Not trying to be ignorant, but I was under the impression Crysis could not be maxed out with top-of-the-line equipment when the game was first released in mid '07. To say that it would look better than Uncharted 2 with PC equipment released in '06 only, I'd say it'd be a very close fight.
Note that I have never seen Crysis in person, nor am I in any way hardware savvy in any way. Just going on what I have heard over the years.
it doesnt have to be maxed out. and this isnt about looks. its about graphics two different things.
crysis can easily run on 2006 hardware at 720p on a mix of medium high and very high in DX9.
While I agree that the topic is about graphics and not the look of the game, we'd be fooling ourselves if the overall look of a game didn't account towards the overall graphics. Like I mentioned before, I have never seen the game in person, and would not know how Crysis set to Medium High would present itself. Crysis may have more scale over Uncharted, but there are plenty of games released on the N64 that have more scale, but that doesn't mean it has better graphics.
If someone could post pics on Crysis set to Medium High/720p (without Mods, please), I would better understand how the game would look, while taking into account Crysis is a much larger game than Uncharted 2.
Once again, I am just trying to educate myself on the subject, not trying to argue that game X is better than game Y.
My rig:
- E6400 CPU OC at 3.0GHz
- 8800 GTX GPU (OC)
I bought it in 2007, but everything was available in 2006. I run Crysis at 1680x1050, High (DX9), 0xAA, and it looks absolutely stunning with a steady framerate around 35fps (sometimes it drops to 25-30 during large firefights, especially in the Snow levels). That's leagues ahead what you can get with any console. If I scale down to 1024x768 the framerate hugely increases.
So all you guys saying you can't properly run Crysis with 2006 hardware are simply wrong.
And regarding the other poster that posted a link to a U2 gameplay video, he simpy has no idea what he's talking about. Almost all animations you see in that video (the jeep, the bus, etc.) are scripted, there's next to none real-time interaction with the environment.
In Crysis, everything is fully dynamic, whatever you do to the environment is calculated in real-time AND the game remembers throught the entire level. If you shoot a rocket across a valley, it will destroy trees, huts, etc., it will alert guards, and all this is remembered throughout the level. You don't have this on console games, ex: on Farcry 2, enemies respawn whenever you exit an area. The AI is also pretty good considering how dynamic the environment is. Ex: FEAR is usually regarded has having great AI, but the game takes place in closed spaces and is completely linear, which means the AI always knows where you're coming from and where you're going to. That doesn't apply in Crysis, you can approach a village on foot, by jeep, boat, using stealth, there's lots of options.
To sum it up, Crysis is a gen ahead of U2, in graphics, physics, scale and game design. U2 is a really nice-looking game, I'm sure it's pretty fun, but it's also pretty basic in design.
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