I know I will probably get flamed for this, but I am hoping that this game fails. The developers are trying their hardest to make it as gruesome and disgusting as possible that it is starting to get more gory than if the same thing happened in real-life. I do not agree with this much unnecessary violence in this game because it gives all games a violent rep. Violence in video games is great, as long as it isn't heavily abused as in NG2. Is it really necessary to be able to decapitate someone and see their head rolling down a hill? I would call that a little over-the-top. I know people say "if you don't like it, don't buy it" and this is true if the game has no affect on any other games, but with the constant attempt of censoring placed by the US and UK governments, this game is just trying to tick parents and censorship agencies off. With the recent scrutiny of GTA and Manhunt, I think that it is best to leave the 'over -the-top violent and gory game genre alone. CoD4, UT3, DoW, and GeoW are all perfectly blended with insane amount of violence, but it is done tastefully to not make it look like their sole purpose is to piss everyone else off.
I know that the first thought that may pop into some people's head is 'Jack Thompson', and I want to make sure that you all know that I think that this game looks quite cool, but stepping back and looking at it from different perspectives makes me have different views than your average closed minded individuals. I know that it is "just a game", but that line between virtual reality and reality is starting to slowly blur, and with the constant stream of threats against the video game industry, this, and many games like it, may severly cripple the gaming industry.
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