Sorry cows, there will be no domination
Recently, well known industry analyst Michael Pachter stated that PlayStation 4 will continue its lead over Xbox One in 2015 all thanks to "Phenomenal Exclusive Line-Up" and Microsoft will announce another (second) price cut for Xbox One (considering the fact that Xbox One will start selling at $399 price point after Jan 2). There is another analyst (Independent) who thinks this is not going to be the case, and he is "Billy Pidgeon".
In a recent interview to GameIndustryBiz, Billy Pidgeon stated that Sony will not maintain PlayStation 4's out of the gate lead this console cycle. In 2015, Xbox One's installed will be equal to PlayStation 4's and in the long run, both consoles will be evenly matched, neither Sony nor Microsoft will dominate.
Here are the exact words of Billy Pidgeon on PS4 vs Xbox One Battle In 2015:
"Xbox One hardware is indeed selling stronger at the end of 2014, and this should continue into 2015. This is not because Sony is slipping, but because Microsoft is catching up.
As hardware prices drop and exclusives and franchises begin to cluster on Xbox One, an ever-larger group of gamers is upgrading from Xbox 360. I don't think that Xbox One penetration will pull out far ahead of PS4, but rather that the two consoles should be evenly matched throughout the cycle.
Also, a larger percentage of gamer households currently own both Sony and Microsoft eighth generation consoles, and this trend is likely to continue this cycle."
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