Recruit
were-woman | Shiva | Recruit
shewolf1961 | Nel | Recruit
emo_rocker_89 | Rikku | Recruit
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