You confirmed it to be year of before the year even begins? Well I'm glad cows never get sick of that line.
Nothing on that list is really doing anything special for me. (TLG needs some gameplay and vids before I will get super hyped)
Also rofl, sly raccoon? At least get the name of what you're hyping correct. SLY COOPER.
:lol:He doesnt even know the NAME of the game he's hyping. Shows you how much he cares about his PS3 exclusives ;).As for me, I dont give a f*ck about PS3 (or this generation in general) anymore. Im ready for next gen. I'll wait around for the re-reveal of the Wii-U and see what its all about, and if its cheap/worth it i'll get it. Other than that, PS3 lost this generation dude, just give it up.......5 years from now, people are going to look back and remember PS3 as one of the biggest failures EVER, and wont give a damn about all these "exclusives". That being said, Sony isnt even giving them the support they deserve anyways.
I say f*ck the PS3. no PS4, no care.
people remember the games not the hardware my friend ... PS3 library = memorable games 360 = Kinect.Im not going to speak on the quality of the games themselves, but if we are talking about what will be remembered, then you HAVE to take relevance into account. And in terms of relevance, people are going to look back at the xbox360 and remember Halo, Gears, Forza, and Call of Duty (which might as well be called a 360 exclusive. Thats the platform it will be associated with reguardless), as well as their advancements in Xbox Live (which is basically a synonym for "online gaming"). The 360 is going to be remembered this gen as the industry standard platform.
Again, in terms of RELEVANCE, the only thing PS3 has that will legitimately be remembered/relevant in the real world will be Uncharted and Gran Turismo. (and maybe Metal Gear Solid 4). In reality, while exclusives DO matter, not only did they come too little too late, but Sony doesnt even give them ANY mainstream marketing. The mainstream simply doesnt care about PS3 exclusives, and most people outside of the internet dont even know they exist. (again, outside of Uncharted, Gran Turismo, and Metal Gear). Again, im not speaking on the quality of those games, but in terms of RELEVANCE, and its Sony's fault. Sony failed these games by not agressively marketing them and giving them any market penetration. Nobody is going to talk about them/remember them 5 years from now. They are going to remember the PS3 as the console that launched at $600, with NO GAMES for 2 years, and was inferior in every possible way to the 360 in features (minus Blu Ray player). Not to mention the PSN hack, etc...
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