Who is the analyst who said that?
This man knows what he's talking about.
How many times have you seen The Dark Knight Rises?This topic is locked from further discussion.
This man knows what he's talking about.
How many times have you seen The Dark Knight Rises?Only once. But I'd like to see it another time.
[QUOTE="mitu123"] How many times have you seen The Dark Knight Rises?
Only once. But I'd like to see it another time.
Same, I'm slacking, there are people who saw it 4-5 times already.O_o4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
It's sad.
People are so easily led. -_-
Don't you mean lead?
And I haven't really been following your conversation, just saw the bit in red... Are you seriously trying to say Splinter Cell and Gears are clones?
Edit: @Sun-Universe. I stand corrected. Led is correct apparently.
seriously? none of you caught on yet?
he's saying that all those shooters are as similar to each other are most JRPG franchises are
he's saying JRPG games are very different from each franchise
that going from the Tales of series to Final Fantasy is like going from Halo to Killzone
As I said I had not been following the conversation.
Same, I'm slacking, there are people who saw it 4-5 times already.O_o[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Only once. But I'd like to see it another time.
4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
I honestly taught the two were about the same, but the dark knight smokes them both. That movie should have won the best picture award, glad ledger got the best supporting actor award though. But on topic, this thread gets a Certified 10/10.Same, I'm slacking, there are people who saw it 4-5 times already.O_o[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Only once. But I'd like to see it another time.
4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
TDKR was a victim of it's own hype. Good but not perfect, TDK is better
[QUOTE="ispeakfact"]Just read the article...and can't really disagree with anything that was said. TLOU is set to become king of the mountain.XVision84
Well well well, look who got the suspension glitch.
No wonder there are no more ispeakfact daily threads :P.
Many others have taken up the cause. SDC lives on. :cool:[QUOTE="XVision84"]
[QUOTE="mitu123"] Same, I'm slacking, there are people who saw it 4-5 times already.O_o
4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
TDKR was a victim of it's own hype. Good but not perfect, TDK is better
TBH, I can see why people prefer TDK over TDKR, but honestly I can even say TDKR is better than TDK when you go in depth with both movies.Same, I'm slacking, there are people who saw it 4-5 times already.O_o[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Only once. But I'd like to see it another time.
4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
I found The Avengers far less memorable, I remember Bane's quotes more than the majority of the characters, though it's definitely one of 2012's best movies.[QUOTE="XVision84"]
[QUOTE="mitu123"] Same, I'm slacking, there are people who saw it 4-5 times already.O_o
4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
I found The Avengers far less memorable, I remember Bane's quotes more than the majority of the characters, though it's definitely one of 2012's best movies. Yeh, I can't help but find Avengers to be just another popcorn action movie with explosion & stuffs. TDKR is however, just as good as TDK, which was godly.[QUOTE="mitu123"]I found The Avengers far less memorable, I remember Bane's quotes more than the majority of the characters, though it's definitely one of 2012's best movies. Yeh, I can't help but find Avengers to be just another popcorn action movie with explosion & stuffs. TDKR is however, just as good as TDK, which was godly. TDK was much better than TDKR >_>[QUOTE="XVision84"]
4-5 times? I don't think I can see it that many times.
TBH The Dark Knight Rises may have been a good movie, but I enjoyed The Avengers more than I did TDKR. It was much more memorable IMO.
[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="mitu123"] I found The Avengers far less memorable, I remember Bane's quotes more than the majority of the characters, though it's definitely one of 2012's best movies.soulitaneYeh, I can't help but find Avengers to be just another popcorn action movie with explosion & stuffs. TDKR is however, just as good as TDK, which was godly. TDK was much better than TDKR >_> Only because of Joker. Both seem about equal to me.
and i thought the ceiling for overhype had been reached already.BrunoBRSThat was the purpose of this thread, to raise the hype and get a bigger flop at the end. A real Sony fan doesn't do that.
[QUOTE="XVision84"][QUOTE="mems_1224"] its gonna be a 7-8 hour game, just like the uncharted series mems_1224
I hope it turns out like Uncharted 2. Even though Uncharted 1 and 3 were 8-12 hours long, I clocked ~21 hours every Uncharted 2 playthrough. That's the perfect length, since there is no multiplayer I can easily see it clocking around 20 hours if they do it right.
how the hell do you spend 21 hours in uncharted? :?I'm on my first playthrough of Uncharted 2. I've been playing it for two weeks and I just finally made it to the village. The game takes a while especially when exploring and looking for artifacts.
no 10 hour movie game is going to be close to my game of the century. no matter how movie like it is, you see the problem with that?MBirdy88I feel the a strong buthurt presence here.. So how much time have you spend playing TLOU to call it a movie.? aha...
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"]no 10 hour movie game is going to be close to my game of the century. no matter how movie like it is, you see the problem with that?tormentosI feel the a strong buthurt presence here.. So how much time have you spend playing TLOU to call it a movie.? aha...
and how much time did you spend playing it?
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"]no 10 hour movie game is going to be close to my game of the century. no matter how movie like it is, you see the problem with that?tormentosI feel the a strong buthurt presence here.. So how much time have you spend playing TLOU to call it a movie.? aha... What you don't think you can get a general feel from a game? that is exactly what the demonstration was meant to do. and you can dispute that this mostly single player game won't envolve pretty much the same process throughout and then be shelved? And that for the most part it plays its self? walk through empty "tense" area, encounter typical zombies/humans that will act pretty much the same throughout, get tired of the "im so full of attitude" little girl and every post apocolyptic Father and son/daughter book out there, only not half as good because its a game and due to age restriction limits won't be anywhere near as close to effective. Press counter buttons, high around a corner at dull enemies that act nothing like humans despite TRYING to make them human "Oh look you are pointing a gun at me while holding an ally hostage, im now going to pop out from behind the sofa and look at you stupid even though you already shot bullets at me". Its just another uncharted being hyped up because its the new resident evil, oh sure, it good be good... probably will be. But GAME of the century/year because its movie like? graphic whoring little consolites. the irony. I prefer games myself.
and how much time did you spend playing it?rilpasNot a second but unlike buthurt 360 fans i read allot,and the game is not a movie,it has a cinematic feel which totally different to been a movie,all that was show was basically gameplay,and journalist had express it. The inclusion of Ellie is the game's wildcard. In Uncharted, Sully, Elena and the rest of the gang could take care of themselves - essentially serving as bullet-spitting narrative foils for Nathan Drake. In The Last of Us, Naughty Dog takes this to the next logical level: Ellie needs to be nurtured and protected. While she helps out Joel to the best of her ability, she's far from an indestructible bullet sponge. She's clearly eager to help out - lobbing a brick at an enemy when Joel runs out of bullets in the walkthrough video - but what if you don't explore the environment enough for Ellie to find the brick in the first place? What if Joel doesn't run out of bullets? Naughty Dog is dynamically crafting events with customised dialogue and action, based directly on the consequences of the player's actions and his interactions with Ellie. "Naughty Dog explored CPU-driven 'helper' AI in the Uncharted games, but in Ellie it has created its most interactive, fully realised character to date." The latter element in particular is outstanding: Joel and Ellie have a multitude of canned motion captures stored on the Blu-ray disc, with the game constantly evaluating surrounding geometry in order to produce the most appropriate context-driven animation. It's the best solution for the most realistic effect - procedurally generated motion is the natural evolution, as we've seen from first-gen efforts like FIFA's Impact Engine, but Naughty Dog's solution produces the more convincing effect. As a result, there's a genuine sense that these are living, breathing characters, interacting incidentally with their surroundings in a believable manner. The emphasis on realism extends to combat: whether you're taking damage or dishing it out, the location-based animation is brutally realistic to the point where the effect can be genuinely disconcerting. All of which leads us towards the element that interests us most: the moral choices facing the player and how this adjusts the gameplay. In the walkthrough we witness Joel using the new inventory system to fashion a Molotov cocktail, brutally burning one of the Hunters to death. The alcohol and bandages used to create the weapon can be used for medicinal purposes, so there's clearly a strong resource-management component to the game. But more interesting than that is Ellie's disgusted response - in her eyes, Joel has crossed a line. We're curious just how far Naughty Dog will go here: whether Ellie develops as a character based on the experiences she is exposed to by the player, or if she progresses on a simpler, more linear path, with a set series of contextual responses to specific scenarios. The choices the developer makes here could have a fundamental effect on how players choose to tackle the game. As the major console platform holders prepare to replace their current-gen hardware with the new cutting edge, PlayStation 3 in particular looks set to bow out at the height of its powers, with some phenomenal offerings incoming from Sony's first-party developers. Naughty Dog's The Last of Us is one of the most promising, representing the culmination of the developer's astonishing growth over the last six years - offering us the firm's trademark technical genius combined with a gameplay formula that hints at a new level of openness and opportunity we should expect from next-gen AAA titles. This game is something else if you lemming can't see it ok,but is not your average halo shooter or Gears of war game...
Poor Lems, still spewing out their jealousy LOL
This game is going to be amazing, too bad you you are stuck with Halo/Gears/Forza rehashes
thank you.so you have no argument against him, you're just using what the game "is shaping up to be" so again, you're being the massive hypocrite that you arerilpasWTF didn't you read what i posted....lol http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-tech-analysis-the-last-of-us All is taken from here you biased and blind troll.. Please since you are actually defending his pathetic argument link to were journalist stated that TLOU is a movie.
[QUOTE="rilpas"]thank you.so you have no argument against him, you're just using what the game "is shaping up to be" so again, you're being the massive hypocrite that you aretormentosWTF didn't you read what i posted....lol http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-tech-analysis-the-last-of-us All is taken from here you biased and blind troll.. Please since you are actually defending his pathetic argument link to were journalist stated that TLOU is a movie.
Ah so it's graphics that make the game? I guess that means Crysis is the best game this generation?
really, just keep talking, I just love seeing your hipocrisy
Hahaha... They are on so much denial that is down right hilarious... They already tag this game as a movie,completely ignoring what journalist are saying about the game..lolPoor Lems, still spewing out their jealousy LOL
This game is going to be amazing, too bad you you are stuck with Halo/Gears/Forza rehashes
Ah so it's graphics that make the game? I guess that means Crysis is the best game this generation? really, just keep talking, I just love seeing your hipocrisyrilpasMost of what i quoted doesn't even have to do with graphics is all gameplay elements..lol My god never have i see such a blind lemming... Even with links pasted he would not read or admit been wrong...
[QUOTE="rilpas"]Ah so it's graphics that make the game? I guess that means Crysis is the best game this generation? really, just keep talking, I just love seeing your hipocrisytormentosMost of what i quoted doesn't even have to do with graphics is all gameplay elements..lol My god never have i see such a blind lemming... Even with links pasted he would not read or admit been wrong...
you mean like how you state that Halo 4 will likely be a weaker game or how you say it "sucks" based on one video?
geee... what's wrong, don't like it when your faux logic is used against you?
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"] Oh know you can climb through another windows or go around? WOW AMAZING in 2012. you can set people on fire and shoot them? or bandage ... or or .... oh wait. nothing you have said is new or interesting. especially in a singleplayer A.I enviroment where they are too stupid to see if your hiding behind a kitchen cabinet right next to the door they are about to walk through. You catch a player doing that in Day Z? no, because the zombie survival horror is going beyond this resident evil limitation.tormentosIn the walkthrough video, we see protagonist Joel taking one route through the building, but it's clear to see that there are multiple entry points, suggesting different strategies for handling the Hunters. However, what is the most intriguing element about the game is the dynamic AI, where characters move, talk and act in a highly contextual manner. The inclusion of Ellie is the game's wildcard. In Uncharted, Sully, Elena and the rest of the gang could take care of themselves - essentially serving as bullet-spitting narrative foils for Nathan Drake. In The Last of Us, Naughty Dog takes this to the next logical level: Ellie needs to be nurtured and protected. While she helps out Joel to the best of her ability, she's far from an indestructible bullet sponge. This game is not a movie and you need to learn the difference,games like Halo use more recycle crap than this game,and i don't see any of you complain,Forza Really.? What is new 30 new cars and the same tracks with the same crap.?
lol, here we go again
gotta love the hipocrisy
yes, I'm sure Uncharted 4: The zombie edition will feel tottally different
[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="MBirdy88"]no 10 hour movie game is going to be close to my game of the century. no matter how movie like it is, you see the problem with that?MBirdy88I feel the a strong buthurt presence here.. So how much time have you spend playing TLOU to call it a movie.? aha... What you don't think you can get a general feel from a game? that is exactly what the demonstration was meant to do. and you can dispute that this mostly single player game won't envolve pretty much the same process throughout and then be shelved? And that for the most part it plays its self? walk through empty "tense" area, encounter typical zombies/humans that will act pretty much the same throughout, get tired of the "im so full of attitude" little girl and every post apocolyptic Father and son/daughter book out there, only not half as good because its a game and due to age restriction limits won't be anywhere near as close to effective. Press counter buttons, high around a corner at dull enemies that act nothing like humans despite TRYING to make them human "Oh look you are pointing a gun at me while holding an ally hostage, im now going to pop out from behind the sofa and look at you stupid even though you already shot bullets at me". Its just another uncharted being hyped up because its the new resident evil, oh sure, it good be good... probably will be. But GAME of the century/year because its movie like? graphic whoring little consolites. the irony. I prefer games myself. How many zombies on movies have you see begging for not been kill,how many zombies on movies actually shot you with guns.? WTF man arguments like this is what make your whole arguments null,you just hate the game because is not on 360 period... Yeah Halo lets Kill this Aliens FPS gameplay has never ever been done before is new and fresh just lie Gears to right.? Gears and Halo are fresh new games with everything new.. Funny thing is that you are claiming the complete opposite to what Digital Foundry is claiming lol..
[QUOTE="MBirdy88"][QUOTE="tormentos"] I feel the a strong buthurt presence here.. So how much time have you spend playing TLOU to call it a movie.? aha...tormentosWhat you don't think you can get a general feel from a game? that is exactly what the demonstration was meant to do. and you can dispute that this mostly single player game won't envolve pretty much the same process throughout and then be shelved? And that for the most part it plays its self? walk through empty "tense" area, encounter typical zombies/humans that will act pretty much the same throughout, get tired of the "im so full of attitude" little girl and every post apocolyptic Father and son/daughter book out there, only not half as good because its a game and due to age restriction limits won't be anywhere near as close to effective. Press counter buttons, high around a corner at dull enemies that act nothing like humans despite TRYING to make them human "Oh look you are pointing a gun at me while holding an ally hostage, im now going to pop out from behind the sofa and look at you stupid even though you already shot bullets at me". Its just another uncharted being hyped up because its the new resident evil, oh sure, it good be good... probably will be. But GAME of the century/year because its movie like? graphic whoring little consolites. the irony. I prefer games myself. How many zombies on movies have you see begging for not been kill,how many zombies on movies actually shot you with guns.? WTF man arguments like this is what make your whole arguments null,you just hate the game because is not on 360 period... Yeah Halo lets Kill this Aliens FPS gameplay has never ever been done before is new and fresh just lie Gears to right.? Gears and Halo are fresh new games with everything new.. Funny thing is that you are claiming the complete opposite to what Digital Foundry is claiming lol..
I am legend and all of it's remakes
also, I wasn't aware that if you put guns on zombies that would count as something fresh. but I'm guessing PS3 fans are shallow like that
lol, here we go againNo but have you see me claiming Uncharted is the most fresh new game ever made.? This games is not even close to be as exploited as Halo shot the aliens crap is,hell how many damn Halo games on 360 now.? Halo 3. Halo ODST Halo Reach Halo 4 (soon) Halo Wars Halo CE remake... Man go flame Halo for been a recycle FPS. When you can prove that TLOU is a movie come back i,m still waiting for that link.gotta love the hipocrisy
yes, I'm sure Uncharted 4: The zombie edition will feel tottally different
In the walkthrough video, we see protagonist Joel taking one route through the building, but it's clear to see that there are multiple entry points, suggesting different strategies for handling the Hunters. However, what is the most intriguing element about the game is the dynamic AI, where characters move, talk and act in a highly contextual manner. The inclusion of Ellie is the game's wildcard. In Uncharted, Sully, Elena and the rest of the gang could take care of themselves - essentially serving as bullet-spitting narrative foils for Nathan Drake. In The Last of Us, Naughty Dog takes this to the next logical level: Ellie needs to be nurtured and protected. While she helps out Joel to the best of her ability, she's far from an indestructible bullet sponge. This game is not a movie and you need to learn the difference,games like Halo use more recycle crap than this game,and i don't see any of you complain,Forza Really.? What is new 30 new cars and the same tracks with the same crap.?[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="MBirdy88"] Oh know you can climb through another windows or go around? WOW AMAZING in 2012. you can set people on fire and shoot them? or bandage ... or or .... oh wait. nothing you have said is new or interesting. especially in a singleplayer A.I enviroment where they are too stupid to see if your hiding behind a kitchen cabinet right next to the door they are about to walk through. You catch a player doing that in Day Z? no, because the zombie survival horror is going beyond this resident evil limitation.rilpas
lol, here we go again
gotta love the hipocrisy
yes, I'm sure Uncharted 4: The zombie edition will feel tottally different
[QUOTE="rilpas"]lol, here we go againNo but have you see me claiming Uncharted is the most fresh new game ever made.? This games is not even close to be as exploited as Halo shot the aliens crap is,hell how many damn Halo games on 360 now.? Halo 3. Halo ODST Halo Reach Halo 4 (soon) Halo Wars Halo CE remake... Man go flame Halo for been a recycle FPS. When you can prove that TLOU is a movie come back i,m still waiting for that link.gotta love the hipocrisy
yes, I'm sure Uncharted 4: The zombie edition will feel tottally different
I will, Halo is tired franchised you'll never hear me state otherwise, Halo: ODST, Halo Reach and Halo Anniversary should have been better games
Halo Wars was a hidden gem of game though
I also never claimed TLOU is a movie
I am legend and all of it's remakesWTF i have i am legend dude,the infected in the movie are violent,the only show of intelligence was when the big one actually device a trap to capture the main character,they did not shoot a gun,they did not beg for life,and in the end they got blow because the big one who showed to be intelligent,actually could not control his rage,he did not ask for mercy,all he did was growl and trow him self repeatably toward the glass doors.. And that was one of the few,most movies having zombies have dumb zombies,that can shot,scavenge for useful things,or beg for mercy,hell 28 day latter the same,all were rabid humans full of rage..also, I wasn't aware that if you put guns on zombies that would count as something fresh. but I'm guessing PS3 fans are shallow like that
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