@mark1974 said:
Man people get defensive whenever the PC Windows platform is questioned in any way. Windows is perfect and never has a single problem they scream! No other fanboys are as adamant. It's like they feel they have been personally insulted. It's a little weird if you ask me.
Are you serious?
Have you tried saying something negative about Scorpio recently? Apparently we're going to find it in a place like The Temple of Time where the Master Sword would be.
Nintendo fans are starting to come back and get touchy about their stuff, but why not, to be honest.
To be fair, the cows don't need to try that hard, their console pretty much speaks for itself right now.
PC gamers only get touchy with console gamers because certain things, they usually exaggerate to justify why they choose consoles. As if the way Windows works hasn't progressed since we had to do everything manually way back. If people want to console game, that's fine, but no need to exaggerate how complex the PC is. Of course people have problems, and I admit, to a newbie, they won't learn how to get the best out of Windows for a while. There are way too many options because it has to be many things to many people. But like consoles now, after that first time set up, it is pretty much plug and play and automatic for most of the stuff you'll need to do.
@mark1974 said:
@ConanTheStoner: yeah, I mean this guy is clearly trolling and trying to get a reaction. That's actually appropriate here. It's what this place is for as far as I can tell. I'll play along up to a point. Is this forum anything more than a time killing distraction for anybody? There are some cool posters here but if you want actual informed video game discussion that can be minimal at best around here.
There WAS actual discussion here, but then people said 'we don't want mods', now we get the same threads over and over. This place used to be addictive.
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