Remember a couple years back how the 3DS was doomed? Remember how it had "no games"?
Do you people ever learn? When the big 1st party titles start dropping (Mario Kart & Smash Bros.) the sales are going to take off like CRAZY!
How many copies of Mario Kart were sold for the Wii? 26 million I believe. Is there any other single platform game that can make that claim, on any other platform?
Also with Bayonetta 2, Rayman Legends, Lego City Undercover, Wonderful 101, Xenoblade sequel, 3D Mario, Wind Waker HD, "new" Zelda, Mario Kart Wii U, Pikmin 3 and whatever RETRO STUDIOS is working on.... which you can bet is either METROID OR DONKEY KONG. How can any gamer look at that list and think, "meh, who cares".
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