I have been gaming for 18 years now, and I must say the Xbox 360 is BY FARthe worst console I have ever seen.
All Xbox 360s should be collected and destroyed.
One of the main problems of the Xbox 360 is that Microsoft rushed it to the market to beat Sony and Nintendo by 1 year. The chinese factories who make the system blame Microsoft's haste, poor desigining, and cheap components used to make the Xbox 360 as to why it fails at a rate of 33%.
33% 1 out of 3 Xbox 360s die within a few months, and most of them after the warranty expieres. Time to call the FCC. 10 million Xbox 360s need to be recalled and destroyed.
Let's say this is a court. The Xbox 360 is on trial. If found guilty the punishment is that all 360s are to be rounded up and destroyed. These are the charges:
- Failure to give gamer assumed 5 year life span without failing, sometimes up to 4 times
- Making users pay for Xbox Live while their console is being fixed
- Console scratches $60 games, and customer service blames everything, including YOU, but the 360 itself
- Failure to return original console to users after fix, users usually get a different, refurbished model
- Obnoxiously loud cheapDVD drive and fan.
- Pathetic 20 gigabyte harddrive (only 13GB useable). A couple of demos and you've used half your HDD.
- screwing gamers up the a$$ by relasing new 360 premiums with HDMI
- Charging $180 for a 120gb HDD that you MUST buy from MS when a 2.5" notebook 120HDD can easily be found online for well under $100
- Charging $100 for a wireless network adaptor that you MUST by from MS when a similiar product can be purchased for your PC for well under $40
- Patheticly large cheap power brick that's nearly half the size of the console. Once again another cheap feature of a cheaply made rushed system.
- $60 a year for Xbox Live. $60 for what? Dedicated Servers? Nope. Try laggy peer to peer. $60 for what then? $60 for a gamer tag and a friends list. That's it folks. AND you still have to see ads. Where does the money for the ads go to? In Microsoft's pocket, witht he rest of your $50 that they didn't need.
- Failure to make top games 100% exclusive, as Gears of War, Halo 2, Bioschock and other so called 'exclusive' Xbox 360 games appear on the PC, and tend to be much better on the PC. More maps, mods,and the use of a keyboard and mouse to name just a few. Imagine if Gran Turismo 5 or Mario Galaxy was available for the PC. That shows just how pathetic the 360 'exclusives' are.
- Hyping up the most over-hyped, over-rated game in the history of gaming, Halo, just to sell consoles.
- Releasing games under the genre 'RPG' and 'ACTION' when in reality they are first person shooters (FPS). Example : Bioschock, Mass Effect
- MS Paying Paramount $150,000,000 to drop blu-ray support just to prolong a format war that bluray was winning 3-1 just so you can slow and hopefully stop HD discs progression to the mainstream so you can institute HD movie downloadsand test VC-1 codecs on HD-DVD
- Supporting Toshiba and releasing a HD-DVD drive for the 360 just to make Sony's life miserable
Xbox 360 and Microsoft is therefore found GUILTY of the above infractions of the law. All Xbox 360 core, premium and Elite systems are to be gathered at holding stations across the world, to be collected and brought to a landfill in China to be crushed and burried.
The Xbox 360 is hands down the worst video game console ever built. If it weren't for the mild success of the original Xbox and the lack of competition from Sony and Nintendo during the '05 holiday season the Xbox 360 would have gone the way of the Dreamcast.
Sadly enough, because it had a 1 year head start on it's only rivals, millions of unsuspecting buyers purchased the worst console in the history of gaming.
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