Completely drop all of their franchise's or the games do not need to be reviewed anymore.
Mario Kart 7 looks just like the last 5 or 6 and even has the same tracks. The underwater vehicles and Gliders do nothing to change the gameplay. Watching Skyward Sword was like a flashback as well. Aside from the control method it is still the same old Zelda.....but at least they spent more then an hour on the music this time.
Til they make new IP, Voice acting instead of this baby gibberish, real music in their games instead of this proccessed music crap, and get their tech up to speed, Nintendo should get the same treatment from critics and fans that Madden, COD, Guitar Hero, Halo, Tony Hawk, and Sonic gets. But for some reason people give Nintendo a pass everytime.
I also find it sad that the few franchises they haven;t milked they farm out to other devs who completely ruin the series like Starfox. Or nIntendo does not seam to like it....F-Zero GX for example. Nintendo could not come close to making a quality game like F-Zero GX. I thank God everyday Amusement Vision made it.
Here is the list of new IP's over the last 5 years by Nintendo.
Wii Sports
Wii Sports Resort
Wii Music
Wii Play
And they Published crap like Endless Ocean and a few JRPG's that they released in Japan. I do not blame them for not releasing them in the States. They wouldn't sale regardlesss of how hard the fanboys cry.
They are a joke of a company who are no better than Activision these days and they should be treated like such.
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