One problem - I also gave a list of PS3 advantages at the end, so I was fair.
I am not a fanboy.
This is actually quite hilarious now Your list consists of all of 4 points. That's obviously fair.
You do realise the Xbox 360 dosn't come with an HDMI either, right? And that for the most part playing music through the Xbox is unstable to say the least, right (It's the same on the PS3, neither handle music streaming very well)? If you were that bothered you could use an MP3 player, or mabye even actually just listen to music through a sound system. Really not an issue. With the quality of most of these points im susprised you havn't reached a 100. I'm sure you could saturate the list even more by making another 10 points about Halo 3 :lol:.
I am being as fair as possible.
Xbox 360 didn't have an HDMI chord til like last year and even then Microsoft doesn't have an HD disc like Sony. Sony is trying to promote it mor eand they don't even give you the right chords.
And lots of people play in-game music, it's a very popular feature.
And I can make 100 reasons why Halo 3 is the best game ever made... hmm.. when I think about it, I can...
If you say so.
You actually don't need HDMI to display HD as far as I know. I'm sure you can get 720p using a standard AV cable. On any account, the 2 pound (Lidl FTW) I paid for an HDMI cable is hardly a bitter loss. If both consoles are missing something, then they both share a common flaw. Nothing makes one or the other worse because, "They were actually promoting it." That means nothing. It dosn't affect the actual quality, hence it is not a point.
Tha dosn't make it all that useful. I try using it occasionally, but it often ends up with me being disconnected half way through a track. It's using up procesing time and memory, and that means it can lead to more crashes and freezes. It's better to play it through another system altogether.
You probably could, just don't make it as embarrasing as this list.
That's as serious as I am getting, I'm not going through another 40 or so of these.
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