Great games for their genres....definitely at the top of the heap with others from Rare, Nintendo, ND, Guerilla, etc.... but no more worthy of those scores than Jak & Daxter, Ratchet or Horizon: ZD imo.
My daughters have Mario Odyssey on their Switch & I had a bit of a go, it was fun, but really felt like I'd done it before & better on N64, for that time.
I've never been a Zelda fan, but saw enough footage to know it is a high quality piece of software & what can be expected from Nintendo... their developers have a great knack for using art styles that complement weak hardware & they do it brilliantly. But, just not my thing anymore.
As I found out after buying a Wii-U for myself & 1 for the kids, I just think I outgrew Nintendo's IP's, & they did not progress in ways that suit my gaming tastes. I haven't always wanted to see what Myimoto could do with a more mature themed game, but for whatever reason, that has not allowed to be. So Sony & to a lesser degree MS became better alternatives for me (although Zenimax may change that MS lesser degree thang).
Nintendo will always have a place in the biz, as they just do what they do, and younger & old/nostalgia driven gamer's love it. Nothing wrong with that obviously. as Switch is still flying off store shelves, & it was a very smart tactic for Nintendo to go with a faaaar weaker console, but using the brilliant counter punch of offering a machine that is both portable & dockable as a tv unit.
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