Oh, I recognize that there is room for lots of different takes. But I do sometime secretly wonder if the same publications would have given the same score to the game if it didn't say "Halo" in the title. My take was always a bit different. I previewed the game several times, and heard Ensemble talk about how this game was a built-from-the-ground-up console RTS--and yet I never saw that. What I saw was a PC RTS slimmed down for console controls. There is a big difference there, and it had me worried.
And I don't think that worry was unfounded. There are better strategy games on consoles. Longer, more depth, but almost as easy to control. Given the choice, I'd choose EndWar over Halo Wars, for example. It has a persistent online campaign and feels tailor made for consoles. Ensemble tried to convince all of us otherwise, but Halo Wars is just a shallow PC strategy game that happens to be on a console.
At least, that's my take.
There definitely is room for different views. But if Halo was deciding factor -- why wouldn't publications like IGN or 1UP giving it 9.0 or above? That is SUCH a baseless, ridiculous, and absurd notion to throw out there. Hell, even Eurogamer gave it an 8.0; which is conserably more critical in most regards to most games. When you have publications like IGN, 1UP, Giant Bomb, Eurogamer, and Gametrailers handing out AA ... then Gamespot comes out with a 6.5; well, that just begs the question of "what the ****?" For example, a site came out and gave Mass Effect 2 a 7.5 -- yes, Mass Effect 2. Now, when you see that the vast majority of the reviews are above 9.0 and then a few guys hand out outlier scores. Doesn't that beg the question of "What the ****?"
Now, of course, you should have expected that Halo Wars would be slimmed down. This is Ensemble Studios we're talking about here. Did you play Age of Empires 3 or Warchiefs? I own them and play them. They're only the shadow from the greatness that stemmed from Age of Mythology and Age of Empires 2. They were stripped, or dumbed-down. Whatever the phraze you wish you use. Twas' unfortuate but the game itself was still a blast to play -- especially in multiplayer.
You never saw that it was built from the ground up for consoles? I though the game controlled wonderfully, much better than the awkward contols found in BFME2, and C&C3. Sure, such games have more expansive campaigns -- but they lacked on the multiplayer side where Halo Wars truly shines. It's a damn blast to play multiplayer on, skirmish or against other players. Because of HW's sty1e of gameplay -- action is always consistent and fun to engage in. There isn't any micromanaging for supplies, it' simplefied so the user can get supplies quickly and get going out on the battlefield so there's always offensive action.
Comparing Halo Wars to PC strategy games is the very basis of what's wrong with your thinking, and the review itself. Ensemble wasn't trying to make this like a PC RTS. They made a readily and easily accessible strategy game for console owners who can get into the game quickly and have fun with it. Doesn't that sound familiar? Oh yeah, Halo did the same thing back in 2001 for shooters.
I agree Stevo... if you compare it to a PC RTS, it's not going to offer the same experience no matter how much time and energy are spent on crossing the platform rift.
If you approach Halo Wars from the viewpoint of a life-long console gamer who says "I think I'd like to try a new genre", it's a very fun experience. Like I said earlier, I don't like RTS games on PCs, but I enjoyed Halo WarsBECAUSE it wasn't like PC RTS games (and to be completely honest, because I enjoyed the diminutive Spartans running around.)
Halo Wars isan RTS for gamers who don't have any experience with or simply dislike PC RTS games. I think it succeeds in that respect. But an RTS fan isn't going to like it most likely, so I'm fine that some people chose to review it from the perspective of a PC RTS enthusiast. But any gamer who knows themselves and where they stand on particualr genres can spot this bias in the reviewer and make their own call.
I don't mind if anybody praises or bashes any given game, so long as they back it up and give you an indicator of any bias they have going in. Some of the negative reviews for Halo Wars had me excited because the author was like "I love PC RTS and Halo Wars is too rinky-dink." I was like, "I hate PC RTS games.I'm sold!"
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