You 360 fanboys just don't get it, the PS2 is approaching the 10 year mark with the same original hardware and it's still kickin' butt to this day.
Now the PS3 is 10 times more better equipped with hardware specs than PS2 and it will out last every console on the market just like it's predecessor.
The first Xbox was an utter failure if not for Halo, but the system was still replaced 4 years after it's release, and all these 360 price drops that you guy's are so proud of, simply means that the 360 is getting cheaper to make, and pretty soon it won't even be worth the cost it takes to manufacture it.
Therefore Microsoft will announce it's successor to be released i'm sure by 2010, and i bet they put in the Blu-Ray drive, and then you'll have to spend another 4 to $500 bucks on their latest incarnation, and probably a hiked up Xbox Live fee as well and ya' better pray they learned from their RROD mistakes.
How ever our beloved PS3 will still be able to hold up to the 360's next incarnation and we'll all be home enjoying our free online play while you guy's are freezing your butts off all night on store lines only to shell out more money for Microsofts pockets.
The PS3 is in it for the long haul and not done by a long shot so you 360 boys tell yourselves what ever you want to help you sleep at night.
Oh geez, there are so many things wrong with this post that I don't know where to start...
The PS3 is ten times more better (someone needs to brush up on his sentence structure...) equipped than the PS2? Did it hurt when you pulled that figure out of your ass? Secondly, Microsoft could have a ten year life cycle in store for the Xbox 360. If you'll recall, they've already said they'll continue to make it as long as its profitable.
Check the links here and here if you don't believe me.
Now hold on. According to you, the Xbox was an "utter failure" but in the same breath, you admonish MS for taking it off the market after 4 years? Contradictory much? :? Second, yeah, the Xbox 360 is getting cheaper to make, just like the PS2 is. Because of that, the cheaper it gets to make, the more money MS stands to make from it. It's never going to get so cheap that it's not worth manufactuing any more until long after the next Xbox is released and as far as we know, that could be another five years from now. Again, as long as it's selling, MS is going to manufacture it as it just equals more money in their wallets. I don't know where you're getting your logic from.
Microsoft also stated that the next Xbox will not release until around 2011 - 2012. Unless you've forgotten, that's the same lifecycle as the PS2. The PS2 was released in 2000 and the PS3 was released in 2006. If the next Xbox releases in November of 2011, that'll be six years, just like the PS2 and PS3 so unless you constitute the PS3 being a rip off back in 2006, your point fails. The price of Xbox Live didn't increase when the Xbox 360 released so why would it increase when the next Xbox is released? Oh, and by the way, you don't honestly think Sony isn't going to release the PS4 around 2012 do you?
The Xbox 360 is in it for the long haul as well. You can believe it or not but you'll see how wrong you are in a few years. :wink:
EDIT: Added links.
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