@PAL360 said:
Man, one game was said to be 900p, and the decision is not locked. Also, out from over 100 games available, only 3 are not native 1080p on PS4. How is that resolution not a trend?
I personally believe that, with a few exceptions, 1080p will be the standard for the entire gen, like 720p was the gen before.
PAL, you have to remember these are ports of last gens games, cross gen games, indies, or 1st party devs, who obviously will have a much easier time reaching 1080p
The problem is, for awhile now, Unity was going to be thE first next gen game that would push consoles further. And after seeing it, along side games such has The Division and Batman AK, I have had a hard time believing they'd be 1080p on the PS4. The xbone is weaker, so nothing to say about that.
The problem with Unity is we have to know if Ubishaft downgraded the PS4's original version at 1080p, or if they brute forced the xb1 version up from 7xxp.
Going by Ubi's statements that they didn't downgrade any version, it seems to indicate the latter. DF analyzis will shed more light on the matter.
However, if Unity was 900p native, i don't think you should expect 1080p to come easily. Not that i can't happen, and optimization will occur over the years. But it's not looking good for consoles if the first game that stresses them is sub-full HD.
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