As a lemming, I'm very worried. Even Teamxbox said that they don't expect there to be much upgrade in the visuals in regards to the multiplayer version of the game.. They said visually, what we see it pretty much what we are going to get, with an addition of a few bells and whistles. Although I'm a lemming, I'm an honest one and I call them as I see them. I think the consensus from people who have actually PLAYED the game is that althought the visuals look good, they are infact a bit underwhelming.
I for one think this sad and I feel as if we could have had soooo much more. I don't understand why we can't have BOTH amazing gameplay as well as visuals. Why do we have to pick one or the other and not both? The xbox360 is an amazing powerful system and I for one don't think there is any valide excuse for not making this game look incredible. I really think Bungie is being forced to rush this game in time for the Holidays and in the process are taking short cuts when it comes to the visuals.
With that being said, I think the gameplay is looking pretty tight. However, the one thing that really bothers me is the 16 player max per game. I just don't see why they couldnt have at least icreased it a bit so that we could really have fun on the bigger maps. Even gamespot made a comment about how the bigger map in the beta seemed to take way to long to play even with 16 people playing. With the visuals not looking all that great thus giving the xbox360 left over power, I don't there is any valide excuse for not having the ability or option of having more players on screen at a time.
Xboxlive gamer tag: Homer75
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