@AM-Gamer: But of course there is no way to know how Infamous would perform on a discrete graphics card...is there? Which is why I stick to facts and you keep on using hyperbole and excuses. Typical console peasant.
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@mikhail: You talk about me using hyperbole? LMAO really? This is coming from the dumbass who said consoles are running games at 30fps at LOW settings. So how about you show a link of one current game running anything around low settings. You can't because you are full of Shit.
Let's also conveniently not mention all the games that do hit 1080p and 60 fps at settings mixed between high and mostly Ultra such as , METRO REDUX, Wolfenstein TNO, TR:DE, FF: RR etc.
@AM-Gamer: Wolfenstein dynamically reduces it's vertical resolution just to maintain 60 fps. Tomb Raider bounces all over the place between 45-60 on PS4 producing judder and other problems.
"All the games that do hit 1080p" I suppose is correct as long as you don't mean they actually achieve and maintain 1080p/60, because only a small percentage actually do.
@wiiboxstation: I find it interesting that games like mario kart and beautiful, and 60fps while on a vastly underpowered system.... wtf ubisoft spend more time optimizing pl0z
@mikhail: The Last of Us is still at 1080p and mostly 60. BF 4 is a shitty launch port and still manages around 60fps. The Order 1886 and infamous SS are some of the best looking games around. AC unity would be the ONLY game that targets both 900p and 30fps. Out side of another Ubi title which is Watchdogs.
The order has as much freedom as a David Cage game, small corridors with very little going on. Infamous is open world, but a dead one. The AC Unity shot above has 1000's of NPCs below so completely different situation.
@APiranhaAteMyVa: Considering the Order actually has gameplay I'd say it's more impressive then any David Cage game. And Infamous is hardly dead if you want to talk about sheer number of NPCs look at Shadow of Mordor. I've seen 100 orcs on screen with 0 slowdown.
@mikhail: Still waiting to see those links to the games with low settings. This is the part you disappear and don't respond.
Talk about a fail troll.
To me, PS4 games look like PC low to medium settings at best, especially in the areas of AF/AA, ambient occlusion, and other eye candy. Sorry I can't link to my opinion. Digital Foundry comparisons regularly show the console versions looking worse than PC, so you can look at any of those you wish.
Just face it, your precious console is dog shit.
@mikhail: Stupid peasant. I own all 3 consoles, a gaming pc and a gaming laptop, I have every right to call you retarded, because I know first hand how stupid you are to make such a claim.
@mikhail: how do you know when everyone knows you don't own one? Nobody gives 2 shits about what you think. There's websites that sort those details out. You are just a raging butthurt troll who spouts nonsense. The console versions are usually a mix of high to Ultra settings that is a fact not up for debate.
Face it you paid 3x the cost for little to know difference.
@mikhail: Ruh roh he's the grammar police now.
You have officially been owned.
Who are you trying to be, AmazonAngry? Where's the "owned hermit lol!" gif?
If anyone has been "owned" it was you, the second you bought that piece of crap peasant box. Enjoy your 900p/30 for the next ten years!
We don't need pretty games. We need long-lasting, fulfilling experiences that don't end in 6 hours and get sent back to the store.
Sadly, the industry believes the opposite.
Pretty games are easy to advertise. Long lasting games make it less likely you'll buy the next game.
@mikhail: buh buh they look like low settings. It's sad that shitty prebuilt box is holding its own with a your custom built machine.
I'm glad I could educate you on the difference between facts and fanboy bullshit.
Lmao the PS4 will be out for 10 years ? God you are slow.
Basically he is saying that 60 fps is twice as hard to achieve as 30 fps (really... REALLY?) and that the industry will eventually ditch 60 fps altogether. Can you believe this guy? No wonder Ubisoft is failing in quality so quickly. I'm really beginning to believe they're worse than EA.
so there you have it. twice the work for a lower rendering quality.
Lmao the PS4 will be out for 10 years ? God you are slow.
When do you expect the next console generation to start, then? The PS3 was out for about 7 years before the PS4 was released, and PS3 games are still being made today. The PS2 came out in 2000 and it was nearly 7 years before the PS3 came out, and those consoles continued to be made and sold for years after that, too. The PlayStation was around for about six years before the PS2 came out. What makes you think the PS4 life cycle will be so much shorter than all of these? Even if we go with the shortest life cycle, that means the PS5 won't be out until Holiday 2019 or later.
If you're expecting it sooner, why is that and when do you think would be a reasonable time that the next PlayStation may hit the market?
(This is called a discussion and sharing a fully formed opinion. Your post above is really nothing, but I figure I'll give you one more shot)
They really need to stop with the cinematic bullshit.
Will this run on PC at 60(and more) at least? Or are they also limiting it?
according to him eventually the industry as a whole will ditch 60 fps. I'm pretty sure he means for consoles because they can't handle it. I doubt they will force PC to be 30 fps. Even then I wouldn't be surprised if modders find a way to make it happen.
Well EA managed to make NFS Rivals (iirc) locked to 30 FPS, and bound the animation speed to it, so if you managed to unlock the frame rate to more than 30, the game would actually play out faster :D
So don't doubt human stupidity
@mikhail: Just because a console still has games come out for it doesn't mean it will be Sony's main console. If I made a educated guess I would guess you will see a new PS console around 2018. There are 3 reasons for this.
1. Most importantly is cost. The PS3 was sold at a loss of almost $250 on each console. The PS4 is breaking even already. The days of long console cycles with massive losses on each console are over. Consumers show they have no problem buying a device at a reasonable price every two to three years( look at smartphones and tablets.). A 7 year console cycle put the industry in a slump and you will most likely never see it again.
2. The X86 architecture has several advantages. It allows easy backwards compatibility and allows devs to move into next gen development with little hassle. A PS5 using more advanced parts from AMD would allow a seamless transition to the next consoles.
3. Competition, I doubt Nintendo will have the Wii U as there primary console for more then 3 years. I also expect there next console will be more powerful then a X1 and PS4. I don't ever recall console manufacturers letting the competition have more then a year head start as it would allow Nintendo to capture the hardcore audience that Sony has won over. Even Sega couldn't go much longer then a year with the Dreamcast before Sony released the PS2.
Consoles are obviously too shitty to enable 60 fps. But let's wrap it up nicely and say the industry is embracing an idea that 30 fps and sub 1080p looks more realistic and cinematic.
Hilarious shit.
Sounds like a cynical attempt to lower the costs of game development to increase there profit Margins.
Nvidia and AMD make too much money off there cards to allow that to happen in the PC industry (i hope)
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