I will no longer buy any Activision products brand new. If I must play one of their games then I will buy it used. This way, I will not be contributing my money to their greedy company.
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I will no longer buy any Activision products brand new. If I must play one of their games then I will buy it used. This way, I will not be contributing my money to their greedy company.
I dont know about you guys.. but has anyone actually thought WHY they have raised the price up?
If the wii games are selling like hotbuns for an inferior version but overpriced for what it is...
Then other developers that use a lot of money to develop the game to a superior version but are underpriced would obviously want to raise the price.
The only problem was, they didnt know if it was able to sell at a high quantity. So its a business gamble.
"You know modern warfare 2 will sell, so lets knock the price higher"
These are just my thoughts.
What is the budget of this so called "Blockbuster games". All they are doing is making another COD4 with slightly better graphics and new guns,campaign,mp stuff. Didn't COD5 sell something like 10million? If COD6 sells more than that then I'm pretty sure that gives on hell of a profit.
No, Activision is the company that actually had the balls to say something publicly. I guarantee you other developers are internally saying the same thing. Heck, When i was at Midway, that was a big topic of conversation...and this is the same company who told Sony to do a price drop? Lol.
Activision fails. Whatever, I was boycotting their terrible games when they screwed up Tony Hawk with THPS4. All their bullsh** lately is just icing on the cake.
The hatred towards Activision since the Blizzard buyout is simply laughable. Boycotts? All of a sudden they are a plague to the industry? System Wars never ceases to amaze me.
Console games have royalty fees attached to themcan someone explain to me why PC games using more complicated programming, 2GBs of RAM Quad-Core CPUs and such cost less than console games? This makes no sense, esspecially when something like Crysis can be cutting edge 5 times more than any PS3/360 game, get decent sales (like 3 million or something right) but not GTA kind of sales yet still get a sequel?
It seems PC devs have no problem getting money for these games, why are console devs hurting so much if their games don't take nearly as much work as the PC ones?
Yeah that's thinking like the publishers seem to do.I dont know about you guys.. but has anyone actually thought WHY they have raised the price up?
If the wii games are selling like hotbuns for an inferior version but overpriced for what it is...
Then other developers that use a lot of money to develop the game to a superior version but are underpriced would obviously want to raise the price.
The only problem was, they didnt know if it was able to sell at a high quantity. So its a business gamble.
"You know modern warfare 2 will sell, so lets knock the price higher"
These are just my thoughts.g0ddyX
When they have sales in excess of 13 million units per installment, and are still selling at full price two years down the line, Activision cannot talk **** about not making a good enough profit. Grand Theft Auto IV, which enjoyed equivalent sales, cost an amazing $100 million to develop and yet I don't hear a single peep from Take2 regarding an increase in game prices. **** Activision. Hands down the worst company out there and have the dubious honor of being branded the "new EA". At least that company improved under an awesome CEO and are now pushing some very high quality franchises - probably a good 9/10 of which don't need a crap plastic peripheral to sell.
Stop me if i am wrong. Investors never have enough money so they demand more all the time and as a result companies think of the most devious tricks to gain more profit regardless of how much profit they are reeling in. So the investors and the ones in the company who choose to do bad things are to blame.When they have sales in excess of 13 million units per installment, and are still selling at full price two years down the line, Activision cannot talk **** about not making a good enough profit. Grand Theft Auto IV, which enjoyed equivalent sales, cost an amazing $100 million to develop and yet I don't hear a single peep from Take2 regarding an increase in game prices. **** Activision. Hands down the worst company out there and have the dubious honor of being branded the "new EA". At least that company improved under an awesome CEO and are now pushing some very high quality franchises - probably a good 9/10 of which don't need a crap plastic peripheral to sell.
It doesn't really bother me, I rarely if ever buy games for $60+. I normally buy them cheap or used. I'll just continue to do the same.
you guys do know that boycotting mw2 will just hurt IW the most, right. besides, anyone who doesnt live in the uk shouldnt really have a problem with activision, they aint doing anything to us in the states.mtradr43
America 1943"should we attack Germany i mean anyone who doesn't live in the UK shouldn't really have a problem with Germany, they ain't doing anything to us in the states"
i know its an extreme comparison but to me its that serious, activision is blitzing England and as i am English i find myself somewhat upset, It will come your way Friend just you wait...
No, Activision is the company that actually had the balls to say something publicly. I guarantee you other developers are internally saying the same thing. Heck, When i was at Midway, that was a big topic of conversation.[QUOTE="ThePistolGod"]
..and this is the same company who told Sony to do a price drop? Lol.
Activision fails. Whatever, I was boycotting their terrible games when they screwed up Tony Hawk with THPS4. All their bullsh** lately is just icing on the cake.
The hatred towards Activision since the Blizzard buyout is simply laughable. Boycotts? All of a sudden they are a plague to the industry? System Wars never ceases to amaze me.
No, it's because I noticed way before most people that they were just rehashing their games. It wasn't until the Brutal Legend controversy at E3 that everyone else is starting this boycott.
You obviously don't get the point. Who cares that they came out and said something. How is the publisher who overprices everything think they have to right to call someone out and tell them to do a price drop?
Don't worry, keep supporting them. Have fun with Oreo Hero 90 that comes with a empty carton of milk for the low price of $500.
Isn't everyone thrilled they have Blizzard now? I recall an article not to long ago in which they stated how we will be able to expect one big title a year from Blizzard. They are going to milk a great game maker to death and beat them into the ground. In all honestly I expect Diablo III and Starcraft 2 to be the last of the great games out of Blizz. Activision is going to use them as a cash cow and then put them out to pasture when they have milked them dry.
LOL WHAT!?!?!?
Games are already too expensive as it is. $59.99 Canadian is too much IMO. That price already makes me only buy AAA games that I know are must buys. I completely look over anything not AAA just because I can't afford every AA around. It's sad... but it's the reality for me. If games were less expensive I would buy more and especially those games that I'm on the fence about.
Activision is officially worse than EA.
70 pounds = around 178 NZD, no way would I pay that much for a game. Seems like a sure fire way to increase piracy.
Not only that, but they're also going to release $10 map packs when MW2 comes out.
This is bad for Activision. They might make a lot of money now in the short run, but pretty soon they'll have to pay big time in the long run for disgruntling their fanbase.
It's as though people in high places don't realize that a forum of people equating a company with the devil isn't going to affect their bottom line. That, and the market is seriously going to respond when this game hits. It's a shame that the only thing that will happen is the price will elastically drop to normal levels and the game will sell like gangbusters again, and Activision will be pleased that they got along with their inflated price point as long as they did.Not only that, but they're also going to release $10 map packs when MW2 comes out.
This is bad for Activision. They might make a lot of money now in the short run, but pretty soon they'll have to pay big time in the long run for disgruntling their fanbase.
Support what... their gold smoking habits? **** Activision in the ass. I hope every single person in charge of making these decisions loses their jobs and never gets work again. And everyone working under these morons loses their jobs at Activision and gets work at scrupulous game developers.
Isn't everyone thrilled they have Blizzard now? I recall an article not to long ago in which they stated how we will be able to expect one big title a year from Blizzard. They are going to milk a great game maker to death and beat them into the ground. In all honestly I expect Diablo III and Starcraft 2 to be the last of the great games out of Blizz. Activision is going to use them as a cash cow and then put them out to pasture when they have milked them dry.
they won't. Activision doesn't have anything to say about how Blizzard operates. Blizz is completely independent from Activision. Rememeber it was Blizzard (or to be specific their parent company) who bought Activision, not the other way around. I'm sure Activision would love to get their hands on Blizzard, but they can't, Vivendi won't let them
I am tired of the price of games 60 bucks for a game is too much they wan't people to pay more hell no.
Not shocked. I understand the games are expensive, but they better have a damn good game to sell it for 70 bucks. I wouldn't spend 70 bucks on THe Orange Box which many would agree is one of the best deals in gaming. jg4xchamp
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