I hear ya my man it's just that some respected posters here have seemingly different results of the working condition of this compilation but eh, I've said it out loud here ( when not messing around :P ) that heads should roll for letting the Xbox flagship IP out the door with all these issues, unforgivable but ya know, hang in there since it seems to me they are trying to do everything to fix the problems. I have the X1 MCC bundle and a spanking new 65" flat screen but waiting until I'm off work Christmas week to get started and hoping by then MCC is performing a bunch better.
I would gladly try coop with you. The list of players, at least on my friends list, is down to hardly anyone to try with. I think they all just started playing other games. I got a new 60" screen and I love it. SO was and still is so fun to play with that much real estate,
Coolness tho my plan is to play the SP parts of all the games in order before going to the MP so perhaps later in the week I'll be ready. My XBLG name is the same here spelled the same way so shoot me a line and we'll do some coop together. I'll be getting FH2 and very likely SO as well and already know I'm getting GTA5 as a gift so I'll be plenty busy with some gaming bliss this holiday. :D
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