He's right though.
Running games at 60fps is much harder than boosting resoltuion and general assets. The problem isn't even running games at 60fps.
Sniper Elite 3 was 60. But neither console could keep it stable. Devs would much rather give you 30fps rock solid (and Ubisoft do) than give you shitty frame rate.
Also, "pwety gwafix" are much easier to help draw attention to your game than 60fps.
The Witcher 3, The Division, Batman AK, and even most 1st party exclusives won't be 60fps.
Well, console players better enjoy the cinematic experience.
Edit: Now, regarding those quotes.
"why 60fps is not only unnecessary, but also harmful to some video games. Nicolas Guérin believes the standard takes away from the cinematic experience, and sees the practice fading from the industry overall."
"you don’t gain that much from 60 fps and it doesn’t look like the real thing"
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