Uncharted 3....96 on Meta critic with 100 reviews. 80 GOTY awards, more than 140 industry awards...ring a bell? 
Which doesn't mean the sequel will do as well(or even close), especially with the competition it's getting.
And how does that applies with this?
UC2 had the same tough competition in 2009, and still made a name for itself.
Uncharted as a franchise is showing sings of evolving foward. Not the other way around.
If we go by that, UC3 will scored just as great or perhaps surpass it since Naughty Dog only knows how to do that and what works and what doesn't. By your analogy, UC3 wont score as good, wont be anything of an improvement, will has the same melody, same, song and same tune.
Thats not how it works.
Frankly U2 case is strange, the game was cool and all, but was over in one sitting, a day and was constant moving in a linear coriddor that open to room where you shoot and sometimes jump
That is the most basic stuff a game can have as gameplay, shallow is an understatemt
Now, it may have got all those scores, but frankly i would trade all Uncharted games until year 3111 to play Demons Souls
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