- optimization (devs get the most out of a specific hardware)
Moot point this gen, both PS4 and Xbox One are low/mid range x86 IBM compatible machines
- local multiplayer (gaming with your family/friends on a couch)
Home LAN is great fun, if you have the hardware. PC's are actually compatible with TV's, I have this PC and a Laptop hooked to mine as I type and you can use any controller you want. Unfortunately split screen co-op is disappearing now as well
- second-hand phyical copies market (example: got ZombiU at 4 euros)
Steam sales and cheaper new releases counter this and digital is far more convenient. I can download a 30Gb, brand new game and be playing it in under an hour
- exclusives/timed exclusives (exclusives are a critical point and most likely the only reason that keeps Nintendo afloat)
PC gets fantastic exclusives as well that any consoles will never see. There are also the fact that it gets "console" exclusives as well such as Titanfall, Rise of the Tombraider, SSFV and No man's land
- portability (major point for handhelds and a good one for home consoles - holidays/parties,ecc.. -)
How portable is your PS4 or Xbox One? You're not playing that on the train! If you want to count handhelds then I guess there's Nvidia shield to balance the equation.
- price (?) (very debatable)
I probably wouldn't argue this as I know I spend a lot more money on hardware for cheaper software to be enough to even it off. Upgrading as regularly as I do is not essential nor is it required though
I'm afraid your list is really that relevant anymore with today's consoles desperately following along after PC. If there is another fixed hardware console generation after this one, it's going to be heavily skewed towards digital, physical copies of games, movies and music are well on their way to being history.
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