Looks Great
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Looks Great
Late for you possibly early for people who didnt get to see it,>gets shot >runs away and waits for shield to recharge >goes back man... getting real sick of this in fps (not targeting halo..this goes for well....most competitive fps...)campzor
Halo already has shield regeneration.
blame halo, CoD, and killzone for that.. killzone? killzone wasnt influential at all? lol i blame the other 2 though.[QUOTE="campzor"]>gets shot >runs away and waits for shield to recharge >goes back man... getting real sick of this in fps (not targeting halo..this goes for well....most competitive fps...)ionusX
Timesplitters kills this casual flop
Are you an 80's baby or what? When was the last Timsplitters made?
Competitive FPS with thumbsticks? Get read dickheads.-CheeseEater-
We have a point-and-click player here?
And it looks like Call of Duty.
Loadouts, killstreaks, being able to see throught walls...
Oh, and to top it all off, it's a BR fest again.
Yep, Halo is dead to me.
[QUOTE="ionusX"]blame halo, CoD, and killzone for that.. killzone? killzone wasnt influential at all? lol i blame the other 2 though. oh we can blame killzone.. its easy.. killzone is the reason babies cry at night and wake you @ 3am[QUOTE="campzor"]>gets shot >runs away and waits for shield to recharge >goes back man... getting real sick of this in fps (not targeting halo..this goes for well....most competitive fps...)campzor
[QUOTE="-CheeseEater-"]Competitive FPS with thumbsticks? Get read dickheads.Omega-316
We have a point-and-click player here?
haha point n click is soo out dated and lame. calls console fps's competitive.. calls pc fps's old and lame.. allow to tell you what i think of your thumbsticks.. in video!:
bongsmoker lost cause of your lousy thumbsticks.. and has been butthurt at his humiliation ever since. your welcome to go about using them though. it just makes things easier for the rest of us :cool:
Timesplitters kills this casual flop
Are you an 80's baby or what? When was the last Timsplitters made?
2005 you lem
haha point n click is soo out dated and lame. calls console fps's competitive.. calls pc fps's old and lame.. allow to tell you what i think of your thumbsticks.. in video!:[QUOTE="Omega-316"]
We have a point-and-click player here?
bongsmoker lost cause of your lousy thumbsticks.. and has been butthurt at his humiliation ever since.
:lol: man i miss bunny hopping -.- i really needa get another pc pronto. At first i thought the video was going to show this fast paced kb/m gameplay and then go to slow clunky controller gameplay....but the 1 sided ownage sends the same message :lol: Also what song is that? sounds like mj?[QUOTE="ionusX"]calls console fps's competitive.. calls pc fps's old and lame.. allow to tell you what i think of your thumbsticks.. in video!:[QUOTE="Omega-316"]haha point n click is soo out dated and lame.
bongsmoker lost cause of your lousy thumbsticks.. and has been butthurt at his humiliation ever since.
:lol: man i miss bunny hopping -.- i really needa get another pc pronto. At first i thought the video was going to show this fast paced kb/m gameplay and then go to slow clunky controller gameplay....but the 1 sided ownage sends the same message :lol: Also what song is that? sounds like mj?jermaine stewart "we dont have to take our clothes off". specifically thats the vinyl cut off itunes. hopefully jiggly allows me to use that without being too much of a douche cause in reality im alot worse than him.
>gets shot >runs away and waits for shield to recharge >goes back man... getting real sick of this in fps (not targeting halo..this goes for well....most competitive fps...)campzor
Is basically just health regen like you said in every other fps nowadays.. but ye i agree.
It does look great (especially the sound effects) but something feels off about the map. Im assuming its only for small matches but it feels a bit stale for a Halo map. Nonstop-MadnessI think it's because it's a 4v4 MLG game. I cant think of anything more boring than spectating MLG matches. They all take it far too seriously.
So now we can see through walls? oh wow....why on earth would they think that is a good idea?lawlessxThis about killed my hype for this game.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]So now we can see through walls? oh wow....why on earth would they think that is a good idea?chaoz-kingThis about killed my hype for this game. What is so bad about it?
You can see through walls, sure, but that is little benefit in a Halo game:
So promethus vision is almost a waste of an armour ability as it doen't give a huge benefit.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a crap feature in the game, but it won't be bad.
This about killed my hype for this game. What is so bad about it?[QUOTE="chaoz-king"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]So now we can see through walls? oh wow....why on earth would they think that is a good idea?SaltyMeatballs
You can see through walls, sure, but that is little benefit in a Halo game:
So promethus vision is almost a waste of an armour ability as it doen't give a huge benefit.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a crap feature in the game, but it won't be bad.
I think think the point of the prometheus vision was to discourage camping. Whether or not it will actually accomplish that it is yet to be seen.
Either way I highly doubt the vision will reach the levels of awfulness that armor lock was before Reach's Title update.
Looks meh. BF3 has rendered all other competitive FPS obsolete. There's no real reason to play anything else.
It doesn't really play like COD at all. COD has jumping? Strafing? Takes six or seven shots to kill? Cant think of how it play like COD in even one way.Am I the only one who thought this looked like CoD with a Halo skin? What the hell happend?
By the way, being good at an fps with a controller is WAY harder than being good with a mouse. When I go from using a controller, to using a mouse for fps games, I almost feel like I'm using a crutch with the mouse.
[QUOTE="ionusX"]calls console fps's competitive.. calls pc fps's old and lame.. allow to tell you what i think of your thumbsticks.. in video!:[QUOTE="Omega-316"]haha point n click is soo out dated and lame.
bongsmoker lost cause of your lousy thumbsticks.. and has been butthurt at his humiliation ever since.
:lol: man i miss bunny hopping -.- i really needa get another pc pronto. At first i thought the video was going to show this fast paced kb/m gameplay and then go to slow clunky controller gameplay....but the 1 sided ownage sends the same message :lol: Also what song is that? sounds like mj?There's no bunny hopping in Quake, there's strafe jumping but the required movement is different.What is so bad about it?[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]
[QUOTE="chaoz-king"] This about killed my hype for this game. DJ-Lafleur
You can see through walls, sure, but that is little benefit in a Halo game:
So promethus vision is almost a waste of an armour ability as it doen't give a huge benefit.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a crap feature in the game, but it won't be bad.
I think think the point of the prometheus vision was to discourage camping. Whether or not it will actually accomplish that it is yet to be seen.
Either way I highly doubt the vision will reach the levels of awfulness that armor lock was before Reach's Title update.
I guess it can, no more crouching in a corner (the only way to camp in Halo due to the radar is by crouching).And no doubt it willnot be as awful as Armour lock.
This about killed my hype for this game. What is so bad about it?[QUOTE="chaoz-king"][QUOTE="lawlessx"]So now we can see through walls? oh wow....why on earth would they think that is a good idea?SaltyMeatballs
You can see through walls, sure, but that is little benefit in a Halo game:
So promethus vision is almost a waste of an armour ability as it doen't give a huge benefit.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a crap feature in the game, but it won't be bad.
Shadowrun had a similar ability called Enhanced Vision, but it was balanced in that people with the Smoke ability didn't show up at all unless the player was right on top of them, or when the user used the ability, other people with the Enhanced Vision could see them just as clearly. It worked pretty nicely - hell most of early game kills game from stalking other Enhanced Vision users and only pinging after someone else pinged.
Point being, I'm sure 343i has some type of way of explicitly counterbalancing it.
Besides that, Perfect Dark had a gun that could see and shoot through walls, and it was awesome :cool:
I can't believe how you people think this is good. :? It looks so boring. There are far better multiplayer FPS and one of them is Call of Duty, the other is Battlefield 3. Halo is so stagnant and unchanging.
I can't believe how you people think this is good. :? It looks so boring. There are far better multiplayer FPS and one of them is Call of Duty, the other is Battlefield 3. Halo is so stagnant and unchanging.
I don't see how anyone can still play CoD - personally, the series peaked with 2 for me and has been kinda stagnating. But that's the power of opinions.
Any true Halo fan knows Action Sack and Custom Games is where the real fun is.
And it looks like Call of Duty.
Loadouts, killstreaks, being able to see throught walls...
Oh, and to top it all off, it's a BR fest again.
Yep, Halo is dead to me.
Yet it's been confirmed that it's not.
DMR > BR in long range and AR is also said to win battles in close range vs BR.
Try again please.
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