Off the top of my head in no specific order
Steel battalion
Metal gear solid
Souls series
Elder scrolls
Legacy of kain
Off the top of my head in no specific order
Steel battalion
Metal gear solid
Souls series
Elder scrolls
Legacy of kain
Over a hundred honorable mentions but some off the top of my head:
no particular order
1. Half-Life 2 (inc. Episodes)
2. Bioshock
3. Halo series
4. Mass Effect series
5. Portal 2
6. Bioshock Infinite
7. Red Dead Redemption
8. Last of Us
9. Tomb Raider (2013)
10. Civilization V
Runners up: GTA San Andreas, Uncharted 2, Deus Ex HR, Batman Arkham games
Can't put them in orden.
Ninja gaiden 2 dark sword of chaos
Castlevania symphony of the night
The revenge of shinobi
The last of us
Dark souls
Ms PAC man
Wonder boy in monster land
Star contol
Return fire
Ok now these are my top-10 favorites not my top-10 best...
10. Trials Fusion / Skyrim (can't decide on which to leave out)
9. Diablo 2
8. Perfect Dark 64
7. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
6. Yu-Gi-Oh: Duelist of the Roses
5. Resident Evil 4
4. NHL HITZ 2003
3. Mass Effect 3 (all of it but mostly for the multiplayer)
2. Halo 2 (for the campaign)
1. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
EDIT: Damn, forgot the Xenosaga trilogy. Would probably put that at 5 and bump 5-9 up to 6-10 thus kicking out the Trials Fusion / Skyrim debacle.
@The_Deepblue: Yes. The Vita version does add a fair bit of content, and it adds some gameplay fixes that really help the game reach its greatness, but the PS2 version is just fine on its own. It's fundamentally the same game, and outside of Shuffle Time or Persona Fusion skill inheritance, the gameplay changes won't be missed either. I'd say go for it, and it's only $10 on PSN for PS2, if you just wanna go own that route.
If you just want to play Golden, you could maybe just pick up a PlayStation TV (I think that's $99), and play P4G on that instead.
Do you still fight the same 4 enemy models throughout the entire game with the game forcing you to guess each weakness because they never make any damn sense?
Has the XP curve been improved? I remember being over 10 levels underleveled (going by the fact that the party members I recruited were about 10 levels above me.
How about itemization? Do you still need to grind shadows for an hour, because all your weapons are out of date by roughly 2 dungeons and said shadows will not drop the items you need to make the shopkeeper update his stock >.>
Is the pacing still broken resulting in 3 hours before any actual gameplay starts? And several consequetive hours of practically no interesting gameplay at several poritons of the game.
I might give golden a shot if they fixed these glaring issues. But Persona 4 for the PS2 was a 5/10 at best.
I can only do five:
I always forget that in your infinite shitty Canadian Wisdom you've never played anything Metroid. God damn it mooksi.
Quite the contrary actually. Metroid Prime is the greatest game I've never finished. It's a mistake that needs correcting.
In no particular order:
Gta v
Uncharted 2
Rayman legends
Zelda a link between world's
Shenmue 1 and 2
Sonic 2
Mario galaxy 1 and 2
Mario kart 8
Honorable mentions:
Rainbow 6 Vegas
Zelda oot and wind waker
Streets of rage
Super smash bros brawl
Sleeping dogs
Lost planet
Splinter cell
This list is hard to do since after all I played throughout my years iv come to enjoy so many. In no real order
Resident evil 3
Metal Gear Solid 1
Final Fantasy 7
Shadow hearts 2(Part one is still great though and directly ties to part 2 so play it dammit!)
castlevania lament of innocence
No More Heroes
Mortal Kombat 9
jak and daxter 2
Persona 3 FES(The cast is what made me choose it over P4G)
List is always subject to change.
All time ?1 that's really tough
but i will try (in no order except for number 1):
i really want to list more ...10 is not enough
@The_Deepblue: Yes. The Vita version does add a fair bit of content, and it adds some gameplay fixes that really help the game reach its greatness, but the PS2 version is just fine on its own. It's fundamentally the same game, and outside of Shuffle Time or Persona Fusion skill inheritance, the gameplay changes won't be missed either. I'd say go for it, and it's only $10 on PSN for PS2, if you just wanna go own that route.
If you just want to play Golden, you could maybe just pick up a PlayStation TV (I think that's $99), and play P4G on that instead.
Do you still fight the same 4 enemy models throughout the entire game with the game forcing you to guess each weakness because they never make any damn sense?
Has the XP curve been improved? I remember being over 10 levels underleveled (going by the fact that the party members I recruited were about 10 levels above me.
How about itemization? Do you still need to grind shadows for an hour, because all your weapons are out of date by roughly 2 dungeons and said shadows will not drop the items you need to make the shopkeeper update his stock >.>
Is the pacing still broken resulting in 3 hours before any actual gameplay starts? And several consequetive hours of practically no interesting gameplay at several poritons of the game.
I might give golden a shot if they fixed these glaring issues. But Persona 4 for the PS2 was a 5/10 at best.
This post is beyond hyperbolic, and it's so wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin.
Finally, the last 'Persona 4 for the PS2 was a 5/10 at best.' This had me laughing so hard, I actually wondered for a minute if this post wasn't just meant to be a parody, but then I realized, no, you are serious, and that's the sad part. There are a lot of games where what they do simply doesn't appeal to me- like Gran Turismo or The Walking Dead, but I still concede that they are quality games, and score them accordingly. The fact that you are, in spite of the game not being to your tastes, simply not willing to recognize that Persona 4 is an extremely well crafted game, and is objectively actually pretty damn great, is really sad on a lot of levels.
My top 10 changes every day, but today I feel like putting in the following
This post is beyond hyperbolic, and it's so wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin.
Finally, the last 'Persona 4 for the PS2 was a 5/10 at best.' This had me laughing so hard, I actually wondered for a minute if this post wasn't just meant to be a parody, but then I realized, no, you are serious, and that's the sad part. There are a lot of games where what they do simply doesn't appeal to me- like Gran Turismo or The Walking Dead, but I still concede that they are quality games, and score them accordingly. The fact that you are, in spite of the game not being to your tastes, simply not willing to recognize that Persona 4 is an extremely well crafted game, and is objectively actually pretty damn great, is really sad on a lot of levels.
You are assuming that I gave it a 5/10 that on an objective level, but I didn't, that is on a personal/subjective level, on an objective level the game would be a 7/10. Great storytelling and a good concept let down by weak dungeon crawling sections and some questionable design choices. As a Life Sim, I would rather play Princess Maker 2, as a dungeon crawler I would rather play Nocturne.
Finally, the last 'Persona 4 for the PS2 was a 5/10 at best.' This had me laughing so hard, I actually wondered for a minute if this post wasn't just meant to be a parody, but then I realized, no, you are serious, and that's the sad part. There are a lot of games where what they do simply doesn't appeal to me- like Gran Turismo or The Walking Dead, but I still concede that they are quality games, and score them accordingly.
This part is hokum
I can only do five:
I always forget that in your infinite shitty Canadian Wisdom you've never played anything Metroid. God damn it mooksi.
Quite the contrary actually. Metroid Prime is the greatest game I've never finished. It's a mistake that needs correcting.
Correct this silly failure as a human being so Zelda can take its rightful place: below Metroid.
In terms of sheer play time:
Top-5 most memorable:
In no order.
The only definitive list:
1. The Last of Us
2. Uncharted 2
3. Red Dead Redemption
4. GTA 5
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2
6. Skyrim
7. Assassins Creed 2
8. Batman Arkham City
9. Mass Effect 2
10. The World Ends With You
Honorable Mentions:
In no particular order:
Bioshock Infinite - PC
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Xbox
Uncharted 2 & 3 - PS3
Rally Sport Challenge - Original Xbox
GRAW Multiplayer - Xbox 360
Uncharted Golden Abyss - Vita
Madden NFL '95 - Sega Genesis
Sega Football 2K5 - Original Xbox
Coach K College Basketball - Sega Genesis
Fallout 3 - Xbox 360
@charizard1605: I like your list man, because it includes a good variety of genres.
Mine doesn't... I just like FPS and RTS more than any other genre
Honorable mentions:
Uncharted Golden Abyss - Vita
Great game. Incredible that Vita could pull something like that off... but what did you think of the final boss fight ?
I liked the final boss fight. Good use of the touch controls. Much easier to take down the General than the final guy in Uncharted 2. And I agree...One great looking game. I thought it was very underrated. But then again I actually bought the Vita because I wanted some more Uncharted.
I liked the final boss fight. Good use of the touch controls. Much easier to take down the General than the final guy in Uncharted 2. And I agree...One great looking game. I thought it was very underrated. But then again I actually bought the Vita because I wanted some more Uncharted.
While I do think the game was great the use of touch screen came of as unnecessary. I never used it to climb or fight or anything. I did use the gyroscope to balance, that was nice.
Not a fan of the final boss fight either... But it's not like other Uncharted games had much better boss fights.
1 MGS4(PS3)2 RE REMAKE( GC) 3 lastof us( PS3&PS4) 4 RDR(PS3&360) MGS3 (PS2) 6 resident evil code veronica (DC) 7 shenmue ( DC) 8 xenoblade (wii) 9 final fantasy 10(ps2) 10 ninja gaiden (xbox) 11 ni no kuni (ps3) 12 skyrim (ps3&360) 13 demons souls (ps3) 14 dark souls (ps3&360) 15 GTA V (ps3&360) 16 mass effect 2(ps3&360) 17 orange box (xbox360) 18 halo 4 (xbox 360) 19 resident evil 4 ( GC) 20 uncharted 2 (ps3) 21 zelda WW (GC) 22 shenmue 2 (xbox&DC) 23 batman AC (PS3) 24 fallout 3(xbox 360) 25 doom 3 (xbox&xbox360) 26 ridick (xbox) 27 jack and daxter (ps2) 28 rayman legends (xbox 360) 29 splinter cell chaos theory (xbox) 30 tomb raider 2013(ps3&360&ps4)
I am gonna list it one game per franchise since Mario or Zelda might take up most of the list.
1.Super Mario World: The introduction of Yoshi and the amount of Secret Exits made it easy to pick it as the best Mario game.
2.Zelda the Wind Waker: Loved the artstyle while it wasn't perfect I loved the charm the game had and it just holds up so well today.
3.Resident Evil 4:Yes I have played the older games and whilst they were excellent RE4 just practically invented the over the shoulder view and smooth gameplay. It wasn't perfect but it had some cool moments. Shame it went downhill after this.
4.Metal Gear Solid 3: One series that I was skeptical about playing but after playing this the series just became godly to me. Amazing characters,brilliant boss battles and one of the best soundtracks around amazing.
5.Uncharted 2: This game turned Naughty Dog from just another Sony Developer to a brilliant developer. It corrected certain things like kicking out the SixAxis controls and just went flat out. The Train Section,The Plane Chase. The pacing was fantastic and multiplayer was a nice little extra too.
6.Sonic the Hedgehog 2: To me this was Sonics finest hour and while many argue Sonic 3 and Knuckles is better I felt number 2 was. New things introduced like the Spin Dash,Tails and a Bonus for collecting the Chaos Emeralds Super Sonic.
7.The Last of Us: To me if you own a PS3 or PS4 now and haven't played this game then run out and buy it and if you didn't like it something is wrong with you. The story has so many emotions and the interaction between characters is just amazing how they react to each other. Plus the gameplay is second to none.
8.Metroid Prime: The graphics,the atmosphere and the overall experience. The bosses were well designed and the puzzles and just the way things went like lava going Samus Visor.
9.Mass Effect 2:Without a doubt a game that certainly made playing the series worth it. While number 1 had a fairly good story the game felt a bit wonky but the sequel fixed this. A bigger set of team mates to choose from,Loyalty Missions and the chance to charm someone made this an instant winner for me.
10.Shadow of the Colossous: Whilst the worlds empty the Colossous were not it was like a game of boss battles and what made them good is none of them were ever the same. Air,Water,Sand you name it there was a colossous using certain areas to fight you. Every one was a puzzle. Again a excellent soundtrack as well.
1. Seek and destroy PS2
2.Minecraft Xbox360
3. Darksiders Xbox360
4.Halo Reach Xbox360
5.Gears of War 2 Xbox360
6.Gears of War 3 Xbox 360
7.Gears of War Xbox 360
8.Gears of War Judgment Xbox360
9. TES V Skyrim Xbox360
10.Fallout 3 Xbox360
Lol im doing a top 50. at work right now so this is a list from a couple months back.
FYI- even though im over 30, i didnt really get into gaming until after hs (2000-2001 ish) so thats why a lot of games on my list are newer gen games...
1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2- Sith Lords (Xbox/pc)
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare( multi-plat)
3. Shining Force (Genesis)
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox/pc)
5. Counter Strike pre 1.6 (pc)
6. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (ps2)
7. Final Fantasy X (ps2)
8. Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings (pc)
9. Tony Hawk Pro Skater (ps1)
10. Gran Turismo (ps1)
11. Mass Effect 2 (multi plat)
12. Tekken 2 (ps1)
13. Command And Conquer (pc)
14. God of War (ps2)
15. Dragon Age: Origins (multi plat)
16. Final Fantasy 7 (ps1)
17. Royal Rumble (Snes)
18. Pokemon: Yellow Version (gbc)
19. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: the arcade game (arcade/nes)
20. Battle City (Nes)
21. Assassins Creed 2 (multi plat)
22. Streets Of Rage 2 (genesis)
23. God Of War 3 (ps3)
24. Call of Duty (pc)
25. Excite Bike (nes)
26. Borderlands (multi plat)
27. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (ps3)
28. Kingdom Hearts (ps2)
29. Super Mario Bro. 3 (Nes)
30. Skate (ps3/xbox 360)
31. Shining Force 2 (genesis)
32. Assassins Creed (multi plat)
33. Batman: Arkham Asylum (multi plat)
34. Gran Turismo 3: A spec (ps2)
35. Killer Instinct (Snes)
36. Prince of Persia: sands of time (multi plat)
37. Batman: Arkham City (multi plat)
38. X-men (Genesis)
39. Street fighter 2(multi plat)
40. Resident Evil (ps1)
41. Top Gear (Snes)
42. Journey (psn)
43. Legend of Kage (Nes)
44. Red Dead Redemption (multi plat)
45. Mass Effect 3 (multi plat)
46. Super Mario RPG (Snes)
47. Tetris (Gb)
48. Fight Night 2004 (multi plat)
49. Super Mario Bro. (Nes)
50. Jade Empire (xbox/pc)
This is going to be extremely difficult; I'm not putting these in order because that is impossible for me to choose. I could put nearly all Valve games on my list, but I'm trying to break it up.
Final Fantasy VIII
Resident Evil(PS1)
Half Life 2
Super Mario bros. 3
Metal Gear Solid(PS1)
Vagrant Story
Mega Man x4
Sonic 2
L4D(because I'm still playing it on a regular basis several years after release.)
Honorable mentions; Gears, Oblivion, FO3, SFII, MK II, SFIV, MK9, The Legend of Zelda, Mass Effect 2, Breath of Fire III, etc. I feel really old after looking through some of these lists lol.
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