Everybody is bashing loosingEnds for nothing. He didn't make any fanboy statements when he created this thread he just made a list of the games. Why is this such a big deal?
The Xbox 360 is at the end of its lifecycle and as such MS is shifting development to their new platform. The PS4, meanwhile, may not release for 3 or more years yet and as such Sony is going to continue to support it to prevent losing even more money. Some of the exclusives coming to the PS3 this year and next have been in development since the beginning of this gen, so it's hardly fair to compare them to the exclusives the 360 has coming. From 2006-2008, the PS3 had absloutely nothing worth playing at all. MGS4 was the saving grace. At least now the 360 has Halo (the biggest exclusive between the HD Twins) and is still getting all the 3rd party support.
There is also the matter of fact that the 360 STILL has a bigger and better (according to MC) library than the PS3. Anyone who thinks that doesn't matter is fooling themselves, unless of course you've played EVERY SINGLE GAME released, which is BS.
I'm just not seeing how cows are getting so worked up and happy.
The PS3 is:
-3rd place in sales
-3rd place in library (behind PC and 360)
-3rd place in online multiplayer (same as above)
and Sony itself is bleeding money while MS and Ninty rake in cash. Even the new Vita is set to be a huge flop.
Just because you finally get a bigger quantity of exclusives to make up for those first 2 years doesn't make you instantly better than the competition.
Oh, but don't worry, the PS3 does win SOMETHING:
It is most definately the winner in number of butthurt fanboys on the internet.
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