@ghostwarrior786: Oh so its my fault for buying the game when its released? Lmao I also purchased halo reach/4 at launch and they worked, gears of war 3 worked so why the hell wouldnt I expect ms biggest franchise to work off the bat. I dont know coding and dont give a shit about it, its not my job to know all I want is for this piece of shit to work
See I never said the blame is on you. But you are into some false paraphrasing of what I said. I did basically point out that your assessment of what fucking up is in terms of something you and I know nothing about is ridiculous imo. I say they fucked up, and asked what should they be saying? Nothing? Too bad we got your money folks? You made a thread with something in the title that is no where to be found in the public response you put in the OP.
It seems to me you want people to say with you "yeah **** you devs!!!! You should have gotten it right, and now accepting you fucked up, admitting it publicly and telling us you are trying to fix it means nothing!!! So now I will never buy a game that is made by people who have ever fucked up in their jobs ever again." I don't know if life will ever meet these standards in anything including gaming for you.
''Hey don't buy their games anymore, your problem is solved.''<<thats ur fukin solution? how about they only release games when they are finished. its been 2 fukin weeks and this shit still isnt sorted out. what i want to hear his, 'sorry we fucked up, while we fix this here is a code for gta5, u can play this until the fix is released.
thats what i want to fukin hear. i preordered this shit and bought my x1 specifically for this and here i am 2 weeks later with my dick in my hand
Yes to a person crying to us instead of going to https://xbox.uservoice.com/ and telling them what you want to hear, don't buy their games anymore is my solution. I don't work for 343i, cant help you unless some coddling and and babying is going to make you feel better. It seems to be a wallowing in negativity. It sucks, I agree. How about they only release when the game is finished sounds fucking A plus, spot on right to me, but its after the fact, that we know the game isn't finished. So, like I said its Monday morning CEOing basically. If this is an "I need to vent" thing hey I understand. We all need to sometimes.
You said yourself you bought Halo 4 and it worked right away, so the company is batting .500 now on two releases. And I will upvote, write a long winded 100% agreement to MS for the free GTA5 code as an amends with you. Why not tell them at the feed back site I linked?
because people are having trouble even getting refunds, u have to be on phone for like an hour and get passed on to the supervisor for any chance to get a refund. if ms are making u jump through all these hoops for a refund no way in hell they give a game out. i bought the psyhical copy but cant return it because it was bundled, i would have to return the x1.
at max we will get a new map remake when there is hardly anyone still playing the game
Of course a corporation is making it harder to give you your money, than take your money. Its the capitalist way, LOL. Hey dude, the situation sucks, nobody disagrees with you there. But does it really make you feel better just complaining and being angry about something out of your control? Guess that's where I am different at this point in life. If the situation already sucks, what good is me adding my anger, and negativity to it? 343i isn't working any faster as a result, and I get all spun up.
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