Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Meanwhile on Wii-eww: 30+ year old neckbeards who still think they're children, playing the same old rehashes from the 80's.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Meanwhile on Wii-eww: 30+ year old neckbeards who still think they're children, playing the same old rehashes from the 80's.
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Lol those reasons apply to Xbox One. 360 has all the HaloGEARSFORZAPGR+COD bro games. The PS3 has Uncharted (not a bro game), Heavy rain (not a bro game), Beyond 2 souls (non bro)
Try again.
Uncharted not a bro game? Its got guns, a subpar plotline, and an extremely annoying fanbase. Its a bro game.
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Meanwhile on Wii-eww: 30+ year old neckbeards who still think they're children, playing the same old rehashes from the 80's.
Yet, people still want those 80s "rehashes" on their PS4. Explains the poor quality games Sony has in a nutshell.
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Lol those reasons apply to Xbox One. 360 has all the HaloGEARSFORZAPGR+COD bro games. The PS3 has Uncharted (not a bro game), Heavy rain (not a bro game), Beyond 2 souls (non bro)
Try again.
Uncharted not a bro game? Its got guns, a subpar plotline, and an extremely annoying fanbase. Its a bro game.
COD is bro game, gears and halo are bro games. Uncharted is only close to being bro or trendy because the game did really well when it came out and was talked about for years.
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Lol those reasons apply to Xbox One. 360 has all the HaloGEARSFORZAPGR+COD bro games. The PS3 has Uncharted (not a bro game), Heavy rain (not a bro game), Beyond 2 souls (non bro)
Try again.
PS3 has COD
Yes but 360 LIVES on COD. There's the difference. Jeez! Read the OP!
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Lol those reasons apply to Xbox One. 360 has all the HaloGEARSFORZAPGR+COD bro games. The PS3 has Uncharted (not a bro game), Heavy rain (not a bro game), Beyond 2 souls (non bro)
Try again.
Uncharted not a bro game? Its got guns, a subpar plotline, and an extremely annoying fanbase. Its a bro game.
COD is bro game, gears and halo are bro games. Uncharted is only close to being bro or trendy because the game did really well when it came out and was talked about for years.
lol yup, you are indeed a fanboy.
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Meanwhile on Wii-eww: 30+ year old neckbeards who still think they're children, playing the same old rehashes from the 80's.
Yet, people still want those 80s "rehashes" on their PS4. Explains the poor quality games Sony has in a nutshell.
LOL fool, if everyone wanted those rehashes the Wii eww would've sold better.
And lol at "poor quality", PS3's library>>>>>>>>>>>wii.
But hey have fun with your rehashes. LMFAO
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Meanwhile on Wii-eww: 30+ year old neckbeards who still think they're children, playing the same old rehashes from the 80's.
Yet, people still want those 80s "rehashes" on their PS4. Explains the poor quality games Sony has in a nutshell.
LOL fool, if everyone wanted those rehashes the Wii eww would've sold better.
And lol at "poor quality", PS3's library>>>>>>>>>>>wii.
But hey have fun with your rehashes. LMFAO
No. The WiiU doesn't have those "rehashes." That's the problem. No Zelda, Metroid, 3d Mario. Whether you like those titles or not, they are system sellers. Pikmin alone isn't going to do it. Neither is Wind Waker with a fresh coat of paint.
^^ He's actually right. Those games are rehashes and ARE rehashes people desperately want. As I said in the fucking OP (SERIOUSLY READ THE OP) the Wii U got a 685% bump in sales after Zelda released :)
Real Reason why PS4 will win next gen: bro gamers and cows overhype hardware and shooter games.
Meanwhile on Wii-eww: 30+ year old neckbeards who still think they're children, playing the same old rehashes from the 80's.
Yet, people still want those 80s "rehashes" on their PS4. Explains the poor quality games Sony has in a nutshell.
LOL fool, if everyone wanted those rehashes the Wii eww would've sold better.
And lol at "poor quality", PS3's library>>>>>>>>>>>wii.
But hey have fun with your rehashes. LMFAO
No. The WiiU doesn't have those "rehashes." That's the problem. No Zelda, Metroid, 3d Mario. Whether you like those titles or not, they are system sellers. Pikmin alone isn't going to do it. Neither is Wind Waker with a fresh coat of paint.
True, it's even worse than I thought...the wii eww has almost nothing now. LOL
^^ He's actually right. Those games are rehashes and ARE rehashes people desperately want. As I said in the fucking OP (SERIOUSLY READ THE OP) the Wii U got a 685% bump in sales after Zelda released :)
and what did that have to do with the reason the PS4 will win? You people argue like children.
^^ He's actually right. Those games are rehashes and ARE rehashes people desperately want. As I said in the fucking OP (SERIOUSLY READ THE OP) the Wii U got a 685% bump in sales after Zelda released :)
and what did that have to do with the reason the PS4 will win? You people argue like children.
I didn't start the WiiU argument. Someone did because they were attacking you after detected you're a sheep due to your profile pic.
And it doesn't have anything to do with the PS4 winning but it applies to the Demographic category in the list in the OP. The WiiU has a separate demographic from the PS4 so they don't have to be in direct competition with each other : )
Blog it next time. And, that's a nice fanboy rant. I disagree with 90% of it.
PS4 vs XBoxOne boils down to this:
Sony bet the farm that the consumer would pick a console that's built around gaming - with all other features being "me too" add-ons. Because the focus is only on games, the hardware of the PS4 was designed to produce the best visuals possible.
Microsoft bet the farm that consumers would pick a console that is more than a gaming console - an all-in-one entertainment system for games, movies, music, etc. Because the focus was on "everything" and not "just games", the XBoxOne is not as powerful of a true "gaming device" as the PS4 is; but it can do much more than just run games.
That's it. That's the difference. The market will decide who made the right call in the long run.
lol okay you're right but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. What you just said doens't contradict anything I said in the OP. And I'll blog when I want and create a post when I want. And it's not a fanboy rant because every thing I stated are all actual facts if you know how to read.
No, they're not. Off the top of my head
I didn't say they have, I said judging from how they've operated in the past, there's no telling what they'll do. And oh multiplats. There's no chance in hell the 360 has exclusives still in development.
Sony didn't lose THEIR market share. They lost THE market share. They began to compete with 360 for multiplats like cod, madden and such. My argument wasn't that they had the whole market on lock, my argument is that they had a foot in the multiplats department but also had the benefit of having a solid exclusives line up.
Ok, It's obvious you just skimmed through the OP; go back and fcking read cause your selective understanding is really sad. My comment about PS3 being able to survive on its own without multiplats isn't to say that if the PS3 was to not receieve those games you listed it would be fine. I first stated that the 360 lives on multiplats. Most of xbox franchises and games are also on PC and the rest are on PC/PS3/360 and even handhelds. FACT! As opposed to the PS3, which is where I said that the PS3 can stand and be supported by it's own exclusives alone because i was making a point that the exclusives cover every genre and aren't linear or limited to bro or mainstream games! Stop skimming through the OP and just seeing what you want. Multiplats are nice to have but here's the difference: If you take away the 360's multiplat games, the 360's library will be almost empty and dry. BUT, if you ignore all the multiplats on the PS3's library, the PS3 library still looks awesome and has solid games for every genre.That's what I meant when I said the PS3 can survive on its own library alone, as oppposed to the 360 which shares most of its library with the PC!
Only in System Wars does the PC compete with consoles. In all three's (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) 10-K reports, they do not list "the Personal computer" as a competitor to their consoles.
There were several 360 exclusives this year, like Gears of War: Judgment and Fable: the Journey. Also, there are 360 games for next year, too. Granted there were more PS3 exclusives this year, but your point isn't really the truth.
You are just blinded by your inner cow, man.
@John_Matherson: Way.. way to much to read. Since most of it is bias fanboy dribble, I didn't read much of it. lol!!
8. Microsoft XB1 is also future proof. By the time the E3 get here, you'll know why.
7. Both M$ and Sony did a terrible job preparing for the launch. Sony will have huge shortages for the PS4, plus you have to download a patch just to unlock Blu-Ray/DVD playback. What a joke. M$ also screwed up royally by releasing their final devkit to developers 2 months before launch. Idiots. Sony's PS4 was already having overheating problems just proves neither company is truly ready for this launch.
6. Microsoft's policy was a mess, but Sony adding fees for online multiplayer after saying they would never do that, wasn't smart either. At least Microsoft reversed all the bad things they introduced. Sony hasn't reversed anything. They are still making you patch the PS4 on day one when they said a patch would not be needed (after M$ said they had a large patch). lol!!
5. Sony will never have the type of marketshare they had with the PS2. which was like 65%. They will start out more then the XBox One to begin with, but I think the Wii U and XBox One will take more back once their prices drop within the next 1-2 yrs. Sony will never dominate like they did with the PS2.
4. The Xbox & XBox 360 actually sold more consoles in Japan then any other American game console released in Japan. That's a pretty good achievement. The 3DO sold about 300K units. I don't remember what the Jaguar sold, but it was a lot less then the 3DO. The XBox One will excell in the U.S., UK and Australia and should do fairly well in Europe. It's not going to do much in Japan with the high price. It'll probably sell 100K-200K in 2014 in Japan I bet, but not much more. Even the PS4 is a bit expensive in Japan.
3. The PS4 is a powerful console, but so is the XB1. People who think the XB1 is weak will be in for a rude awaking when the 2nd round of games are introduced. Both systems will give us high quality games in the future. That's why I'll be playing games on both.
2. Sony has a large amouont of developers, this is true, but Microsoft has acquired more developers this time around. Where as they only had about 5-6 1st party developers, they now have about 10-11 and it's still increasing. Their global support of 3rd party and Indie developers will carry over from XBox 360. A lot more games will be announced next year.
1. There will be LOTS of games on both platforms. You'd be stupid to believe otherwise. There are 100's of games in development for both PS4 and XBox One. It's just a matter of time.
Funny how you critisize Sony for having a required patch to unlock bluray and dvd, which by the way isn't even required. If consumers dont want to download the patch or more importantly can't due to lack of internet they can call Sony and have a disk sent by mail to unlock the bluray (Yes, this is not a convenient alternative but better than requiring a patch like MS is unless they are doing this same thing). Funny part is that you have to download a patch to get rid of the DRM stuff on xbox one, but oh no downloading a patch from sony (which isn't required) to unlock the bluray player is much worse right? lol. Your mention of sony not reversing anything is comical too. What mistakes have they made where they had to reverse? (other than the mp3 and dlna stuff)
XB1 a powerful console? Two of the biggest titles (COD and Battlefieild) is in 720p on X1 while it is 1080p and 900p on PS4, nuff said lol. I can't even begin to cover point 4 lol
Blog it next time. And, that's a nice fanboy rant. I disagree with 90% of it.
PS4 vs XBoxOne boils down to this:
Sony bet the farm that the consumer would pick a console that's built around gaming - with all other features being "me too" add-ons. Because the focus is only on games, the hardware of the PS4 was designed to produce the best visuals possible.
Microsoft bet the farm that consumers would pick a console that is more than a gaming console - an all-in-one entertainment system for games, movies, music, etc. Because the focus was on "everything" and not "just games", the XBoxOne is not as powerful of a true "gaming device" as the PS4 is; but it can do much more than just run games.
That's it. That's the difference. The market will decide who made the right call in the long run.
lol okay you're right but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. What you just said doens't contradict anything I said in the OP. And I'll blog when I want and create a post when I want. And it's not a fanboy rant because every thing I stated are all actual facts if you know how to read.
No, they're not. Off the top of my head
I didn't say they have, I said judging from how they've operated in the past, there's no telling what they'll do. And oh multiplats. There's no chance in hell the 360 has exclusives still in development.
Sony didn't lose THEIR market share. They lost THE market share. They began to compete with 360 for multiplats like cod, madden and such. My argument wasn't that they had the whole market on lock, my argument is that they had a foot in the multiplats department but also had the benefit of having a solid exclusives line up.
Ok, It's obvious you just skimmed through the OP; go back and fcking read cause your selective understanding is really sad. My comment about PS3 being able to survive on its own without multiplats isn't to say that if the PS3 was to not receieve those games you listed it would be fine. I first stated that the 360 lives on multiplats. Most of xbox franchises and games are also on PC and the rest are on PC/PS3/360 and even handhelds. FACT! As opposed to the PS3, which is where I said that the PS3 can stand and be supported by it's own exclusives alone because i was making a point that the exclusives cover every genre and aren't linear or limited to bro or mainstream games! Stop skimming through the OP and just seeing what you want. Multiplats are nice to have but here's the difference: If you take away the 360's multiplat games, the 360's library will be almost empty and dry. BUT, if you ignore all the multiplats on the PS3's library, the PS3 library still looks awesome and has solid games for every genre.That's what I meant when I said the PS3 can survive on its own library alone, as oppposed to the 360 which shares most of its library with the PC!
Only in System Wars does the PC compete with consoles. In all three's (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) 10-K reports, they do not list "the Personal computer" as a competitor to their consoles.
There were several 360 exclusives this year, like Gears of War: Judgment and Fable: the Journey. Also, there are 360 games for next year, too. Granted there were more PS3 exclusives this year, but your point isn't really the truth.
You are just blinded by your inner cow, man.
I thought I mentioned Judgment. Either way a 7/10 flop doesn't really help your case much does it? But you're right but I'm also not wrong.
@John_Matherson: Way.. way to much to read. Since most of it is bias fanboy dribble, I didn't read much of it. lol!!
8. Microsoft XB1 is also future proof. By the time the E3 get here, you'll know why.
7. Both M$ and Sony did a terrible job preparing for the launch. Sony will have huge shortages for the PS4, plus you have to download a patch just to unlock Blu-Ray/DVD playback. What a joke. M$ also screwed up royally by releasing their final devkit to developers 2 months before launch. Idiots. Sony's PS4 was already having overheating problems just proves neither company is truly ready for this launch.
6. Microsoft's policy was a mess, but Sony adding fees for online multiplayer after saying they would never do that, wasn't smart either. At least Microsoft reversed all the bad things they introduced. Sony hasn't reversed anything. They are still making you patch the PS4 on day one when they said a patch would not be needed (after M$ said they had a large patch). lol!!
5. Sony will never have the type of marketshare they had with the PS2. which was like 65%. They will start out more then the XBox One to begin with, but I think the Wii U and XBox One will take more back once their prices drop within the next 1-2 yrs. Sony will never dominate like they did with the PS2.
4. The Xbox & XBox 360 actually sold more consoles in Japan then any other American game console released in Japan. That's a pretty good achievement. The 3DO sold about 300K units. I don't remember what the Jaguar sold, but it was a lot less then the 3DO. The XBox One will excell in the U.S., UK and Australia and should do fairly well in Europe. It's not going to do much in Japan with the high price. It'll probably sell 100K-200K in 2014 in Japan I bet, but not much more. Even the PS4 is a bit expensive in Japan.
3. The PS4 is a powerful console, but so is the XB1. People who think the XB1 is weak will be in for a rude awaking when the 2nd round of games are introduced. Both systems will give us high quality games in the future. That's why I'll be playing games on both.
2. Sony has a large amouont of developers, this is true, but Microsoft has acquired more developers this time around. Where as they only had about 5-6 1st party developers, they now have about 10-11 and it's still increasing. Their global support of 3rd party and Indie developers will carry over from XBox 360. A lot more games will be announced next year.
1. There will be LOTS of games on both platforms. You'd be stupid to believe otherwise. There are 100's of games in development for both PS4 and XBox One. It's just a matter of time.
Funny how you critisize Sony for having a required patch to unlock bluray and dvd, which by the way isn't even required. If consumers dont want to download the patch or more importantly can't due to lack of internet they can call Sony and have a disk sent by mail to unlock the bluray (Yes, this is not a convenient alternative but better than requiring a patch like MS is unless they are doing this same thing). Funny part is that you have to download a patch to get rid of the DRM stuff on xbox one, but oh no downloading a patch from sony (which isn't required) to unlock the bluray player is much worse right? lol. Your mention of sony not reversing anything is comical too. What mistakes have they made where they had to reverse? (other than the mp3 and dlna stuff)
XB1 a powerful console? Two of the biggest titles (COD and Battlefieild) is in 720p on X1 while it is 1080p and 900p on PS4, nuff said lol. I can't even begin to cover point 4 lol
no it's funny but it's sad and the saddest part is that these lemmings defended Microsoft when the DRM and Internet requirements was first announced. They Defended MS even before MS took it all back. I can't remember if it was mems or JimmyPSN who said that DRM is the new way of doing things and people should just accept it and learn to live with change. They literally said this. Literally.
well done TC well done! spoken like the president
some hardcore education over here
Thank you :)
Long read, but your first point merits a lot of consideration. I always look to the past and just don't see MSFT as supporting their base once they transition to a new piece of hardware.
Long read, but your first point merits a lot of consideration. I always look to the past and just don't see MSFT as supporting their base once they transition to a new piece of hardware.
Yeah I noticed how horrible their transition was compared to Sony from last gen.
PS4 is gonna kick some serious ass. It's not even funny anymore.
PS4 = Built by gamers for gamers, the Sony way. Thank you Sony :)
This is a very well put together topic. I'm impressed. I also agree.
Thank you. Just showing sys wars how it's done : )
Think OP is over-complicating things.
Simplified list:
1. Cheaper
2. More powerful
3. Better software support
Yeah, you have to be a little less vague than that around here.
@John_Matherson: Way.. way to much to read. Since most of it is bias fanboy dribble, I didn't read much of it. lol!!
8. Microsoft XB1 is also future proof. By the time the E3 get here, you'll know why.
7. Both M$ and Sony did a terrible job preparing for the launch. Sony will have huge shortages for the PS4, plus you have to download a patch just to unlock Blu-Ray/DVD playback. What a joke. M$ also screwed up royally by releasing their final devkit to developers 2 months before launch. Idiots. Sony's PS4 was already having overheating problems just proves neither company is truly ready for this launch.
6. Microsoft's policy was a mess, but Sony adding fees for online multiplayer after saying they would never do that, wasn't smart either. At least Microsoft reversed all the bad things they introduced. Sony hasn't reversed anything. They are still making you patch the PS4 on day one when they said a patch would not be needed (after M$ said they had a large patch). lol!!
5. Sony will never have the type of marketshare they had with the PS2. which was like 65%. They will start out more then the XBox One to begin with, but I think the Wii U and XBox One will take more back once their prices drop within the next 1-2 yrs. Sony will never dominate like they did with the PS2.
4. The Xbox & XBox 360 actually sold more consoles in Japan then any other American game console released in Japan. That's a pretty good achievement. The 3DO sold about 300K units. I don't remember what the Jaguar sold, but it was a lot less then the 3DO. The XBox One will excell in the U.S., UK and Australia and should do fairly well in Europe. It's not going to do much in Japan with the high price. It'll probably sell 100K-200K in 2014 in Japan I bet, but not much more. Even the PS4 is a bit expensive in Japan.
3. The PS4 is a powerful console, but so is the XB1. People who think the XB1 is weak will be in for a rude awaking when the 2nd round of games are introduced. Both systems will give us high quality games in the future. That's why I'll be playing games on both.
2. Sony has a large amouont of developers, this is true, but Microsoft has acquired more developers this time around. Where as they only had about 5-6 1st party developers, they now have about 10-11 and it's still increasing. Their global support of 3rd party and Indie developers will carry over from XBox 360. A lot more games will be announced next year.
1. There will be LOTS of games on both platforms. You'd be stupid to believe otherwise. There are 100's of games in development for both PS4 and XBox One. It's just a matter of time.
>Says OPs post is biased fanboy dribble.
>Posts his own biased fanboy dribble.
Btw, the X1 isn't a powerful console. Do you even pc game in the slightest?
lol Xbox1 is powerful but who the fck in their right minds would get one instead of building a rig? We know Ryse and Titanfall are already bound to end up on PC. Halo 5 won't be any different. What sense does owning an xbone make? None!
You seriously believe that Halo 5, which will probably be MS's #1 console selling title, will be ported to PC quickly? Seriously?
Also, I didn't know Ryse was PC bound. Where did you see this? I have a fairly high-end PC so I'm genuinely interested.
Completely off-topic, but does anyone remember a forum poster named BillyTheKid? This is from WAY back (like a decade ago). He was always my favorite fanboy to read.
>Says OPs post is biased fanboy dribble.
>Posts his own biased fanboy dribble.
Btw, the X1 isn't a powerful console. Do you even pc game in the slightest?
lol Xbox1 is powerful but who the fck in their right minds would get one instead of building a rig? We know Ryse and Titanfall are already bound to end up on PC. Halo 5 won't be any different. What sense does owning an xbone make? None!
You seriously believe that Halo 5, which will probably be MS's #1 console selling title, will be ported to PC quickly? Seriously?
Also, I didn't know Ryse was PC bound. Where did you see this? I have a fairly high-end PC so I'm genuinely interested.
Completely off-topic, but does anyone remember a forum poster named BillyTheKid? This is from WAY back (like a decade ago). He was always my favorite fanboy to read.
LOL it's funny you said quickly. QUickly or non-quickly. According to pattern and the past, there's a huge chance it will be ported either way.
>Says OPs post is biased fanboy dribble.
>Posts his own biased fanboy dribble.
Btw, the X1 isn't a powerful console. Do you even pc game in the slightest?
lol Xbox1 is powerful but who the fck in their right minds would get one instead of building a rig? We know Ryse and Titanfall are already bound to end up on PC. Halo 5 won't be any different. What sense does owning an xbone make? None!
You seriously believe that Halo 5, which will probably be MS's #1 console selling title, will be ported to PC quickly? Seriously?
Also, I didn't know Ryse was PC bound. Where did you see this? I have a fairly high-end PC so I'm genuinely interested.
Completely off-topic, but does anyone remember a forum poster named BillyTheKid? This is from WAY back (like a decade ago). He was always my favorite fanboy to read.
LOL it's funny you said quickly. QUickly or non-quickly. According to pattern and the past, there's a huge chance it will be ported either way.
Well, imagine a past Halo fan has the gall to want to play Halo 5 in 2014, and not in 2017, which is probably the soonest Microsoft would put the game on PC. What if that same person wants to play Dead Rising 3 or Forza 5?
I guess it makes sense for that person to purchase a XB1.
>Says OPs post is biased fanboy dribble.
>Posts his own biased fanboy dribble.
Btw, the X1 isn't a powerful console. Do you even pc game in the slightest?
lol Xbox1 is powerful but who the fck in their right minds would get one instead of building a rig? We know Ryse and Titanfall are already bound to end up on PC. Halo 5 won't be any different. What sense does owning an xbone make? None!
You seriously believe that Halo 5, which will probably be MS's #1 console selling title, will be ported to PC quickly? Seriously?
Also, I didn't know Ryse was PC bound. Where did you see this? I have a fairly high-end PC so I'm genuinely interested.
Completely off-topic, but does anyone remember a forum poster named BillyTheKid? This is from WAY back (like a decade ago). He was always my favorite fanboy to read.
LOL it's funny you said quickly. QUickly or non-quickly. According to pattern and the past, there's a huge chance it will be ported either way.
Well, imagine a past Halo fan has the gall to want to play Halo 5 in 2014, and not in 2017, which is probably the soonest Microsoft would put the game on PC. What if that same person wants to play Dead Rising 3 or Forza 5?
I guess it makes sense for that person to purchase a XB1.
Dude, at best there's only a few games that will be exclusives. And my OP said the 360 loses exclusive franchises to PC and not just single exclusives titles alone. Most of those franchise end up on PC and have better version so at the end of the day, it's really hard to justify buying the 360 just on the basis on those exclusives alone.
Speculations based on facts and patterns.
The Ps4 winning is not a Fact though is it, it's a prediction,Predictions ,by there very nature, can never be factual.
I could say it's a fact that the XB1 will win because MS has Far more disposable cash to throw at there machine than SONY but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It's 'Extremely likely' that the Ps4 will win this gen but it's certainly not a Fact until it actually happens.
Speculations based on facts and patterns.
The Ps4 winning is not a Fact though is it, it's a prediction,Predictions ,by there very nature, can never be factual.
I could say it's a fact that the XB1 will win because MS has Far more disposable cash to throw at there machine than SONY but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It's 'Extremely likely' that the Ps4 will win this gen but it's certainly not a Fact until it actually happens.
It's a speculation based on a fact and If I have to say this one more time in this thread...Seriously.
And Yes, they have money to throw around and yet they invest all that money into researching new ways of obtaining money from their userbase
Bullet points are your friend TC.
The only thing that proves is that you take this super seriously.
Speculations based on facts and patterns.
The Ps4 winning is not a Fact though is it, it's a prediction,Predictions ,by there very nature, can never be factual.
I could say it's a fact that the XB1 will win because MS has Far more disposable cash to throw at there machine than SONY but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It's 'Extremely likely' that the Ps4 will win this gen but it's certainly not a Fact until it actually happens.
It's a speculation based on a fact and If I have to say this one more time in this thread...Seriously.
And Yes, they have money to throw around and yet they invest all that money into researching new ways of obtaining money from their userbase
err...every company invests money into researching new ways to get money from there userbase, it's called marketing.
Also, change your thread title to 'likely to win'
'will win' is a statement of fact, which is what i was talking about.
Bullet points are your friend TC.
The only thing that proves is that you take this super seriously.
you go on to say you didn't read and then you draw a conclusion about the topic? Are you an idiot? And if you're too lazy to read then why can't you just be completely lazy and not even comment at all? If you're going to comment why not at least look one of he numbers and respond?
Speculations based on facts and patterns.
The Ps4 winning is not a Fact though is it, it's a prediction,Predictions ,by there very nature, can never be factual.
I could say it's a fact that the XB1 will win because MS has Far more disposable cash to throw at there machine than SONY but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It's 'Extremely likely' that the Ps4 will win this gen but it's certainly not a Fact until it actually happens.
And as for you, no you can't say it's a fact that MS wins because of their cash. They had all that cash this gen and still did worse than the others. And you can't say it's a fact. It's not. Everything in my OP ARE facts are ARE things that actually happened.
Bullet points are your friend TC.
The only thing that proves is that you take this super seriously.
you go on to say you didn't read and then you draw a conclusion about the topic? Are you an idiot? And if you're too lazy to read then why can't you just be completely lazy and not even comment at all? If you're going to comment why not at least look one of he numbers and respond?
Speculations based on facts and patterns.
The Ps4 winning is not a Fact though is it, it's a prediction,Predictions ,by there very nature, can never be factual.
I could say it's a fact that the XB1 will win because MS has Far more disposable cash to throw at there machine than SONY but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It's 'Extremely likely' that the Ps4 will win this gen but it's certainly not a Fact until it actually happens.
And as for you, no you can't say it's a fact that MS wins because of their cash. They had all that cash this gen and still did worse than the others. And you can't say it's a fact. It's not. Everything in my OP ARE facts are ARE things that actually happened.
Do you understand the phrase 'I COULD say' and 'but that doesn't mean it's going to happen'
Reading comprehension for the win,lol
In other word, None of the 'Facts' you posted in the OP is evidence that SONY will win this gen
And how did MS do worse than the others? MS made Profit on the 360 last gen, they started making 70 dollars from every unit sold from late 2007, SONy saw very little profit from the Ps3 and almost went Bankrupt,lol
Bullet points are your friend TC.
The only thing that proves is that you take this super seriously.
you go on to say you didn't read and then you draw a conclusion about the topic? Are you an idiot? And if you're too lazy to read then why can't you just be completely lazy and not even comment at all? If you're going to comment why not at least look one of he numbers and respond?
Don't be so stupid. The conclusion is based off your over kill effort. Even all the cows commenting on this and posting the same old gif didn't bother actually read it likely. They just said to themselves 'yeahhh it's pro sony, yeah go sony go, ohohoh let's post a gif'.
Too lazy, TOO LAZY, Jesus, it's one of the longest posts i've seen since i've been here in 2006. This isn't an article, there is no need to pad out your points that much and push the text around with shit loads pictures.
@John_Matherson: Way.. way to much to read. Since most of it is bias fanboy dribble, I didn't read much of it. lol!!
8. Microsoft XB1 is also future proof. By the time the E3 get here, you'll know why.
7. Both M$ and Sony did a terrible job preparing for the launch. Sony will have huge shortages for the PS4, plus you have to download a patch just to unlock Blu-Ray/DVD playback. What a joke. M$ also screwed up royally by releasing their final devkit to developers 2 months before launch. Idiots. Sony's PS4 was already having overheating problems just proves neither company is truly ready for this launch.
6. Microsoft's policy was a mess, but Sony adding fees for online multiplayer after saying they would never do that, wasn't smart either. At least Microsoft reversed all the bad things they introduced. Sony hasn't reversed anything. They are still making you patch the PS4 on day one when they said a patch would not be needed (after M$ said they had a large patch). lol!!
5. Sony will never have the type of marketshare they had with the PS2. which was like 65%. They will start out more then the XBox One to begin with, but I think the Wii U and XBox One will take more back once their prices drop within the next 1-2 yrs. Sony will never dominate like they did with the PS2.
4. The Xbox & XBox 360 actually sold more consoles in Japan then any other American game console released in Japan. That's a pretty good achievement. The 3DO sold about 300K units. I don't remember what the Jaguar sold, but it was a lot less then the 3DO. The XBox One will excell in the U.S., UK and Australia and should do fairly well in Europe. It's not going to do much in Japan with the high price. It'll probably sell 100K-200K in 2014 in Japan I bet, but not much more. Even the PS4 is a bit expensive in Japan.
3. The PS4 is a powerful console, but so is the XB1. People who think the XB1 is weak will be in for a rude awaking when the 2nd round of games are introduced. Both systems will give us high quality games in the future. That's why I'll be playing games on both.
2. Sony has a large amouont of developers, this is true, but Microsoft has acquired more developers this time around. Where as they only had about 5-6 1st party developers, they now have about 10-11 and it's still increasing. Their global support of 3rd party and Indie developers will carry over from XBox 360. A lot more games will be announced next year.
1. There will be LOTS of games on both platforms. You'd be stupid to believe otherwise. There are 100's of games in development for both PS4 and XBox One. It's just a matter of time.
So Lemmings are playing the 'just wait!!' game now?
Great OP, had to take a lot of work to write that up. I have to agree with pretty much every single sentence you wrote TC.
Bullet points are your friend TC.
The only thing that proves is that you take this super seriously.
you go on to say you didn't read and then you draw a conclusion about the topic? Are you an idiot? And if you're too lazy to read then why can't you just be completely lazy and not even comment at all? If you're going to comment why not at least look one of he numbers and respond?
Don't be so stupid. The conclusion is based off your over kill effort. Even all the cows commenting on this and posting the same old gif didn't bother actually read it likely. They just said to themselves 'yeahhh it's pro sony, yeah go sony go, ohohoh let's post a gif'.
Too lazy, TOO LAZY, Jesus, it's one of the longest posts i've seen since i've been here in 2006. This isn't an article, there is no need to pad out your points that much and push the text around with shit loads pictures.
Oh, sorry. I actually get paid to write (not in System Wars), but I usually pride myself with doing work of quality. If you're angry that for once someone actually took the time to create a decent and quality System Wars thread, then I don't know what to tell you. Respond to the OP contents or fck off. And everyone else seems to find the thread to be of quality. Seriously, listen to yourself nag at someone for doing something of quality.
you go on to say you didn't read and then you draw a conclusion about the topic? Are you an idiot? And if you're too lazy to read then why can't you just be completely lazy and not even comment at all? If you're going to comment why not at least look one of he numbers and respond?
Speculations based on facts and patterns.
The Ps4 winning is not a Fact though is it, it's a prediction,Predictions ,by there very nature, can never be factual.
I could say it's a fact that the XB1 will win because MS has Far more disposable cash to throw at there machine than SONY but that doesn't mean it's going to happen.
It's 'Extremely likely' that the Ps4 will win this gen but it's certainly not a Fact until it actually happens.
And as for you, no you can't say it's a fact that MS wins because of their cash. They had all that cash this gen and still did worse than the others. And you can't say it's a fact. It's not. Everything in my OP ARE facts are ARE things that actually happened.
Do you understand the phrase 'I COULD say' and 'but that doesn't mean it's going to happen'
Reading comprehension for the win,lol
In other word, None of the 'Facts' you posted in the OP is evidence that SONY will win this gen
And how did MS do worse than the others? MS made Profit on the 360 last gen, they started making 70 dollars from every unit sold from late 2007, SONy saw very little profit from the Ps3 and almost went Bankrupt,lol
What? You can say that it you want but you'd be lying and you'd be inaccurate. I can say everything in my OP because they'r FACTS and they ALREADY HAPPENED. The things I listed in the OP are FACTS; the conclusion drew by listing all those things is a SPECULATION. Do you understand what analysts do for a living? Analysts study events of the past and they study patterns and outcomes, and they figure out which pattern lead to which outcome and then they use that to draw future predictions. Are you really this simple? Seriously, you can't comprehend the difference between facts and speculations?
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