Would you hit it?
If I was stuck in that movie Cool World, I'd at least consider it.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
my opinion cannot be wrong FACT.the co op is a rip off of Gears' Horde Mode, it is way behind Horde 2.0 in terms of fun / playability.
Opinions can be wrong. You are still entitled to one, right or wrong.
Hopefully the full game has more than just more maps. Demo was way too basic and it became easy to predict what was next.
Not surprising, kinect is attracting more and more females to 360.
Lems win.
I'm pretty sure Sheep won the female market long ago. Women love playing with my Wii.
here I revised your findings on 360 exclusives, I hope you all find it informative
You did ? Cool
I am buying all those games day one myself, no matter your revision
Will have a blast with every one too, XBLA games are some of the best and not boring like Uncharted, Infamous etc
BTW, Sine Mora is XBLA exlusive, has been cancelled for PSN, so get your "facts" straight
Been there, done that before, it's not really an issue.
I once met a woman that was blue. Wasn't much of a mover though.
Not surprising, kinect is attracting more and more females to 360.
Lems win.
I'm pretty sure Sheep won the female market long ago. Women love playing with my Wii.
I know what you are saying. They just love holding my wiimote.Looks like Halo 4 will be the only 360 game I buy this year.
All that Kinect stuff looks like crap to me, but I'm sure tons of other people will like it.
here I revised your findings on 360 exclusives, I hope you all find it informative
You did ? Cool
I am buying all those games day one myself, no matter your revision
Will have a blast with every one too, XBLA games are some of the best and not boring like Uncharted, Infamous etc
BTW, Sine Mora is XBLA exlusive, has been cancelled for PSN, so get your "facts" straight
here I revised your findings on 360 exclusives, I hope you all find it informative
You did ? Cool
I am buying all those games day one myself, no matter your revision
Will have a blast with every one too, XBLA games are some of the best and not boring like Uncharted, Infamous etc
BTW, Sine Mora is XBLA exlusive, has been cancelled for PSN, so get your "facts" straight
Microsoft nabs Grasshopper and Digital Reality's 'diesel-punk' shoot 'em up for itself
good, I'm glad you are buying them so I can see how f*cked your getting wasting your cash haha oh and I'm sure that Sine Mora will eventually come to PSN like many other 360 "exclusives", maybe even PC? like the failed Alan Wake release for the 360 required MS to cash in with the PC because there weren't enough sales, yeah it's possibleMaybe hermits will stop acting so desparate
Indeed, anything is possible, but does not mean it will happen
good, I'm glad you are buying them so I can see how f*cked your getting wasting your cash haha oh and I'm sure that Sine Mora will eventually come to PSN like many other 360 "exclusives", maybe even PC? like the failed Alan Wake release for the 360 required MS to cash in with the PC because there weren't enough sales, yeah it's possible[QUOTE="KevinButlerVP"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
You did ? Cool
I am buying all those games day one myself, no matter your revision
Will have a blast with every one too, XBLA games are some of the best and not boring like Uncharted, Infamous etc
BTW, Sine Mora is XBLA exlusive, has been cancelled for PSN, so get your "facts" straight
Grasshopper's Sine Mora skipping PSN, now an XBLA exclusive
Microsoft nabs Grasshopper and Digital Reality's 'diesel-punk' shoot 'em up for itselfloosingENDS
Maybe hermits will stop acting so desparate
Indeed, anything is possible, but does not mean it will happen
dude, hermits have more high rated games to come in 2012 than any console and especially the 360 combined the only desperate person here seems to be you trying to justify your purchases by posting a crap exclusive list that I just destroyed in 5 minutes[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Indeed, anything is possible, but does not mean it will happen
You mean there is a chance that one day you will start a good thread with well reasoned arguments?
I just posted a list of 2013 xbox 360 games
I did not even post any arguments really, i know hermits and cows go crazy when they see how many amazing games 360 has
It destroys all the "it only has Halo, which is crap" posts and they go in desparation mode because they can no longer post BS
I just posted a list of 2013 xbox 360 games
I did not even post any arguments really, i know hermits and cows go crazy when they see how many amazing games 360 has
It destroys all the "it only has Halo, which is crap" posts and they go in desparation mode because they can no longer post BS
May we borrow your time machine?
You didn't post a single exclusive worth a damn.
But you don't play FPSes. Why defend Halo now?
Indeed, anything is possible, but does not mean it will happen
You mean there is a chance that one day you will start a good thread with well reasoned arguments?
I just posted a list of 2013 xbox 360 games
I did not even post any arguments really, i know hermits and cows go crazy when they see how many amazing games 360 has
It destroys all the "it only has Halo, which is crap" posts and they go in desparation mode because they can no longer post BS
Don't get upset, and perhaps you mean 2012? Hermits don't care about 360 games, people on here dislike you personally because of the way you write your threads, your content is always rubbish. The threads themselves always childish.
Plus you repeat the same things in every post you make.
MS didn't publish alan wake on PC and if alan wake was a sales flop, compared to some PS3 exclusives.....lol.
alan wakes biggest problem was releasing the same time as RDR, one of 2010's biggest games.
Before it was released with the 360 bundle, the sales were quite sub-par. That was the saving grace of it. Pretty sure Resistance 3 suffered the same problem.
70% of that list is Kinect crap or XBLA titles. I would buy only Halo 4 and Alan Wake: American Nightmare.
70% of that list is Kinect crap or XBLA titles. I would buy only Halo 4 and Alan Wake: American Nightmare.
Alan Wake: American Nightmare is a XBLA title too you know
Indeed, anything is possible, but does not mean it will happen
You mean there is a chance that one day you will start a good thread with well reasoned arguments?
I just posted a list of 2013 xbox 360 games
I did not even post any arguments really, i know hermits and cows go crazy when they see how many amazing games 360 has
It destroys all the "it only has Halo, which is crap" posts and they go in desparation mode because they can no longer post BS
But Halo 4 is the only high profile, non-kinect required, retail exclusive title on the list...so no, no it doesn't destroy those posts at all.
Kinect is not a standard platform for the 360 and if you don't own one then all those so-called exclusives are worthless to base 360 owners. Downloadable games are a nice addition to a systems library but they are not a replacement for full blown, high profile retail games.
I just posted a list of 2013 xbox 360 games
I did not even post any arguments really, i know hermits and cows go crazy when they see how many amazing games 360 has
It destroys all the "it only has Halo, which is crap" posts and they go in desparation mode because they can no longer post BS
But Halo 4 is the only high profile, non-kinect required, retail exclusive title on the list...so no, no it doesn't destroy those posts at all.
Kinect is not a standard platform for the 360 and if you don't own one then all those so-called exclusives are worthless to base 360 owners. Downloadable games are a nice addition to a systems library but they are not a replacement for full blown, high profile retail games.
exclusive games dont get much higher profile than Halo games. last of us, last guardian, twisted metal, ni no kuni etc are not exactly high profile games, Gran Turismo / God of War on the other hand...Let me put it like this, all of those kinect games are high profile because MS is putting them in the forfront for games to be had on the console.
High profile doesn't mean how much money it makes once it's released, it is just means the company who is bringing it out takes the project seriously and puts in concentrated efforts to cater toward that demographic and bring it to life.
high profile =/= big budget.
Yes Last of us, Last Guardian, Twisted Metal and ni no kuni are all high profile games.
another way of looking at "high profile* is if the parent company treats the project as if it is "like" a big budget title and put in the efforts show that it (the game) is a reason to own that system.
exclusive games dont get much higher profile than Halo games. last of us, last guardian, twisted metal, ni no kuni etc are not exactly high profile games, Gran Turismo / God of War on the other hand...[QUOTE="sts106mat"][QUOTE="casharmy"]
But Halo 4 is the only high profile, non-kinect required, retail exclusive title on the list...so no, no it doesn't destroy those posts at all.
Kinect is not a standard platform for the 360 and if you don't own one then all those so-called exclusives are worthless to base 360 owners. Downloadable games are a nice addition to a systems library but they are not a replacement for full blown, high profile retail games.
Let me put it like this, all of those kinect games are high profile because MS is putting them in the forfront for games to be had on the console.
High profile doesn't mean how much money it makes once it's released, it is just means the company who is bringing it out takes the project seriously and puts in concentrated efforts to cater toward that demographic and bring it to life.
high profile =/= big budget.
Yes Last of us, Last Guardian, Twisted Metal and ni no kuni are all high profile games.
another way of looking at "high profile* is if the parent company treats the project as if it is "like" a big budget title and put in the efforts show that it (the game) is a reason to own that system.
Let me see if i got that right
High profile is any PS3 game and low profile is any 360 game other than Halo
Wow, sad list... the 360 is really the worst system by far... It's only fitting that it also features the most pathetic fanboy in all System Wars.
That is strange
My top 2012 games are
1. Witcher 2 Enchanced Eidtion 360
2. Mass Effect 3 KINECT
3. Skyrim expansions
4. Fable JOurney
5. Dust Elysian Tale
And i will buy them all on 360 obviously
Plus Halo 4 is the best upcoming shooter by miles
Also i am bying all of
6. Bloodforge
7. Project Draco
8. Ryse
9. Sine Mora
10. Deadlight
etc etc
[QUOTE="casharmy"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] exclusive games dont get much higher profile than Halo games. last of us, last guardian, twisted metal, ni no kuni etc are not exactly high profile games, Gran Turismo / God of War on the other hand...sts106mat
Let me put it like this, all of those kinect games are high profile because MS is putting them in the forfront for games to be had on the console.
High profile doesn't mean how much money it makes once it's released, it is just means the company who is bringing it out takes the project seriously and puts in concentrated efforts to cater toward that demographic and bring it to life.
high profile =/= big budget.
Yes Last of us, Last Guardian, Twisted Metal and ni no kuni are all high profile games.
if thats the way you interpret it, fine. i never mentioned about how much money it would make, by high profile i mean, games that are known outside of gaming websites / culture. the only high profile kinect game this year is star wars. the rest are just getting your standard advertising etc.That would only be based on marketing and popularity to the consumer.
That is a different way of looking at it, but I was looking at it from the parent company/ developers point of view. You were looking at it from the consumers point of view. As a gamer, the parent company/developers point of view is more important to me.
From the parent company/developers point of view some games get more attention than others but those games don't always turn out to be popular to the consumer. Some games can be high profile in both consumer and company/developer perspective but it is not always the case.
Example: Resistance 3 was a high profile game from a company/developers point of view (and a high quality overall) but it was not high profile to consumers for the franchise or popularity.
its just like this, you may not think those other kinect games are high profile *as a consumer* but those games are sure high profile from MS's *company/developer* perspective.
The complete list, with all exclusive and PC/360 only games coming in 2012
Exclusives (19)
Ryse (exclusive)
Fable Journey (exclusive)
Crimson Dracon (exclusive)
Halo 4 (exclusive)
Dust Elysian Tale (exclusive)
Haunt (exclusive)
Star Wars (exclusive)
Steel Batallion (exclusive)
Battleblock Theater (exclusive)
Bloogforge (exclusive)
Clas4 Zombi MMO (exclusive)
Diabolical Pitch (exclusive)
Hybrid (exclusive)
Trials Evolution (exclusive)
Alan Wake American Nightmare (exclusive)
Sine Mora (exclusive)
Dead Light (exclusive)
Spelunky (exclusive)
Happy Wars (exclusive)
PC/360 only games (not on other consoles)
Witcher 2 (PC/360 only)
FEZ (PC/360 only)
Minecraft (PC/360 only)
Owlboy (PC/360 only)
Capsized (PC/360 only)Dungeon Fighter Live (PC/360 only, enchanced for Live)
PS3/360 only games (not on PC)
FF13-2 (PS3/360 only)
Dragon Dogma (PS3/360 only)
Asura's Wrath (PS3/360 only)
Overstrike (PS3/360 only)
Skyrim timed exclusive DLC expansions (timed exclusive)
Exclusive Kinect support for Mass Effect 3 (Kinect exclusive features)
the only things that I'm interested in is The Witcher 2 and maybe Steel Batallion. All the other "Exclusives" I'll pass on, not really into Kinect, everything else I'll get on PS3
The complete list, with all exclusive and PC/360 only games coming in 2012
Exclusives (19)
Ryse (exclusive)
Fable Journey (exclusive)
Crimson Dracon (exclusive)
Halo 4 (exclusive)
Dust Elysian Tale (exclusive)
Haunt (exclusive)
Star Wars (exclusive)
Steel Batallion (exclusive)
Battleblock Theater (exclusive)
Bloogforge (exclusive)
Clas4 Zombi MMO (exclusive)
Diabolical Pitch (exclusive)
Hybrid (exclusive)
Trials Evolution (exclusive)
Alan Wake American Nightmare (exclusive)
Sine Mora (exclusive)
Dead Light (exclusive)
Spelunky (exclusive)
Happy Wars (exclusive)
PC/360 only games (not on other consoles)
Witcher 2 (PC/360 only)
FEZ (PC/360 only)
Minecraft (PC/360 only)
Owlboy (PC/360 only)
Capsized (PC/360 only)Dungeon Fighter Live (PC/360 only, enchanced for Live)
PS3/360 only games (not on PC)
FF13-2 (PS3/360 only)
Dragon Dogma (PS3/360 only)
Asura's Wrath (PS3/360 only)
Overstrike (PS3/360 only)
Skyrim timed exclusive DLC expansions (timed exclusive)
Exclusive Kinect support for Mass Effect 3 (Kinect exclusive features)
the only things that I'm interested in is The Witcher 2 and maybe Steel Batallion. All the other "Exclusives" I'll pass on, not really into Kinect, everything else I'll get on PS3
You dont care for thse above at all ?
Or for Panzer Dragoon ?
[QUOTE="sts106mat"] exclusive games dont get much higher profile than Halo games. last of us, last guardian, twisted metal, ni no kuni etc are not exactly high profile games, Gran Turismo / God of War on the other hand...loosingENDS
Let me put it like this, all of those kinect games are high profile because MS is putting them in the forfront for games to be had on the console.
High profile doesn't mean how much money it makes once it's released, it is just means the company who is bringing it out takes the project seriously and puts in concentrated efforts to cater toward that demographic and bring it to life.
high profile =/= big budget.
Yes Last of us, Last Guardian, Twisted Metal and ni no kuni are all high profile games.
another way of looking at "high profile* is if the parent company treats the project as if it is "like" a big budget title and put in the efforts show that it (the game) is a reason to own that system.
Let me see if i got that right
High profile is any PS3 game and low profile is any 360 game other than Halo
No...never said that, maybe you have a reading comprehension problem.
I will give you an example of a 360 title that ONCE fit the category. Alan Wake.
Alan Wake didn't end up being a super huge hit with the xbox fanbase but it was created with the vision of being a high profile game from a company/developer standpoint.
It also (at the time it was released) was excluisve and it was also a full retail game.
Hope that example was enough to make you understand.
No...never said that, maybe you have a reading comprehension problem.
I will give you an example of a 360 title that ONCE fit the category. Alan Wake.
Alan Wake didn't end up being a super huge hit with the xbox fanbase but it was created with the vision of being a high profile game from a company/developer standpoint.
It also (at the time it was released) was excluisve and it was also a full retail game.
Hope that example was enough to make you understand.
And what does that have to do with the game quality and fun ?
I definatly had more fun and for far longer with many XBLA titles than many retail ones and were cheaper too
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