@Archangel3371 said:
@TheEroica: I can’t think of game on the SNES that I didn’t like better then a similar game for the Genesis.
- Final Fight
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- Super Mario World
- Yoshi’s Island
- Super Castlevania IV
- Contra III
- Chrono Trigger
- Earthbound
- Final Fantasy II and III
- Mega Man X, X2, X3
- Illusion of Gaia
- Street Fighter II
- Killer Instinct
- Sparkster
- Pilotwings
- Legend of the Mystical Ninja
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
- Lethal Enforcers
- Super Metroid
Probably missing a bunch of others. The SNES is such a GOAT system.
The topic is '90s Sega vs. '90s Nintendo, not SNES vs. Mega Drive. Either way, Sega had an answer to each of those in the '90s:
- Final Fight, TMNT Turtles in Time - Streets of Rage trilogy is better. Sega CD had best version of Final Fight.
- Zelda ALTTP, Illusion of Gaia, Mystical Ninja - Mega Drive had Soleil, Landstalker and Beyond Oasis.
- Super Mario World, Yoshi’s Island - I had way more fun with Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
- Super Castlevania IV - Mega Drive had Castlevania: Bloodlines. Saturn had Castlevania SOTN.
- Contra III - Mega Drive had Contra: Hard Corps. And Gunstar Heroes is better.
- CT, Earthbound, FFII & III - Sega consoles had Phantasy Star, Shining, Lunar, Sakura Wars and Grandia.
- Mega Man X, X2, X3 - Mega Drive had Mega Man: The Wily Wars.
- Street Fighter II - Mega Drive had SFII SCE and Super SFII. Saturn had Super SFII Turbo and SF Alpha 1-3.
- Killer Instinct, TMNT Tournament Fighters - Mega Drive and Saturn had better SNK fighters.
- Sparkster - Mega Drive had Ristar.
- Pilotwings - Sega was the king of arcade flight sims at the time. For example, After Burner and G-LOC.
- Lethal Enforcers - It was also on Mega Drive and Sega CD. And Sega's own Virtua Cop series is better.
- Super Metroid - Mega Drive had Monster World series. And Saturn had Castlevania SOTN, which is better.
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