the wii is fine the way it is ,
you people who do cry for hd andgraphics are the real joke ,
cause let me tell you what the hd systems have been known for is their expensive games and their 200 first person shooters on the shelft nothing good is known about them
except maybe sonys exclusives or a few game like saintsrow 2 gta iv or so , the wii is not a bad system it has tons of exclusive games worth mentioning i dont care bout what ps3 306 has as far as multiplats cause heres why ,
why would you want all 3 to have the same exact games any how just get a wii and the other console , or all 3
they tried that last gen and look ps2 just stomped both xbox and gamecube to the ground if ms continued with that kind of console with only 26 m sales world wide -they would have been out before they even got started thats a known fact look at sega -never held the lead in any war , never was a factor and for the record if nintendo did hd console what difference wouold it actually make now that theres already 2 that do that ,, ,
not much i can tell you its not the graphics people whine about its brand ! its been known for a long time nintendo is very under rated when it comes to consoles,
people do not respect them regardless if they had the most powerful console or the weakest power in its console ,
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