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It's not necessarily that $100 is a lot of money. It's more along the lines of people not wanting to pay an extra $100 for a inferior console.
[QUOTE="I_AM_MEGATRON"]let me guess your still living with your parents.drekula2
you're* , and no. i live in an apartment with room mates, and i actually work.
people on here are just mad because they're parents can only afford to get them a wii u for christmas
Correcting people on their use of "you're" & "your", then proceeds to confuse "they're" and "their".
I myself have a Wii U, have the PS4 pre-ordered and will not be buying a XB1. The $100 difference has no real significance on my decision making. However, that said, I'd rather have the $100 than to not.
$100 is a lot for me :(II_Seraphim_IISame.. and when you say $500 for system, $60 for extra controller, $20 for a rechargeable battery and cable (2 of them), $60 for live, $60 for each game.. it adds up to a LOT. I'd rather save the $100 and get a couple more games.
[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]$100 is a lot for me :(Rattlesnake_8Same.. and when you say $500 for system, $60 for extra controller, $20 for a rechargeable battery and cable (2 of them), $60 for live, $60 for each game.. it adds up to a LOT. I'd rather save the $100 and get a couple more games. You could also put that $100 towards a nice audiophile headphone experience for the PS4 without the need to buy yet another accessory to make it compatible.
How is the Xbox One too expensive? If you can afford a $400 console, why not a $500?
I mean, I have money for all the next-gen consoles and the Wii U, so it's not an issue. But if you live in a developed country with food, housing, electricity, and internet, how is $100 a big deal? I mean, you could make $20,000-40,000+ by just working, whats $100 really?
I'm just not getting how the whole price is a big deal.
$100 is indeed alot of money to pay for something you dont want.. and many people either dont believe in Kinect technology or simply have no interest in it..
but in order for Kinect 2.0 to be fully utilized, it needs to be a bundled part of the system rather than an fragmented add-on.. looking at the tech demos, developers have some great tools to truly enhance core gaming now (instead of just making party/family games) and with a 100% install base for Kinect 2.0, they actually have the incentive to do some innovative things with those tools.. As we can see, paying a $100 premium over the competition for the promise of "potential" isnt a very popular ideal.. eventual price drops will solve that problem tho..
if Xbox One and PS4 were the same price, yet every Xbox One still came with Kinect 2.0, nobody would be complaining.. but as it stands, its a tough sell to get people to pay up front for "potential".. if/when Kinect 2.0 is proven and a couple years from now when both consoles are virtually the same price but the Xbox One still comes bundled with Kinect 2.0, this will be old news and people will instead be talking about how much value the XB1 is packing in the box versus the PS4..
keep in mind that the PS3 once started out at a $200 premium over the 360 thanks to Sony forcing the Blu-ray movie format on gamers and people where whining, crying, and protesting for Sony to release a Blu-rayless PS3 at a lower price.. Sony recognized the importance of attach rate, stuck to their guns, and let price drops solve thier problem for them.. Micorsoft can do the same thing with the Xbox One.. just have patience.. once the price difference is gone, the complaints will be gone aswell.. people who actually beleive the Xbox One will forever be $100 more than the PS4 are delusional.. this is the very definition of a "temporary issue".. in the meantime, loyal Xbox fanboys, early adopters, core gamers who buy every system anyway, and bundle deals like the FIFA bundle in Europe will help minimize any initial lead Sony gets in these first couple years in terms of sales..
I think people would complain though with good reason because the resourses invested in Kinect could have been used towards better core hardware.Murderstyle75MS sees that as trading small graphical enhancements for big innovation potential, gotta agree with em' on that.
It's a lot where I live.
Cost of living is up high.
$350 for rent with 4 people, $150 for food to feed yourself, and the rest go to bills and other expenses. In the end, you get shit and you have to save up monthly to even have $400 to spend all at once.
[QUOTE="I_AM_MEGATRON"]let me guess your still living with your parents.drekula2
you're* , and no. i live in an apartment with room mates, and i actually work.
people on here are just mad because they're parents can only afford to get them a wii u for christmas
their*How is the Xbox One too expensive? If you can afford a $400 console, why not a $500?
And if you can afford a $500 console, why not $600? :o And so on!
You opened my mind to all kinds of possibilities. Screw the PS4, I'm going to buy a new Cadillac.
[QUOTE="Murderstyle75"]I think people would complain though with good reason because the resourses invested in Kinect could have been used towards better core hardware.Spartan070MS sees that as trading small graphical enhancements for big innovation potential, gotta agree with em' on that. So weaker hardware in favor of Bells & Whistles that even most Xbox fans outside the SW fanboys don't even want. If you want to see what real Xbox fans think about the X1, I suggest checking out in the feedback section and general discussion boards. When there are no rivals to make fun of you and no damage controlling going on, you would be surprised of the opinion from their own customer base.
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