all of this "the PS3 owns 2008" sounds LOL hilarious to me!! I mean lets take a look at MS's announced and confirmed 2008 line up....
Ninja Gaiden 2
Alan Wake(yes its on PC as well, but its not on PS3 and that is what counts in this post)
Halo Wars
UT 3(make the 360's 2008 line up look nice doesnt it and its just a "fluff" game Imo!!
Lost Odessey
Too Human
Splinter Cell Convictions
Fable 2
and then throw in all the multiplats and its safe to say that the 360's 2008 line up is everybit as good if not better OVERALL than that of the PS3. So Sony fans should just keep their expectations in check. Nobody is going to just bow down and let Sony roll over them in 2008!!
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