3 minutes of trailer gameplay doesn't do much to inspire confidence in me. I know the game "exists" but it might as well not since I don't feel like we've seen anything worth getting excited about in 5 years.
Being an exciting game to look forward to is an entirely different matter from whether it "exists" or not.
I don't view them as different. If in 5 years the footage they put out is insignificant and there is no sign that we'll be getting anything significant anytime soon. Does a game like that really "exist"? Not really, its there but its not. I don't know if you understand the point I'm making.
It hasn't been in development for 5 years, that's why. They announced it far before they could even start working on it.
I understand that you're trying to tell me that if you announce a game and then finally start working on it 4 years later, it doesn't exist regardless of whether or not it exists or not.
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