We already clarified the PSP only has graphics going for it. Games is DS turf. I can't understand why people deem the PSP so superior when to me MOST of its games I can enjoy on a console....finger hooking pales to a second analog stick...I own the PSP and this argument is ridiculous. To finalize: battery life is the core essential of a handheld's success. Has the Sega Gamegear not taught graphic enthusiasts anything?
1PSP has games it doesn't only has graphics:D if you expect us to take you serious I suggest you stop making ridicolus claims
2 the psp games are not clones of ps2 or ps3 games they are completely different
3 PSP does not use battery it has a pluglike a cell phone and last a good 8 - 9 hours which is good.
4Sega Game year used actual batteries which had you mostly buying new batteries kinda like the wiimote and xbox joystick the PSP has a plug and 8 hours and more.
1.Nowhere did I say the PSP didn't have any games. But at the same time most of its games were made specifically for a console. I can easily play the monster hunter series on a PS2 or Wii and end up being more satisfied. How? Simple. Because the allure of the second analog stick or a touch screen is more intuitive and easier to use than finger hooking the D-pad and moving an almost small to the thumb analog nub.
I could go on but it gets even better, the PSP does have games, but it pales in comparison to the ever expanding genres that the DS offers in broad spectrum.
It's not ridiculous claims, it's one's opinion and observation.
2.Care to explain to me how God of War: Chains of Olympus and GTA: Vice City Stories are different than to what you can play on the PS2/3?....I'd like to see you try.
Nevermind I shall do it for you. The aren't. The games you tout so highly are better for their console bretheren. In fact what will you find playingGTA more on? Console. God of War? Console. Need for Speed? Console. Grand Turismo? Console. /end of argument.
3........Kid....did you ever open your PSP? All handhelds have a battery.... and 8-9 hours versus DS Lite's and i XL's 17 (XL) -20 (Lite) hours on the lowest brightness setting is rather pathetic.
4.While Battery type usage has changed, the principle still remains, the key to a handheld's success is its games and battery. The DS has already won.
1 I can easily play new super mario or mario 64 or mario kart on wii whats your point ?
+ the analog is confortable it may not be too you but it is to me I find the pen unconfortable especially when I was playing Call of Duty on DS it was hard moving and aiming with the pen sometimes I would go off balance and need to put the pen back in the screen in the middle of the action.
2when you explain to me hownew super mario, zelda, mario kart are different from the wii ?
3 yes but the psp uses a plug to charge which old handhelds never did and only used battery you bought in stores.
4 the key to handheld games is what it brings to the table as long as the battery is good enough the psp battery is good enough
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