@bunchanumbers said:
Its launch lineup was pretty flat. Not to mention the launch window games were not all that great either. That was what I was referring to when I said the hype machine. PS4 now has games. It just had squat at launch and for the first couple years. Nintendo needs to do a advertising blitz like they never have before when NX launches. They need to blast it in our faces so that its in our minds every minute of every day. The war of perception will be their biggest battle ever. Not only do they gotta show that they are up to date with NX, they also gotta battle the perception that they are more than a kiddy game company. Its a battle they've been fighting for years.
The PS4's launch was nothing special, neither very good nor very bad. Plenty of good games, no killer apps, like most console launches, including the WiiU.
Again, using Metacritic as just a quick, rough way to estimate, the WiiU's 2012 games (launch through Christmas) shows me 19 games rated 70 ("Good") or over. The PS4's equivalent launch games show me 20 rated 70 ("Good") or over.
Moving into each console's second year, the WiiU has 32 good games, the PS4 has 91. Third year for each: WiiU has 31, PS4 has 154. Fourth year for each: WiiU had 25, PS4 has 66... and that's just the 4 months of the current year, PS4 will rack up a couple of hundred good games in the entire 2016 at this rate.
Obviously, Metacritic isn't "GOD" or anything, and those lists are packed with ports, remakes, DLC, indies etc... but it gives a good rough idea of the situation. Each console had similar launches, but PS4 quickly picked up steam, with each year giving more and more. WiiU puttered along and actually declined in terms of quality games.
Saying the PS4 had "squat" is just a lie. Even at it's worst (launch and year 1) it had plenty to play, at no point did it have ridiculous months long droughts like WiiU.
When it comes to "battling perceptions", the kiddy thing matters for sure, but much more important is the battle to convince gamers that NX won't be yet another Nintendo console with weak hardware, piles of minigames and Mario, no 3rd party support, massive genre gaps, and common lengthy droughts.
To be blunt: they need to convince gamers that they know WiiU was garbage and that they're dedicated to fixing that. I'm not sure if they CAN convince enough.
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