What is so great about it? I still don't want a ps3. Demons souls almost had me as i'm a huge diablo fan and was looking for a fix. Uncharted is also a great series and i was looking to play it. But since when does 2 games make a system? Infamous i passed on and don't regret it. Same with killzone. I played both. Meh more of the same. neither game is that good.
This year has been the year of the 360 imo. I've been playing halo odst, forza is right around the corner. Nevermind being overloaded with multiplats like dirt 2, batman arkayn asylum, nba 2k10. Nevermind still playing and finishing games in my 360 library like fallout 3 and oblivion waiting on mass effect, alan wake etc....... Nevermind the "mods" that are available for the 360 that you can't do on your silly ps3's. That's a killer. What really am i missing?
If this is a win for the ps3 you guys are really desparate.
ure joking right?
First: you named two exclusives for 360.
Second: ps3 had 4 that u named
Third: Ps3 has the multiplats ure talking about. That just made me stop reading.
4th: I continued reading so i could talk about how dumb this topic is.
5th: how is this year a win for the 360?
6th: great you dont like kz2 or infamous. But they still exist and are liked by alot of people.
thats enough for now. Your topic is just opiniated so you wouldnt understand what im talking about.
And yours isnt opinionated? I added shadow complex. So taht's 3. Again how is this a win for the ps3. You cows are really desparate. I have plenty of games to play on the 360 and more than enough with forza 3, borderlands, dragon age, splinter cell, mass effect 2, alan wake coming. So many games out now with batman, nba 2k10, dirt 2, halo odst. still playing fallout and oblvion. what am i really missing. If you guys are winning i'd sure like to know how.
Good job cows. You took 2009 because you have 1 more game. Even then I didnt mention risen which evens it out. Both systems have the same amount of games. Are you really taht desparate where you have to take this year? I'm enjoying the 360 just as much if not moreso for the reasons i originally mentioned and still have no inclination to buy a ps3 so how are they winning?
In Lemming terms:
1. I can play Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, NBA 2k10, DiRT2 etc. on my PS3...
2. I can play Mass Effect 2 and Splinter Cell: Conviction on my PC...
3. You cant play Killzone 2, inFAMOUS, Dragon Age, MBL 2009 The Show, Uncharted 2 on a PS3 since you dont have one.
4. All i cant play in PS3 (thats noteworthy) is Halo 3: ODST and Forza Motorsport 3...
I think you see a pattern emerging...
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