@kingtito said:
You're an idiot. Would a cell phone last a few weeks on alkaline batteries? You're using lame examples for devices that WOULDN'T work with regular batteries because of the power consumption. You'd have to change batteries everyday if they used them in cell phones. This was one of the dumbest comparisons I've ever heard.
On 2 AA batteries the XOne controller can last a few weeks with normal use.
Cows are the only idiots I've ever seen put down having options.
My consoles last for fu**ing years not freaking weeks ass,that is the point 2 weeks and buy new ones,2 more weeks and buy new ones.
You are the idiot,MS should fu**ing include batteries is 2015 not 2005,the sole reason they do that shit is so they can bend you over for their over prices brand ones with charger.
Just like they did on xbox 360.
I had an xbox 360 you fool and is not funny having to go out at 11PM to get some damn batteries because you ran out.
Options my ass you fool,is not using AA the real problem you blind and butthurt fanboy is not |INCLUDING| a freaking cheap pair that can be recharge.
Is a freaking joke the PS4 controller has a light,speaker,a touch pad,rumble and rechargeable battery and cost the same as the xbox one controller which lack light,speaker,rechargeable batteries or touch pad.
That shit should cost $35 dollars at most.
You xbox fanboys are the worse,no wonder MS really bended you over last gen and from what i see it will continue.
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