heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)BioShockOwnz
8 hours game FTW!
well Mass Effects only 12 hours .
This topic is locked from further discussion.
heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)BioShockOwnz
8 hours game FTW!
well Mass Effects only 12 hours .
[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]If you have a PS3 and PC then why get a 360?
If you have a PC and a 360 than why get a PS3?
Why would you have two of the same machines? Get the PC it is much better.
Come back to me when I can play Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo Threeie, Too Human, Mass Effect, Fable 2, Dead Rising, Kameo: Elements of Power, and others on the PC.
You're only kidding yourself if you think Mass Effect and Fable 2 will stay on the 360.
Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)BioShockOwnz
8 hours game FTW!
Im betting its longer than 8 hours, and you bought heavenly sword like me..Did you beat that in 7 hours? I didnt..hehe[QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]Damn cows are real bitter lately. Did the NPDs just come out or something?BioShockOwnz
They're very bitter. They get so mad about games they can't play.
The lemmings shoot anything down that hasn't touched the 360.
[QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I agreeTheJuiceyBar
so a year ago the cows shell out 650$ after tax to obtain a PS3. 360 fans have been PLAYING for 2 years now and have great AAA exclusive games, and in 3 days Mass Effect will come out, yet another nail to the tomb Sony laid its self in. So far this year Xbox 360 has Halo 3, Bioshock, and Mass Effect, all killer games that the PS3 cannot play. But the PS3 has FUTURE games...Wow i'd rather the security of knowing my system MIGHT be good in the FUTURE than IS good in the PRESENT. TCHBOmakaveli73
360? What exclusives? All your games go to the PC
Next topic pls
Too bad it`ll never go on the Waitstation3.Funny, didn't lemmings have to wait for Gears of War? Halo3? Or even Mass Effect?
[QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]Too bad it`ll never go on the Waitstation3.leviathan91Funny, didn't lemmings have to wait for Gears of War? Halo3? Or even Mass Effect? Nah. All those games came with the 360, in the box, right?
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]Damn cows are real bitter lately. Did the NPDs just come out or something?Stumpt25
They're very bitter. They get so mad about games they can't play.
lol, at least we HAVE exclusives. Go cry in a corner now
Me and BioShockOwnz both own a PS3.[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)deavincalhoun
8 hours game FTW!
well Mass Effects only 12 hours .
Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.
heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)BioShockOwnz
8 hour game FTW, ban dodger!
So length makes the game quality now?:lol:
[QUOTE="makaveli73"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I agreeRagnarok1051
so a year ago the cows shell out 650$ after tax to obtain a PS3. 360 fans have been PLAYING for 2 years now and have great AAA exclusive games, and in 3 days Mass Effect will come out, yet another nail to the tomb Sony laid its self in. So far this year Xbox 360 has Halo 3, Bioshock, and Mass Effect, all killer games that the PS3 cannot play. But the PS3 has FUTURE games...Wow i'd rather the security of knowing my system MIGHT be good in the FUTURE than IS good in the PRESENT. TCHBOmakaveli73
360? What exclusives? All your games go to the PC
Next topic pls
Lol you cows sure don't mind to wait. If a game comes out on the xbox 360 and months later comes out on PC how does that help the PS3??? how does waiting months seem better than having it right than. Cow Owned....NEXT
If you have a PS3 and PC then why get a 360?
To play Halo 3 andMass Effect.Two games better than anything exclusive on the PS3 and not on the PC for at least a year.
Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)leviathan91
8 hour game FTW, ban dodger!
So length makes the game quality now?:lol:
yes, according too all the cows bashing Mass effects length.
[QUOTE="deavincalhoun"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)makaveli73
8 hours game FTW!
well Mass Effects only 12 hours .
Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.
actually im buying a 360 on monday for mass effect and blue dragon, and oblivion is a 15 hour game as you say because you dont have to do the sidequest.
At least PS3 exclusives aren't all shooters also being released on PC's.
lol, at least we HAVE exclusives. Go cry in a corner nowStumpt25
*points to the list of exclusives I just posted* where are all these shooters you speak of?
Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.
The PS3 has great games, lemmings are the only people I know who think a game has to score above a 9 to be worthy of being looked at.
Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.makaveli73You're the one trying to make yourself feel better by having a go at PS3 owners. May I ask why, and why you're getting so uptight? You seem to be shouting certain words, as though you're angry.
[QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]Too bad it`ll never go on the Waitstation3.SolidSnake35Funny, didn't lemmings have to wait for Gears of War? Halo3? Or even Mass Effect? Nah. All those games came with the 360, in the box, right?
Of course! Silly me...
yes, according too all the cows bashing Mass effects length.
Maybe because lemmings constantly bash PS3 games for being short. :|
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]Damn cows are real bitter lately. Did the NPDs just come out or something?Ragnarok1051
They're very bitter. They get so mad about games they can't play.
The lemmings shoot anything down that hasn't touched the 360.
[/QUOTE You are acting like the cows dont do this. They do it all the time. They try to look up smallest problem about a game and claim complete ownage. The latest being ME which they keep saying is 12 hours long cuz 1up did a speed run through the main quest.[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
Almost exactly one year, my overall point still stands.
[QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]Damn cows are real bitter lately. Did the NPDs just come out or something?DaysAirlines
They're very bitter. They get so mad about games they can't play.
lol, at least we HAVE exclusives. Go cry in a corner now
Me and BioShockOwnz both own a PS3.And i own a PC.... whats your point?
[QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I agreeleviathan91
so a year ago the cows shell out 650$ after tax to obtain a PS3. 360 fans have been PLAYING for 2 years now and have great AAA exclusive games, and in 3 days Mass Effect will come out, yet another nail to the tomb Sony laid its self in. So far this year Xbox 360 has Halo 3, Bioshock, and Mass Effect, all killer games that the PS3 cannot play. But the PS3 has FUTURE games...Wow i'd rather the security of knowing my system MIGHT be good in the FUTURE than IS good in the PRESENT. TCHBOmakaveli73
360? What exclusives? All your games go to the PC
Next topic pls
Too bad it`ll never go on the Waitstation3.Funny, didn't lemmings have to wait for Gears of War? Halo3? Or even Mass Effect?
At least the 360 exclusives are worth waiting for.
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
What was fable? an average AA? its ok... ill pass
:lol: Don't let the other lemmings here you say that, the 2nd one is supposed to be the best RPG of the year.
[QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]heeh ill be renting mass effect, and buying uncharted :)[QUOTE="lt-rickhunter"][QUOTE="leviathan91"]While you have fun waiting for Mass Effect, I'll play Uncharted and R&CF, K? ;)KrazyKenKutarag
8 hour game FTW, ban dodger!
So length makes the game quality now?:lol:
yes, according too all the cows bashing Mass effects length.
Lems have bashed Uncharted constantly for being 10 to 12 hours and then shoved Mass Effect saying it will have 40 hours of gameplay. So if anything, lems started this and now they're eating their own words.
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
What was fable? an average AA? its ok... ill pass
You could say the same thing for the PS3's entire line-up up to this point.[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
Almost exactly one year, my overall point still stands.
Was it announced a year after release or did it release after a year?
[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"]If you have a PS3 and PC then why get a 360?
If you have a PC and a 360 than why get a PS3?
Because the 360 is a dumbed down PC and if you want something that will not be on the PC down the road get a PS3!
*Once again points to the list of exclusives I just posted*
[QUOTE="makaveli73"]Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.SolidSnake35You're the one trying to make yourself feel better by having a go at PS3 owners. May I ask why, and why you're getting so uptight? You seem to be shouting certain words, as though you're angry.
Lol shouting? am i using exclamation points? No i am STRESSING certain words so you cows can UNDERSTAND. GET IT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now thats virtual "shouting"
[QUOTE="leviathan91"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"][QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="TheJuiceyBar"]I agreeHolyHandGrenad3
so a year ago the cows shell out 650$ after tax to obtain a PS3. 360 fans have been PLAYING for 2 years now and have great AAA exclusive games, and in 3 days Mass Effect will come out, yet another nail to the tomb Sony laid its self in. So far this year Xbox 360 has Halo 3, Bioshock, and Mass Effect, all killer games that the PS3 cannot play. But the PS3 has FUTURE games...Wow i'd rather the security of knowing my system MIGHT be good in the FUTURE than IS good in the PRESENT. TCHBOmakaveli73
360? What exclusives? All your games go to the PC
Next topic pls
Too bad it`ll never go on the Waitstation3.Funny, didn't lemmings have to wait for Gears of War? Halo3? Or even Mass Effect?
At least the 360 exclusives are worth waiting for.
And so was Uncharted, Warhawk, and R&CF. At least R:FoM kept us busy with its lagless multiplayer matches with 40 players online. ;)
[QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
What was fable? an average AA? its ok... ill pass
I thought cows loved AA games what happend?[QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
Almost exactly one year, my overall point still stands.
Was it announced a year after release or did it release after a year?
I don't remember, do you have a point?[QUOTE="leviathan91"]Funny, didn't lemmings have to wait for Gears of War? Halo3? Or even Mass Effect? HolyHandGrenad3At least the 360 exclusives are worth waiting for. And PS3 exclusives aren't worth waiting for? Pfft, speak some sense, please. Heavenly Sword and Warhawk are awesome.
[QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
What was fable? an average AA? its ok... ill pass
I thought cows loved AA games what happend?I love it when a certian person does this. :lol: When they see a fanboy, they generalize and assume that all cows (or any fanboy for that matter)do it.
At least PS3 exclusives aren't all shooters also being released on PC's.
and the myths continue. :roll:
I don't remember, do you have a point?TyrantDragon55
If it was announced 3 months after being released then was released for the PC 1 year later than I think I could wait for it.
You're the one trying to make yourself feel better by having a go at PS3 owners. May I ask why, and why you're getting so uptight? You seem to be shouting certain words, as though you're angry.[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"][QUOTE="makaveli73"]Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.makaveli73
Lol shouting? am i using exclamation points? No i am STRESSING certain words so you cows can UNDERSTAND. GET IT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now thats virtual "shouting"
Capitals mean shouting... Stressing should be done using italics. Get it?[QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
What was fable? an average AA? its ok... ill pass
I thought cows loved AA games what happend?Just look at the post above yours. Some cow is bragging about 3 AA titles and 1 A. Cows are ridiculous.
[QUOTE="arcmanis"]At least PS3 exclusives aren't all shooters also being released on PC's.
and the myths continue. :roll:
Gotta love the cows after NPDs drop.[QUOTE="makaveli73"]You're the one trying to make yourself feel better by having a go at PS3 owners. May I ask why, and why you're getting so uptight? You seem to be shouting certain words, as though you're angry.[QUOTE="SolidSnake35"][QUOTE="makaveli73"]Guess what buddy....i beat OBLIVION in 15 hours playing the main quest straight through....OBlivion must be only 15 hours.....Another JEALOUS PS3 fanboy trying to compensate for it's lack of games.SolidSnake35
Lol shouting? am i using exclamation points? No i am STRESSING certain words so you cows can UNDERSTAND. GET IT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now thats virtual "shouting"
Capitals mean shouting... Stressing should be done using italics. Get it?Nope unless i'm writing a paper for my english 102 class i'm not going to use italics. They are subtle and don't get the point across enough in a message board. they are necessary for formal papers...get it? didn't think so....i await your Cow excuse...
Just look at the post above yours. Some cow is bragging about 3 AA titles and 1 A. Cows are ridiculous.HolyHandGrenad3Surprising, everyone here is an individual. You can't categorize people like that. It doesn't work.
[QUOTE="Stumpt25"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"]Oh I'm sure those two will go to the PC, in like 2 years.
How long did it take Fable to go to the PC?
What was fable? an average AA? its ok... ill pass
I thought cows loved AA games what happend?I thought Lemmings hated games below AAA, what happened?
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