@ConanTheStoner said:
@Heil68 said:
Lets hope that make the console strong enough to get 3rd party games or it's a no buy for me.
You know they won't lol.
Just curious though. 3rd party games. You can get them on PS consoles, Xbox consoles and PC. What would be the added appeal of getting them on a Nintendo console? I understand that Nintendo as a business should want to do this. But as a gamer, what would be the added appeal for you?
Just stepping away from the SW bs for a second, I fully understand that lacking 3rd party is crap for Nintendo. Just not sure how it affects you and your purchase decision.
I only ask because I'm finding myself in the opposite situation. Everything is basically becoming a 3rd party box. I have no interest in the Xbone. Playstation consoles have been my primary since the PS1 came out, but now I find myself wanting to sell my PS4. Every 3rd party game I want is coming to PC and will be better for it. Now the only console I care to hold on to is the WiiU because of the exclusives.
For me, it might have meant I get a Nintendo console instead of the other two. It might make it a primary console again for people.
I say meant, because the other two were so bad, I went to the PC, so all 3rd party games I'll get on the PC from now on.
The problem was, I didn't want to buy a console just for one companies games, but that's exactly what happened with the other two now. It's just the few yearly exclusives on the other consoles as well which is of any worth imo.
I guess that's what makes the Wii U the better combination with the PC, less shared with it. I see what you're saying about wanting to sell your PS4. I want to sell my X1, but I'd lose so much money, that at this point I'm better off just leaving it. However I've cut right down on usage, getting games for it, paying for any subscriptions...
But I think this is my last gen buying a physical console. Next gen I might get PS Now and/or the Xbox equivalent if they're available on non console hardware devices.
The problem with PS and Xbox consoles, is that they've turned into weak PCs. Even the hardware is now entry level PC parts. They don't have much of an identity, they don't do anything the PC can't do and all the games are available on the PC now. The uniqueness is gone. Before consoles used to have so many games that wasn't on the PC. And PS had its Japanese identity which is largely gone now compared to how it used to be. Consoles used to be completely different from the PC.
I see console gaming (Wii U not included) as 'PC gaming lite' as in a simpler variation. I don't even mean it in an elitist way, it's just how it looks to me. Blame Sony and MS, they took the PC friendship too far.
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