@nyadc: How dare you
What did I do?
You can get XB1 for a little over $200 with the 360 trade in promo. If MS didn't squeak out a win with that promotion they would be fucked.
Totally forgot about that... doesn't surprise me one bit. American wages haven't really gone up in years, and many people don't care about last gen anymore. (which is sad, it';s good to keep your old systems and games)
Well... Bloodborne sure had a short run didn't it? You know this had to sting cows a bit. Their savior game BB turns out to be completely irrelevant, with Sony losing npd the following month.
Sony may win next month, or it may not. It's going to be a close race all year long either way. Until Christmas that is... then XB1 should dominate the last 2-3 months.
So are people taking notice of the lack of upcoming PS4 exclusives? Or did Xbone just have a good month?
That's different from NPD figures, Sony on the other hand tries to save face by saying that PS4+PS3+PSV > Xbox 360+Xbox One in America
It's not that surprising. The Xbone costs less and is basically the same thing as the PS4. The only surprise is that it's taken this long, really.
how is it not surprising everyday ppl are hearing bad things about xbone they all about the e3 disaster and the people social media bad mouthing it in comments everwyehre
how is it not a surprise the console is trash no games have come out for it microsoft hasn't funded anything cept scream ride and project psark two things i never even heard of before in my life
so yes it is surprise atleast me to me
when halo mcc came out i bought it why the hell would someone buy it in april thor ight now when ps4 just dropped 2 epic masterpieces? it outsold ps4 in usa doesn't make sense and is actual a huge surprise 50 dollars cheaper isn't that big a deal iits been 50 dollars cheaper for months why this month ppl were like yeah that 50 dollars matters doesn't make any sense
That's surprising that Xbox won this month. I thought BloodBorne would drive sales for the PS4 at least until after E3 and then we would see how is really going to deliver for the rest of the year and this holiday. I guess the lack of games in the near future for the PS4 and BB being a niche game that not everyone can get into is now catching up to Sony. Fact is for the remaining part of this year, MS has more triple A exclusive. They constantly are updating and upgrading the X1 and with the new windows getting added to it soon, that's catching peoples eye and they just giving out more with the Halo MCC bundle. Sony has to have a great E3 to make people feel confident about the PS4 for the rest of this year.
That's surprising that Xbox won this month. I thought BloodBorne would drive sales for the PS4 at least until after E3 and then we would see how is really going to deliver for the rest of the year and this holiday. I guess the lack of games in the near future for the PS4 and BB being a niche game that not everyone can get into is now catching up to Sony. Fact is for the remaining part of this year, MS has more triple A exclusive. They constantly are updating and upgrading the X1 and with the new windows getting added to it soon, that's catching peoples eye and they just giving out more with the Halo MCC bundle. Sony has to have a great E3 to make people feel confident about the PS4 for the rest of this year.
bborne isn't even that niche it reminds me of an epic psx game or an epic rpg on nes /snes how is that niche? Was ocarnia of time niche or symphony of the night niche? is megaman x niche? are fun games niche? wtf do you even mean dude seriously? its not niche its an rpg with bosses and you kill them and level up. if thats niche every video game in the entire universe is niche basically is what your telling me.
its just not niche bro it sold a million and that is better than a lot of big hits that come out today thats just a fact.
and uh constantly updating? the UI looks the very much like when I first got it same
blobs of boxes covering up my wallpaper...check
services limited / apps limited / xbl down every other weekend....check
getting kicked out of group cheat...check
no voice chat messages...check
can't cycle through menus / achievements / apps as fast as ps4 and lags when doing 2 things at once....CHECK
will keep asking you to login if your not online or if XBL is down getting kicked out of single player games if XBL is down again ....check
this system can't run single player games as well as ps4 big shot it can't do it it tried to be always online and it doesn't know what it is the system doesn't know that it shouldn't be offline to play these games the updates aren't working
microsoft SHOULD beat ps4 when halo 5 comes out but for the month of april with stuff like mlb the show an baseball an stuff no it shouldn't win this month its outrageous that it did
Well... Bloodborne sure had a short run didn't it? You know this had to sting cows a bit. Their savior game BB turns out to be completely irrelevant, with Sony losing npd the following month.
Sony may win next month, or it may not. It's going to be a close race all year long either way. Until Christmas that is... then XB1 should dominate the last 2-3 months.
BB came last month and produced a 100k gap between both consoles sale wise even that the damn xbox one is $50 cheaper...hahahaha
Savior game.? ahahahaha
Needing a Savior implies that something need to be save,the PS4 is ahead world wide by like 10 million the only one in need of a savior is the xbox one..lol
So are people taking notice of the lack of upcoming PS4 exclusives? Or did Xbone just have a good month?
That is funny the xbox one doesn't have anything since January 1 to October probably,unless you want to pretend the roller coaster game is a AAA game or multiplatforms.
It probably because of the spike the PS4 had on March.
Now on amazon is back on top of the xbox one again this month.
Dat bloodborne
Anyone ever notice that ps4 exclusives last 1 month on the charts the drop into the abyss??
Like i said its a $5 bargain bin game along with the order. Enjoy
Point to me the xbox one exclusives charting this year so far...mmmmm mmmmm mmmm Hahahaaa
Even Halo MMC charted at 10 and then didn't chart next month,Sunset over drive didn't chart hahaha Forza Horizon2 didn't chart...hahahahaa At least PS4 games chart and drop fast several xbox one games didn't even chart..hahahahaa
I guess lemming see only what they want to see..lol
Less than a month man.
Where is Forza Horizon 2 which isn't a niche game.? oops din't chart on September because well it came in September 30 yeah that most be it..lol
Oh what is that didn't chart on October either.? How can that be lemmings claim Forza is the best racing series..lol
Oh wait on that same October Sunset over drive didn't chart,oh maybe it was the same just release at the end of October..lol
No sh*t damn Sunset Over Drive didn't chart on November either and Halo MCC charted by a hair even that nothing more on xbox one and not on PS4 or PC was on that November NPD.
But that is nothing because i know Halo MCC charted on December i am super sure since XBO exclusives are for the long run right.?
Oh damn i was wrong Halo MCC didn't chart on December..
Now let compare that incredible performance of the xbox one games vs March for the PS4.
What Bloodborn at Number 2 when MLB is also at number 6 and sold best on PS4.?
You know MLB also charted on April and on spot 4 so it reach a higher spot than on March and again sold better on PS4.
Using 187K for XB1
PS4 = 174.73K
Wii U = 42.89K
The numbers I posted were correct, it seems. A win for xbone, but a really pitiful one haha.
Wow 13K was the difference.? Damn that is not worth even notice and MS celebrate like they won by 2 millions...lol
That's surprising that Xbox won this month. I thought BloodBorne would drive sales for the PS4 at least until after E3 and then we would see how is really going to deliver for the rest of the year and this holiday. I guess the lack of games in the near future for the PS4 and BB being a niche game that not everyone can get into is now catching up to Sony. Fact is for the remaining part of this year, MS has more triple A exclusive. They constantly are updating and upgrading the X1 and with the new windows getting added to it soon, that's catching peoples eye and they just giving out more with the Halo MCC bundle. Sony has to have a great E3 to make people feel confident about the PS4 for the rest of this year.
WTF this is totally unreal an fu** up name 1 game on xbox one that drive the xbox one sales for 3 months or more.?
So a niche game like BB was suppose to drive sales until after E3.? Not even Halo MCC did that for the xbox one,in fact the xbox one outsold the PS4 last holiday because MS was basically giving the unit away with tons of freebies and gift cards.
Oh please dude it is back to losing on Amazon already,it sold better because the PS4 on march had a gap of 100k,so sales slowed a bit,not because of Halo MCC.
TLOU bundle is beating Halo MCC one quite easy this month.
The lack of games in the near future.?
WTF am i living in a parallel universe where the xbox one has something to play.? Because i am sure you are,what does the xbox one has in the near future and please don't say Halo 5 or Forza those games come out in October or November,the xbox one has nothing since January one but an indie game call Ori and a roller coaster game no one cared about the rest is multiplatform crap hell even Ori was multi.
So what does the xbox one has on the near future.
That's surprising that Xbox won this month. I thought BloodBorne would drive sales for the PS4 at least until after E3 and then we would see how is really going to deliver for the rest of the year and this holiday. I guess the lack of games in the near future for the PS4 and BB being a niche game that not everyone can get into is now catching up to Sony. Fact is for the remaining part of this year, MS has more triple A exclusive. They constantly are updating and upgrading the X1 and with the new windows getting added to it soon, that's catching peoples eye and they just giving out more with the Halo MCC bundle. Sony has to have a great E3 to make people feel confident about the PS4 for the rest of this year.
bborne isn't even that niche it reminds me of an epic psx game or an epic rpg on nes /snes how is that niche? Was ocarnia of time niche or symphony of the night niche? is megaman x niche? are fun games niche? wtf do you even mean dude seriously? its not niche its an rpg with bosses and you kill them and level up. if thats niche every video game in the entire universe is niche basically is what your telling me.
its just not niche bro it sold a million and that is better than a lot of big hits that come out today thats just a fact.
and uh constantly updating? the UI looks the very much like when I first got it same
blobs of boxes covering up my wallpaper...check
services limited / apps limited / xbl down every other weekend....check
getting kicked out of group cheat...check
no voice chat messages...check
can't cycle through menus / achievements / apps as fast as ps4 and lags when doing 2 things at once....CHECK
will keep asking you to login if your not online or if XBL is down getting kicked out of single player games if XBL is down again ....check
this system can't run single player games as well as ps4 big shot it can't do it it tried to be always online and it doesn't know what it is the system doesn't know that it shouldn't be offline to play these games the updates aren't working
microsoft SHOULD beat ps4 when halo 5 comes out but for the month of april with stuff like mlb the show an baseball an stuff no it shouldn't win this month its outrageous that it did
It shouldn't win but it did win so whats your point? Plus, you're like the biggest flip flipping troll on this board so your opinion really doesn't hold much weight with anyone. You talk crap about the X1, you talk crap about the PS4, all you do is talk crap with your non making sense sentences. You in here talking crap about MS and the X1 but your gif is Halo saying, "gtfo cows" lol. Just stop all the trolling.
lol you about to blow a top over there I see. My comment wasn't about any game driving sales for the X1 but some did drive them to be number 1 last month. Whether it was Halo or the fact that for the rest of the year they have a better lineup, who knows but like I said, I'm surprised they won last month. Bloodborne seemed to just completely fall off the map as it wasn't even in the top 10 in NPD. Like a lot of us was saying, it's a great game but it's a niche game and those types of games have a short shelf life. It's not for everybody and thus it didn't sell well after the initial wave of first buyers, plain and simple.
A lot of salt in here from cows and their wounded egos.
Bu, but Bloodborne the system seller!!!
Don't worry E3 will have a ton of quality games so Sony can bounce back. Lulz.
Bloodborne sales are odd, must be selling better across the EU and Japan than the US given they seemed really happy with the sales. I get the feeling these more niche titles do better in the EU than US that's more shooter centric.
Next couple of months will be interesting:
- Will MS be happy eating into revenue with the bundles, price reductions and offers to keep on par with the PS4?
- Sony are still sitting on a price drop, how long until they hit the button and go nuclear?
- Do they even care if MS take the US if they're more revenue and walking the rest of the world?
I'm guessing the price cut won't be down to any of these sales battles as much as SW thinks they will be, the PS4 is doing well enough that they'll make the decision off their own sales and how much a drop stands them to gain financially i reckon.
@OhSnapitz: Kind of like Sony did all last gen with the PS3?
That's surprising that Xbox won this month. I thought BloodBorne would drive sales for the PS4 at least until after E3 and then we would see how is really going to deliver for the rest of the year and this holiday. I guess the lack of games in the near future for the PS4 and BB being a niche game that not everyone can get into is now catching up to Sony. Fact is for the remaining part of this year, MS has more triple A exclusive. They constantly are updating and upgrading the X1 and with the new windows getting added to it soon, that's catching peoples eye and they just giving out more with the Halo MCC bundle. Sony has to have a great E3 to make people feel confident about the PS4 for the rest of this year.
bborne isn't even that niche it reminds me of an epic psx game or an epic rpg on nes /snes how is that niche? Was ocarnia of time niche or symphony of the night niche? is megaman x niche? are fun games niche? wtf do you even mean dude seriously? its not niche its an rpg with bosses and you kill them and level up. if thats niche every video game in the entire universe is niche basically is what your telling me.
its just not niche bro it sold a million and that is better than a lot of big hits that come out today thats just a fact.
and uh constantly updating? the UI looks the very much like when I first got it same
blobs of boxes covering up my wallpaper...check
services limited / apps limited / xbl down every other weekend....check
getting kicked out of group cheat...check
no voice chat messages...check
can't cycle through menus / achievements / apps as fast as ps4 and lags when doing 2 things at once....CHECK
will keep asking you to login if your not online or if XBL is down getting kicked out of single player games if XBL is down again ....check
this system can't run single player games as well as ps4 big shot it can't do it it tried to be always online and it doesn't know what it is the system doesn't know that it shouldn't be offline to play these games the updates aren't working
microsoft SHOULD beat ps4 when halo 5 comes out but for the month of april with stuff like mlb the show an baseball an stuff no it shouldn't win this month its outrageous that it did
services limited / apps limited / xbl down every other weekend....checkI have no idea what this means.
getting kicked out of group cheat...checkI have had an XB1 since launch, this has happened with such rarity, I cannpt remember the last time it did.
no voice chat messages...check The next system update has this, so why bitch?
can't cycle through menus / achievements / apps as fast as ps4 and lags when doing 2 things at once....CHECKI beg to differ.
will keep asking you to login if your not online or if XBL is down getting kicked out of single player games if XBL is down again ....check No it doesn't. Just sign in w/o going online.
Sorry, Protoss, but I do believe you are full of shit.
It's not that surprising. The Xbone costs less and is basically the same thing as the PS4. The only surprise is that it's taken this long, really.
how is it not surprising everyday ppl are hearing bad things about xbone they all about the e3 disaster and the people social media bad mouthing it in comments everwyehre
how is it not a surprise the console is trash no games have come out for it microsoft hasn't funded anything cept scream ride and project psark two things i never even heard of before in my life
so yes it is surprise atleast me to me
when halo mcc came out i bought it why the hell would someone buy it in april thor ight now when ps4 just dropped 2 epic masterpieces? it outsold ps4 in usa doesn't make sense and is actual a huge surprise 50 dollars cheaper isn't that big a deal iits been 50 dollars cheaper for months why this month ppl were like yeah that 50 dollars matters doesn't make any sense
The Xbone costs $50 less and has the same games as the PS4. The only thing setting the PS4 apart is Bloodborne, and it's pretty clear that most gamers just don't like From's games. Who can blame them, either? The only game of theirs that I've played (Demon's Souls) was mediocre at best, just plain awful at worst.
With the trade in deal Xbone was over $200 cheaper then PS4 and still only won by 3%?
That's Pretty rough.
With the trade in deal Xbone was over $200 cheaper then PS4 and still only won by 3%?
That's Pretty rough.
No, you should rethink that logic.
@OhSnapitz: Kind of like Sony did all last gen with the PS3?
That's surprising that Xbox won this month. I thought BloodBorne would drive sales for the PS4 at least until after E3 and then we would see how is really going to deliver for the rest of the year and this holiday. I guess the lack of games in the near future for the PS4 and BB being a niche game that not everyone can get into is now catching up to Sony. Fact is for the remaining part of this year, MS has more triple A exclusive. They constantly are updating and upgrading the X1 and with the new windows getting added to it soon, that's catching peoples eye and they just giving out more with the Halo MCC bundle. Sony has to have a great E3 to make people feel confident about the PS4 for the rest of this year.
bborne isn't even that niche it reminds me of an epic psx game or an epic rpg on nes /snes how is that niche? Was ocarnia of time niche or symphony of the night niche? is megaman x niche? are fun games niche? wtf do you even mean dude seriously? its not niche its an rpg with bosses and you kill them and level up. if thats niche every video game in the entire universe is niche basically is what your telling me.
its just not niche bro it sold a million and that is better than a lot of big hits that come out today thats just a fact.
and uh constantly updating? the UI looks the very much like when I first got it same
blobs of boxes covering up my wallpaper...check
services limited / apps limited / xbl down every other weekend....check
getting kicked out of group cheat...check
no voice chat messages...check
can't cycle through menus / achievements / apps as fast as ps4 and lags when doing 2 things at once....CHECK
will keep asking you to login if your not online or if XBL is down getting kicked out of single player games if XBL is down again ....check
this system can't run single player games as well as ps4 big shot it can't do it it tried to be always online and it doesn't know what it is the system doesn't know that it shouldn't be offline to play these games the updates aren't working
microsoft SHOULD beat ps4 when halo 5 comes out but for the month of april with stuff like mlb the show an baseball an stuff no it shouldn't win this month its outrageous that it did
services limited / apps limited / xbl down every other weekend....checkI have no idea what this means.
getting kicked out of group cheat...checkI have had an XB1 since launch, this has happened with such rarity, I cannpt remember the last time it did.
no voice chat messages...check The next system update has this, so why bitch?
can't cycle through menus / achievements / apps as fast as ps4 and lags when doing 2 things at once....CHECKI beg to differ.
will keep asking you to login if your not online or if XBL is down getting kicked out of single player games if XBL is down again ....check No it doesn't. Just sign in w/o going online.
Sorry, Protoss, but I do believe you are full of shit.
Yeah I wasn't even going to go down the list of bullshit he put, like I said, dude just trolls.
what did X1 have to deserve it this month?
Halo.MCC full month.
Funny how cows are hardcore gamers now lol....what makes you hardcore? BB? haha
Well we can thank SONY for at least not dropping core like MS did in 2009 to pursue the WIi's pot of gold with Kinect(lol) and go upwards of 66% casual.
Which is a made up percentage and it wasn't even over 45%.
Why. How. Hello?
Halo MCC
Seeing many X1 fanboys caring once again about sales !!
Nope, just laughing with the cows that do care about sales
Also I like the contradicitng logic by some users in this thread. 13k for the next 5 months is 78k. If Xbox Won that mich or over till Novemeber, it adds up the gap would be In the 500's area.
One thing I will say is that the current gap being at 680ish, unless Batmans does insane numbers beyond repair like Destiny (which it won't June is one of the slowest, months, E3, will be happening, and the games on 3 systems) It is unlikely PS4 will reach the gap of last year.
A lot of salt in here from cows and their wounded egos.
Bu, but Bloodborne the system seller!!!
Don't worry E3 will have a ton of quality games so Sony can bounce back. Lulz.
March NPD show a 100k gap so mission accomplish...lol
@OhSnapitz: Kind of like Sony did all last gen with the PS3?
And lemming flamed sony for it no say shit for MS.
So the only way Xbox sells well is if it has a free game bundled with it? Man MS has screwed this gen up for themselves. I mean great for people interested, but that can't be good for MS's wallet.
Seeing many X1 fanboys caring once again about sales !!
Nope, just laughing with the cows that do care about sales
I think all factions of fanboys care about sales, in particular during those months when there aren't many games being released on which we can discuss..
what did X1 have to deserve it this month?
Halo.MCC full month.
Funny how cows are hardcore gamers now lol....what makes you hardcore? BB? haha
Well we can thank SONY for at least not dropping core like MS did in 2009 to pursue the WIi's pot of gold with Kinect(lol) and go upwards of 66% casual.
Which is a made up percentage and it wasn't even over 45%.
Why. How. Hello?
Halo MCC
At the time it certainly was. Look at 2010 exclusives after MS dropped core in 2009 with Kinect(lol).
Well... Bloodborne sure had a short run didn't it? You know this had to sting cows a bit. Their savior game BB turns out to be completely irrelevant, with Sony losing npd the following month.
Sony may win next month, or it may not. It's going to be a close race all year long either way. Until Christmas that is... then XB1 should dominate the last 2-3 months.
Whoah, there Sparky. Ya'll won by roughly 12k units and now want to talk crazy shit.
Want to tell the class what the sales in March were? The only thing stinging here is ya'll. Let's not get it twisted. One week in Japan made up for the spread in April NPD and that's how it is.
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